Jessy twitches her nose in disgust, disliking her immediately, she seems to have a serious attitude problem and a prideful look as she responds, "Please, don't ask me to spoil the taste in my mouth."

Jessy continues to look at her indirectly from the corner of her eyes.

Listening to her speak to the gentleman who is her husband, she seems a bit arrogant and controlling. 'How could a loving and caring person deal with such a person on a daily basis.'

Hearing the gentleman speaking so lovingly to her, "Oh, it won't, I promise you, honey, my dear, can you get my wife a piece of currence-roll and a glass of juice please?"

Afraid to make any remarks Jessy placed a tea plate before her hearing the gentleman saying to her, "Now my darling give it to me, I will eat your share."

Observing her placing a glass of juice in front of each person as they sit down, except for the head chair which was vacant.

When the woman said in a haughty manner, "Why does he always have to be late?" Jessy could hear the irony in her words, not looking at her, thinking, 'Dear God, how could a kindhearted man end up with a hot-tempered woman like her?'

Turning when she heard the person replies to the woman, "I am not late Mom and are you having a party that I am unaware of?"

Seeing each person with a snack and juice, "Where is mine, I miss breakfast and I am starving?"

"Then you can have two portions, Sir." Brent and Florence both look at her at once, Florence becomes concerned as she thought, 'Who is this young lady and when did Junior hire her? Is she going to ruin my plan?'

Looking at Junior face Florence notices the bright smile, 'Dear God, why is there a glow on his face, I have never seen his face so happy before. All the secretaries and the young ladies I brought to meet him never made such an impression.'

Glancing at Brent only to see the same reaction as Junior. 'What is going on, was this young lady hired by Brent?'

Disliking her immediately knowing she will foul up her plan, but the happy smile on her son's face holds back her anger and aggrieved words.

Turning towards the voice, seeing her walking towards him with a smile on her face, looking at the others also smiling, when Dad said, "My dear, wherever you bought this currence-roll from, tomorrow I want you to make an extra order for me."

"Dad, you know the sweets are not good for you," noticing Jessy nodded, when his Dad respond,

"That's my girl." Jessy was overjoyed from deep within, knowing this person is Sir's dad and she wants to please him the most. I am sure he is very proud to have a son so kindhearted.'

Brent couldn't help observing the way his dad looked at her, 'In his heart, he knew immediately that his Dad liked her a lot,'