Chapter 20 — The Wager

The second floor of the Imperial Record Hall looked exquisite; the tiles of the floor were polished silver like the quartz back on Earth. Portraits were hung in the finely, dragon design walls.

There are five doors in the area; the administration area, martial novice assessment area, martial veteran assessment area, martial master assessment area, and the grandmaster assessment area respectively.

Jun liked the decorations because they didn't resemble a modernized interior building, but the uniqueness of this ancient world's interior designs was blended nicely, thus separating it from the modern world's buildings' interior design.

The door of the assessments' areas was yet to open, so everyone in Jun's group was chatting eagerly or nervously.


Jun arrogantly shouted and the people all looked at him, "You peasants are so noisy, shut up, will you? I'm a young master of the Shan clan, my family has numerous martial masters. Martial veterans like you are ants in my eyes! And ants have no right to talk loudly and breathe in front of this young master. Understand?"

The people present were first stunned, and then their expressions turned into anger.

"Fuck! It's that kid again!"

"Who is he? Why he's so fearless?"

"You arrived late, so let me tell you. This kid is very arrogant earlier and beat up some bunch of meridian opening juniors. Martial veterans, as seniors, one should be a role model! But this punk is not, and very arrogant too!"

"What can you expect? He came from a wealthy background, every stupid rich kid is like that."

"Damn, so the sick mother and little sister was a lie! This kid is simply too much!"

The people that had witnessed Jun's act on the first floor were infuriated, knowing that Jun had tricked them. Those who arrived late were angry because Jun was too arrogant.

The crimson-haired youth, Ling Guang, had seen all of this happen. When he saw how arrogant and overbearing Jun was, he became certain that this kid was a stupid rich kid.

At this moment, the doors of the assessments' area opened, and a gush of wind blew, forming a figure that of Martial Master Bo.

"Those who are taking the martial novice assessment, go through the second door, it will lead you to the martial novice area."

"Those who are taking the martial veteran assessment, step into the third door." Martial Master Bo looked at them, "There's no one taking the martial master assessment?"

Everyone shook their head, and Old Man Bu nodded and disappeared just like how he came.

After the old man left, everyone began to enter their respective assessment. Of the twenty people, 8 people were going for the veteran assessment while twelve were aiming the martial novice assessment.

Jun followed the seven people towards the third door, and as soon as they stepped inside, they arrived into a wide field.

There was strength measurement equipment, speed measurement equipment, a dueling stage, and so on in the field.

"Good to see you everyone, I hope you're well." A man wearing glasses appeared in front of Jun and others. He seemed to be the one responsible for the assessment.

"The test is divided into three categories."

"The strength test, this is to test if your strength has reached the standard of a martial veteran."

"The second test is speed test and reaction test. Just like the strength, we will assist if your overall combat has reached the standard of a martial veteran."

"The third test is combat stage. However, as long as you passed the first two stages, it isn't necessary to partake in the third test."

The guy with glasses continued, "But if someone here isn't convinced of a participant's strength, you can free to challenge them in the third test."

"Feel free to speak if you have matters to be clarified."

Some of the participants already knew of the rules since this was not the first time they participated in the assessment. However, this was Jun's first time, and so the explanation helped him.

No one asked a question, and the supervisor, the glasses guy, nodded, "Since no have any questions. Let's start the assessment. The order of precedence goes at the low numbers to the high numbers."

"Alright. Follow me."

The supervisor guided the participants towards the strength measurement test.

The strength measurement test was crafted using elemental materials and its appearance was decent.

Jun looked over the equipment and noticed that there was a blank board just atop this measurement.

"First participant, please step forward,"

The supervisor said, and a robust man stepped forward holding the number 40. He handed the number to the supervisor who glanced at the number and flipped the papers on his hands.

"Wang Tian. Blazing Martial Veteran, is this you?"

"Yes sir, that's my paper."

The robust man confirmed.

"Alright, go punch with the best of your strength."

The supervisor stepped back and Wang Tian stood in front of the test measurement equipment. He took a deep breath and gathered force on his arm, then punched.


The small metal in the center of the strength measurement equipment was struck and it went up, stopping at the seventeenth number that was written on the corners of the equipment. Then Wang Tian raised his head, looking at the numbers that appeared in the previously blank space.


"10,000 Jin of Strength, reached the standard of a martial veteran. You have two more chances, do you want to retake your strength?" The supervisor asked.

"No. That won't be necessary,"

Wang Tian shook his head hurriedly and back off from the strength measurement equipment, joining the other participants. That punch was his best, and he had passed the first test, so retaking it doesn't matter.

