Lystra just smiled thanking God it was Miss Albert and not her that was getting the buffing from Mrs Larson.

'I also want to know where Boss has disappeared to, and why her people haven't informed her of this before. And why the hell Mr Larson is pulling side for Miss Albert? He abused me verbally for entering the office and this is bigger and he is taking sides with her. Unbelievable!'

Lystra was happy when Mrs Larson said angrily, "She asks a bit too many questions?"

The other secretaries listened but had their heads bowed afraid to be in the crossfire. They also observed the smug look on Lystra's face. 

Jessy wasn't afraid, her Dad was even more fierce than Mrs Larson when it came to getting his answers. He use his whip when his rules are broken so a few verbal abuse is nothing for the ones I care for. "I am sorry Ma'am, now if you will excuse me I will get you some water and you need to relax."

Brent observed how she bent her head and went into the staff room. Smilingly he thought, 'This child doesn't seem hurt by Florence's words, in fact, she had the boldness to stand and face this worrier of mine..

In the staff room, Jessy tried calling Brent while pouring the water into both glasses, but his phone was switched off. Becoming concerned immediately she whispered a silent prayer.

Taking the tray with the water she walked bravely and offered the two Bosses which they took without a complaint.

"Ma'am, I tried calling Sir but he never responded, Ma'am, it seems as though his phone is switched off." 

When she did respond and asked, "Do you have any idea where he would go?" Her tone of voice was a bit more calm.

Jessy spoke what was on her mind, "Ma'am I only work for your Son, I don't live with him but I will keep trying to contact him and so will the others in the office?"

Mr Larson held Florence's shoulder seeing the rage and felt her body trembling, "Okay honey you need to calm down, The child is right, you questioned her as though they were having an affair, so what answer did you expect?"

When she tried to push Mr Larson's hand away he said sternly, "I said to calm down honey, you are blowing things out of proportion?" 

Her outburst was overbearing but who could blame her, "I am not, he is my Son and I want to know where he is."

Mr Larson knew it was difficult to coax her but he still spoke, "Florence, Honey, he is a big man and he doesn't have to answer to us, where he goes and who he meets, is his own business, honey maybe he is with this girl he said he loves."

Overhearing the conversation, Jessy recalled his proposal, "Is he at the apartment, I was tired and went to bed early, if he came, where did he park his car, dear God, how do I get away, without being seen?'

When Lystra said, "Ma'am, I saw him with someone Saturday, maybe he is with her?"

Florence looks at Miss John, "Miss John can you describe the person to me?"

Lystra glanced at Mr Larson and the others, thinking she would be appraised for her loyalty, "Ma'am from where I was standing, she looked tall and she was very beautiful, then the two of them left together."

Overhearing what Lystra said, Jessy stepped back and shifted away, she returned to the staff room. She didn't want to hear anymore, mumbling to herself, "Is that why he didn't come, I had waited but it seems the beautiful lady caused him to forget all about our second-month anniversary."

Wiping her face, Jessy prepared the refreshments, taking the tray to each office, reaching Boss' office seeing it was open, so she entered.

Jessy took out the breakfast she had placed early this morning but she suspected that something was a bit off. 'Why was Bos's office locked, when his parents came, did Lystra lock the door so I wouldn't get in or when she saw his parents coming she locked it?' 

Resting it in the tray to take it in the staff room. "Miss Albert is that Junior breakfast?" Jessy was taken aback, being lost in her own thoughts. Having no choice she respond as gently as possible not allowing her emotion to get the better of her.

"Yes Sir!"