Half six Jessy locked the door to the apartment, "I must find the Larson building, he had completely forgotten to leave money for me to travel but he already did so much for me, yet I keep asking for more."

Wanting so much not to disappoint him Jessy prayed. "Lord, bless me today with Your favor and thank You for touching Sir's heart for being kind to me by offering me sleeping accommodation and now a job. Let the learning process be easy and I could be flexible to fit into whatever position is available without complaining or making a fuss. Please, Lord, I ask You to bless him and his family, bless his business, because he is being a blessing to Your child. Lord Jesus, I ask for Your protection and guidance, and use me to be a blessing, in Your holy name I ask, amen."

Hurrying along on the pavement suddenly this vehicle stops beside her on the roadway. Seeing the gentleman send down the glass, "Good morning, my dear, Would you like a drop to your destination?"

"No thanks, I will walk." Jessy continues to walk ignoring him as he drives slowly beside her.

Admiring her as she takes swift strides, thinking 'It is the first time someone has rejected his offer to take a lift.' Smiling, feeling this zest to continue pursuing her, "Where are you going?"

Jessy felt irritated with his pestering, as she mumbled along hurriedly, "Oh God, why is it some people don't take no for an answer."

She then stops abruptly and smiles saying, "My friend, I am taking an early morning walk but since you asked so nicely, a friend told me to meet him at the Larson building."

The young man smiles as his milk-white teeth sparkle, he is well-dressed and looks handsome with a smile plastered on his face.

"Come on and take a ride you are wearing heels and I am going that way, also how can you meet your friend all sweaty?"

Jessy knew he was right, it was her first day and she didn't want to be late and a disappointment to Sir.

Considering his words Jessy said, "I am thankful for your offer but I don't want to be a problem."

When he chuckles, refusing to accept no for an answer he says sweetly, "And why would you be a problem when I am going in the same direction?"

Jessy wasn't afraid of his charm she knew she was more than capable of taking care of herself, "Sir, people are afraid to take me in their vehicle."

Wondering what she meant by that, she was so beautiful and she seemed to have this pleasant aura and appearance. His intention forces him to see her beauty, knowing she seems to be an easy target.

Although she has no make-up on she has a smooth clear face, and she has this glow that draws attention. She will be the perfect client for Mr. Granger, he likes natural beauty and I will get a fat cheque.