Chapter 4 — Sixth Meridian Opening!

In just a few breaths, the injuries of the woman which couldn't be treated with a simple elixir were rejuvenated. Previously, there were many bruises and deep wounds on her body, even slightly exposing her bones. But now, such injuries disappeared. Her skin had become as white as milk.

Jun was amazed. So this is the true effect of the healing pill?

Jun's injuries were not too heavy and the elixir couldn't reveal its true effect, but now that an opportunity came, the healing pill naturally didn't disappoint. Jun even suspect this pill as an immortal pill. If not how could the effect be so potent?

Jun shook his head and stared at the woman. His originally calm eyes turned gentle. "Thankfully, I came to hunt today. Otherwise, we wouldn't have met."

Jun take off his robe and covered the woman. At this moment, she was still unconscious.

Even though the healing pill had healed most of her physical injuries, it didn't heal her internal and soul injury. Thus, depending on how heavy the injuries of her soul, she probably wouldn't wake up soon.

Jun decided to leave the corpse of the boar for the moment so that he could bring her to a safe place.

"Pardon my insolence."

Jun mumbled as he lifted her body to his bosom. With a slight flush on his face, he carried her back to the Peace Lonely Peak. He had no idea how many minutes had passed through the journey and he only came back to his sense when the silhouette of his small residence came into view.

Jun entered his bedroom and placed the woman gently over it.

The rays of the sun shone inside the gaps of the windows. Only this time that Jun noticed that her face seemed to be in pain. He couldn't see it earlier due to the black gasses.

"What exactly happened to you?"

Anger began to rise inside Jun's heart. He didn't understand exactly the reason why he felt so furious when he saw her in such a state. But he didn't care about the reason at all. After all, this woman was his benefactor. Even if there was no reason, he would still save her.

Jun left the room after some time. She wouldn't wake up for the time being and staying inside to ponder for the reason of her injuries was pointless. He would ask her when she woke up.

Jun went to the cliff and took a deep breath. He wanted to relax. There were too many events that happened today and it made his emotions quite unstable.

"Oh, right. I haven't signed it yet."

Jun suddenly remembered. "Sign-in!"

But the reward disappointed him. He obtained another meridian opening pill.

For the past two months, it has been like this. The chances of getting a martial technique or a cultivation scripture were very low. Pills, on the other hand, had almost 90% obtainable.

After he had signed up, Jun went back to the foot of the Peace Lonely Peak. He didn't idle and quickly carried the corpse back to the summit.

The boar was around 300kg. Since it was edible, Jun planned to store it for winter.

Jun put it in his simple warehouse which was just beside his hut. His food stock wasn't much, but it was enough for winter. He mostly stored potatoes for snacks, fish for food, tomatoes for sauce, cabbages, and so on. Now that he had hunted meat for the first time, he could probably try making a burger steak with tomatoes and cabbages atop it. He missed the taste after having not eaten it for so long.

Jun left the warehouse and made a quick tour of his field. Because of the rich vitality in this area, the plants grew more quickly; at least three times that of an ordinary farm. Instead of harvesting every three months, his harvest time was two weeks or a month, depending on what seed he planted. Jun was very satisfied with this yield.

After he was done checking, Jun went to his cultivation area and sat cross-legged. He took out the meridian opening pill and consumed it.

The effect of the meridian opening pill was not so great now that he was at the peak of the fifth meridian. Jun was already half a step over the sixth meridian opening. The only thing missing was the element.

Because he was cultivating the [Ancient Desolate Scripture], Jun wouldn't be able to step the sixth level of meridian opening if he couldn't arouse the sixth element.

Three hours quickly passed. Jun who was sitting cross-legged tensed up. He could feel his sixth element begin to flicker.

Deep inside his sixth meridian, there was a faint azure light. As time passed, the light began to expand.

As the azure light filled the meridian completely—


Sounds of lightning echoed.


Sixth Meridian Opening Attained!

"At last, I advanced."

Jun sighed, "But I'm advancing so slow. Is this because the [Ancient Desolate Scripture] is unique?"

Cultivators could only awaken their elements when they stepped into the second realm of cultivation, the Element Refinement Realm. And the majority of cultivators only awakened one element. Only geniuses could awaken more than one.

As for Jun, he was still in the meridian opening realm but already owned six elements. One could see through this the advantage of [Ancient Desolate Scripture].

However, it wasn't without flaws. The energy it needed to open a single meridian was tens of times that of an ordinary meridian. It is no wonder even though Jun had consumed numerous meridian pills and had the support of his elements, his cultivation was still slow.

With this progress, it would take him five or six months to reach the Element Refinement realm.

"I can't be impatient. Let's take this slow."

Jun said in his heart. Instead of worrying, he should be looking forward to obtaining a martial technique!

"Wait a minute. Should I sign in a different location?"

Jun's eyes sparked.

That's right. Perhaps the reason why he couldn't obtain a martial technique wasn't because of the chances, but the location instead.

He remembered when he first sign in the summit, he instantly received a top-tier cultivation scripture, [Ancient Desolate Scripture].

"Tomorrow, I'll try a different location."

Jun nodded and stood up. He tested the element of lightning.


His punch seemed to have become a lot faster. Jun was satisfied with this advancement. Although he was a little surprised that he had gotten the lightning element, he didn't think much of it.

The true power of his elements would only show up when he advanced to True Element Realm, after all.

Early next morning, Jun who was sleeping in the living room was awoken. Since the woman was sleeping in his room, he didn't sleep beside her. That would make him appear as an asshole.

Jun thought for a moment and went to his bedroom. He peeked, but there were no changes. The woman was still asleep. He sighed and closed the door.

As soon as he stepped outside the hut, as usual, Jun surveyed the field for any abnormality. After becoming a farmer, he realized the plantation was not permanently safe. He had to be guarded with the aphids which suck sap on the plant, causing it to die.

When he was a noob farmer, Jun had frequently faced this problem. There were even a few times he couldn't harvest because the plants had died. Jun had no idea what was the problem back then and only after three of his plantation died that he realized the existence of these blood-sucking assholes that of an aphid.

Ever since a year ago, he didn't worry about this problem as much as before. Now that he had become a cultivator, it was easy for him to solve the problem by using his wood element, which can replenish the vitality of plants and kill the aphids.

Jun bend and touched the surface of the field. He activated the wood element and spread it to the field. Sounds of screeching could be heard from time to time; the sounds of aphids dying.

"Time to go."

Jun patted the soil on his hand and descended the summit. The east of the Peace Lonely Peak was not very far.

Before, it would take thirty minutes for Jun to arrive there on foot. Now that he had awakened the lightning element, boosting his movement speed, Jun shortened the time to ten minutes.

The place around the waterfall didn't look extraordinary. There were not many trees in the surrounding, but rocks could be seen almost in every corner.

Jun turned his attention to the waterfall. It sounded pretty loud and he couldn't ignore it. In the center of the waterfall, there was a stone which enough for a person to sit on comfortably.

Because of his lack of cultivation, Jun didn't sit on that stone. The waterfall was just above it and the water was pretty fierce, enough to send an ordinary person to death. Jun was also afraid that a rock would fall, so he didn't come here often. He only came when he wanted to bathe, but he usually stayed at the very corner.

But now, Jun had no worries anymore. Jun disrobe and went to the stone at the center. He sat below it and tried to feel the water falling on his head and onto his shoulders.

"This is good!"

The feeling surprised him. No wonder some cultivators would practice below a waterfall. Training the physical body is much effective in this environment.

"I can train my body here."

Jun said, "But for now, let's sign in."

System, sign-in!

[Ding! Obtained the...]