Lystra seized the opportunity to respond to Boss first before Miss Albert did.

"Yes, here you go, and Sir, the architecture you spoke to will be coming later today."

Observing the smile on his face and how it lit up in satisfaction, making him so handsome, just took her breath away. She felt pleased waiting to hear his comment.

When he responded, "Very good," looking at Jessy standing next to him, thinking, 'It couldn't have happened at a better time.'

"Miss John, will you train this young lady for me to be an efficient Secretary?" Immediately all smiles and. courtesy disappear from her face, while frustration and disgust are replaced.

Lystra was stunned that he should have asked such a despicable thing.

Cursing in her heart, she knew for sure this young lady was after her job. Wondering, 'Why can't Boss see that? Is he so obsessed and blinded by her appearance that he cannot see further than his nose? Looked her up and down once more, unable to figure out what had attracted his eyes. She was not so beautiful? She is so plain and ordinary. Not once have I ever considered this was the type of person that could attract his attention.

Brent slanted a glance at Miss John, observing the frown. He had heard beforehand how abusive she could be with the other secretaries. But in front of him, Miss John carries about herself with such decency. However, I was never in the spot to see it firsthand. I had even viewed the surveillance footage and was disgusted by her attitude and behavior. But in front of me, she speaks politely and respectfully. Ignores her behavior because she is very competent with her duties and reliable. This was the first time she misbehaved in front of me within her two years as my secretary. '

Concluding in his mind that she restrains herself in front of him, but he will not tolerate any abusiveness towards Jessy. As he glanced around he observed all eyes on them, decided not to rep and her in front of everyone he held a still tongue.

Noticing how her forehead frowned with wrinkles, Brent immediately didn't want to put Jessy through any heartache before she left and he would miss out on his only chance.

Looking at Jessy he had an unexplainable joy, he chuckled when the idea clicked, and immediately said, "Coffee machine, oh I know, you have my workers happy, with their tea and coffee?"

Noticing the nod and the big smile, Brent considered Miss John's behavior and concluded in his heart as he made his decision, '

There seems to be a coldness between the both of them but Jessy is so easygoing. "Okay, from today onwards Miss Albert will be the new staff attendant. I am giving Miss Albert the responsibility to take care of my guests and clients. See that they have some light refreshment and are made comfortable while they wait to be attended on."

"Yes Sir?" Jessy replies with a bright and happy smile.

Brent could hear the happiness in her response.

Lystra on the other hand was blue with rage, knowing her foolishness had closed the door on her face. She will have no access and freedom to enter his office freely and she will lose face.

She pondered for a few seconds that the opportunity she had always seized in the past to take him coffee or juice just to see his handsome face was completely shattered and snatched away by herself because of her ignorance and patience-less behavior. Becoming exasperated she question herself, 'How could I be so stupid? I could have just said yes and ignored the fool flirting. Now I will only get to enter his office when he calls me, or when I finish with the documents that he requested.

Anger boils from deep within, 'When I thought I was getting rid of her, I pushed her closer to him.'

She clenched her fist so tightly that her knuckles crackled, and turned white.

Lystra could even feel her fingernails piercing the palm of her hand bringing about pain in her flesh, but the pain in her heart was even worse causing her to become more frustrated and depressed. Thinking, ' I must do something quickly.

This girl has no shame and now she is blocking anyone from entering his office. The others will laugh at me to scorn. I will certainly lose face.