Brent smiled and said, "I can't see how's that possible, but thanks" Stretching out his hands he take hers' in his, "I am Brent Junior nice to meet you"

Feeling she was over the moon she hurriedly said, "Hello Brent Junior, I am Rosanna Kent."

Brent knew immediately this was his mother's plan, deciding to go along with the flow and see where it will lead. "Allow me to refill your drink."

Brent silently speaks to himself as he looks at the young lady, "She is extremely beautiful, of all the young ladies mom introduced me to. She is the first I have taken a liking to. Her similarity to Johanna has caught my eye."

Thinking about it long and hard, 'Has Mom done a background check to know my likes and dislikes? From what I could see her beauty is enchanting, maybe if I didn't kiss Jessy, she might have stolen my heart. She has everything going for her, maybe I could test the waters, one kiss won't make a difference."

Taking the glass to her only to hear his Mom saying, "Pour a glass for your Dad and me Junior."

Wondering 'Why on earth did they have to come now? but never mind the evening is young. I am definitely sure another opportunity will come before we part ways.'

Giving them each a glass, Brent said, "Let me check in the kitchen and see what snack it has. And mom where is Jeffery, since I return I haven't seen him?"

"Junior, never mind about Jeffery, also, we are all out of snacks. My main concern right now is, I need you to order some pastries for tomorrow afternoon. Your father can't stop praising that currence-roll. Also, we have decided to make our first move so we will be having a few friends over that owe us some favours. Oh, and another thing you will need to be here. And Junior I will need you to inform that young lady from the Office to assist with the serving of the refreshment, she seems to be very pleasant."

"Mom if you wanted to do this, why didn't you call me earlier in the day I would have ask her to place the order and also informed her before she leaves the office. Now I will have to go and visit her at her home.

"Son, will you relax, your father and I only finalized this gathering about fifteen minutes ago, right before we arrive home."

Looking at his parents, Brent knew he had no plan of seeing Jessy but this is a good opportunity to visit her, 'I only hope she won't be angry.'

Smiling in his heart as he felt this happiness to see her face. When he recollected that she wouldn't be home he didn't mind. 'I will just have to wait for her, that's all and I won't have to make any excuse.'

Seizing the opportunity he responded in haste, "Okay, what do you need, tell me and I will ask Miss Albert to place the order?"