Becoming happy Lystra thought, 'It had been almost three weeks since she had been behaving coldly with Boss, and I got the opportunity on many occasions to serve him his lunch. I know something seemed to be eating him up from inside. He was so happy when she started working but something was amiss now. There has been a drastic change from then to now."

Lystra rejoiced as she replied to his question. "Maybe she is sleeping in some corner, who knows where she is?"

  Without looking back or waiting for his response Lystra walked out of the staff room. Snaring in her heart, she muttered, "God, how I hate to hear her name it makes me so furious."

In the staff room,  Brent is more concerned about Jessy's well-being and asks, "Miss Sylvia, where is Miss Albert, I know she confides in you when she has her errands to complete?"  Deciding as he waits for Miss Sylvia's reply knowing she gets along well with Jessy.

At that moment Brent considered Lystra's behaviour especially the way Miss John had stormed out of the staff room. I have given her too much leverage and she seems to have forgotten her place. I must deal with her insolence behavior early before she thinks she can control my office and the other staff. 

He heard Miss Sylvia's response, "Boss, she was not feeling well, and she left work, but she had asked me to get you your lunch and asked me to inform you of her absence."

He took the tray from Sylvia with some concern when he heard the others  responding, "I hope she feels better by tomorrow, I miss her already." 

Brent was sitting in his office quietly as memories bombarded his mind as if it were only yesterday.  'What had happened that Sunday afternoon had separated the both of us and now she has taken what mom said to heart.  I had visited the apartment often after the incident but she seemed to be avoiding me. I even visited her earlier this morning to ensure she was not still crying but she wasn't there.' 

Holding his head he felt like a headache coming, 'Could it be she was jealous and hurt when she saw Rosanna clinging on to my hand? I know I didn't say anything to Rosanna especially when she spoke to her so hoggishly, when she asked her twice to leave and go clean the kitchen that afternoon. I know she is not a servant but Mom had requested her to work and serve the guest which she was doing so perfectly. I was happy she could be there to hear the plans and make an input, but who would have thought things would have ended up like this?' 

Becoming frustrated by the minute just thinking about Jessy, she had not spoken to me since then. She put my breakfast each day before I reached the office and avoided me during working hours.

Lifting his head when he heard the tapping on his desk only to see Miss Sylvia standing and looking at him in deep concern, "Sir, are you alright?"

"I am okay, but I was thinking, has Miss Albert been unwell long?" 

"No, Sir, she just came in this morning sneezing and coughing, and around her eyes had some dark circles as though she wasn't sleeping well." Sylvia wanted to ask if they had a misunderstanding but she held back, Miss Albert hadn't confided anything about her personal life.

Ignoring any eye contact Brent asks, "Did she say if she was going to visit the doctor?"

Sylvia heard the concern in his voice, "Sir, she didn't say and I didn't want to pry but I could give her a call if that is okay and let you know." 

"Thanks!" Being alone once more Brent thought, "Oh God, she is so stubborn, she had insisted on saying what was the purpose of the home and she was right, her vision was fantastic but Mom was fuming with rage. Dad on the other hand had given her a fair hearing."

"I didn't want to say anything because she might have said something exposing the both of us."

Considering all that occurred during those few hours and her continuous pleading to Dad, that the home is not for one or two days but is to help them get a good footing on the ground and a fresh start in life. I could not bear to hear the way she was crying and pleading for those homeless."