Observing the woman in her short skirt standing by her car, with the bunnet up he pops the horn and drives into the entrance. Brent smiles knowing before the night is over he will get some answers. 

Brent felt a slight headache the moment he entered through the front door and overheard his Mom complaining about Jessy.

Ignoring them not wanting to listen to their negative remarks about Jessy, it was the only hot topic in the house for the last month. He walks away going straight to his room.

"Oh God, I miss her so much, and I am scared for her Lord. Please help me to believe these people are trustworthy.

"Why didn't they open the door when I visited today? Did her illness worsen I need to know what is happening to her. I miss eating the breakfast she prepares for me. I am suffocating from the lack of sleep and every turn I make someone have a problem. What should be my next move with these folks at the Red Hill factory?"

With so many questions and no solution to the problems, Brent closed his eyes as exhaustion overpowered him the moment he took his bath and lay on the bed. 

  A week has passed by and not once did he get the opportunity to see Jessy when he visited.

He had only reached home Thursday evening when he noticed his grandparents sitting with a cup of coffee. The conversation was the same as always, Jessy. 

Kissing them he turned to go to his room, he felt so drained and only wanted to lie down. When his Mom began her nagging about Jessy.

Anger boils inside only hearing her name mentioned, taking a few footsteps backward he stands in front of his Mom.

Venting his frustration, anger, hurt, and tiredness all at once, "You know what Mom, forget I ever asked you to help with the project, whatever I have to do, I will do it without your help."

Your idea of helping the homeless is temporary, mine is permanent so just stop. I cannot bear to hear you griping every day about the same thing. I want you to call off your committee. I will get help elsewhere but for God's sake, I don't want to hear you mention Miss Albert's name again. I am tired of everyone blaming her, is it so wrong to have compassion for the homeless or hungry, is it wrong to care?"

Brent Senior could hear the hurt and pain from deep within as he spoke, "Son!"

Turning to face his Dad, "Yes, Dad!"

Brent could see his son was carrying a heavy burden, his shoulder was drooping and he looked sluggish. "Son. Why is Miss Albert not in the office?"

"Dad, Miss Albert is unwell, I took her to the Doctor last week, and she is being taken care of by the Pastor in his home, I tried visiting a few times, but it seems they were not home."

When his Mom responded, "Good ridden."

Brent was angry and frustrated with her constant griping, "That's it, if that's how you feel, then I will leave the house so you won't have any more problems."

Brent Senior called out to Junior, "Junior, wait a minute your Mom has made up her mind, the child has a right to get sick, your Mom has her for breakfast, lunch, and dinner."

Florence could not believe the two of them, "Will you two stop behaving like children for God's sake?"

Brent Senior walks to where Junior is standing, "We, behaving like children, have you listened to yourself lately? You complain about Jessy for no given reason, the child hasn't even offended you at all, all she did was speak up for what she believes and you have a serious problem.

Mom if I knew this would have been such an issue, I would have never mentioned it. From what I observed recently you are the only one who can have an opinion. When I am home I hear she should not have done that. At work the workers complain that she is not at work, how am I able to solve all your problems when I am having so much of my own."

Florence could not believe she was being this unbearable to her family, When I think I would help be a blessing it turns out from their remarks I am more of a burden.  "I am sorry Junior, come and sit down and tell me what sort of problem you are having?"