"Alright. Next."

The next person came in front, just like Wang Tian, the participant did his best.




"Failed. Next."

The supervisor announced indifferently and the second participant gnashed his teeth seeing the four 9's. His face was ashen as if he had eaten sh*t. Just 1 more he would have passed!

The next person was quite strong. His score was around 11k of Jin, above average.

After that person, Jun was finally called.

"Shan Yanmo. Swift Lightning Young Master, step forward," the supervisor announced.

Jun waved his sleeve and arrogantly stepped forward, looking down at everyone. The people around him were irritated. If no supervisor was watching over, they would have punched this kid in the face.

Jun halted in front of the strength measurement test and turned his head to the crowd, "You bunch of good for nothing. I, the Swift Lightning Young Master, shall show you what is a true prodigy is!"

Jun took a powerful stance and everyone cannot help but hiss. They as if could see a silhouette of a tiger behind the kid.


Jun punched and a number emerged atop the blank space.



The area was turned silent, and then the next it was full of laughter.

"Pfft! What is this? 9000? I'm dying of laughter, how can a martial veteran be this weak?"

"Hello everyone, I'm Swift Lightning Young Master. I'm a supreme prodigy, a martial veteran with 9000 jin of strength. Please don't bully me, my dad is rich and powerful!"

"Sigh, how can you tease this beautiful sissy? What if he ran to his father, crying?"

"This is the prime example that one shouldn't consume medicines. You'll end up like this good for nothing martial veteran."

"Fuck! What a waste of medicine. This kid is simply too lucky to have a rich family."

Everyone laughed mockingly at Jun, the kid was so arrogant before, proclaiming that he was a supreme prodigy and very rich. He was arrogant to the extreme, everyone disliked him.

Ling Guang's eyes shone. 'This kid is too weak. Uncle said that if his strength is weaker than mine, I have to challenge him in a wager and milk this fat sheep.'

"Impossible! I'm Shan Yanmo, the young master of the Shan Clan. I'm a supreme prodigy, how can this happen?!" Jun shouted in disbelief, and everyone's laughter increased.

"You have two more chances. You can retake if you feel so," the supervisor was still indifferent.

"Fine! That was just a fluke."

Jun huffed and punched again.

The second try.


The third attempt.


The last number was still processing, but when everyone thought the arrogant kid would fail, the number suddenly increased.


"What?! This kid managed to pass?"

"What damn luck! This kid is simply too lucky."

"If he's not lucky, how can he be born rich?"

Everyone was unhappy that Jun had managed to pass by a fluke, but at the same time, they were jealous of his luck.

"Passed. Next."

Jun's eyes were gloomy as he went back to the crowd, his expression was as if he wanted to eat someone alive. He looked at the people and his gaze stopped at the crimson-haired youth. "Your eyes offend me. Kneel and beg, otherwise, you'll feel the wrath of my Shan clan!"

Everyone was dumbfounded. This kid is simply too much! Just because his result was unsatisfactory, he's venting his hatred into an innocent person who was only looking at him? Can you be more arrogant?

"Aren't you too arrogant?" Ling Guang was first stunned, but he remembered his uncle told him that this kid is an arrogant and stupid fellow.

"So what if I'm arrogant? Can you do anything to me?"

Jun huffed, looking at him in disdain.

The crimson-haired youth suppressed his anger and praised: "Young Master, I feel that result was simply unreal. After all, you're a supreme prodigy."

"Oh, you have nice eyes," Jun proudly raised his head, "I'm indeed a genius back in my hometown. I'm very low profile, and I only use 10% of my strength during the test, but my genius aura is just too strong. Since you had discerning eyes, I will pardon your sin."

He waved his hand as if he overlooked the world. Everyone's mouth twitched. Low profile? Didn't use much strength? You were panting like a dying dog, and you dare to say you're faking it? Can you be more shameless?

"Young master Shan is indeed a talented figure, unmatched in the current era. This little one would like to learn from Young master Shan." Now that an opportunity had come, the crimson-haired youth naturally wouldn't miss it.

"Oh, you want to challenge me in the third test? Hmm, that's not a bad idea." Jun smirked, "but this young master doesn't fight without things on the table."

"One thousand spirit stones? What do you think?" The crimson-haired youth raised one hand, and the crowd hissed.

One thousand spirit stones was a yearly profit of an ordinary martial veteran. The bet was simply too big.

"What?!" Jun sneered, "One thousand spirit stones? Are you taking me as a beggar? That's my daily spending, and yet you dare to bet with such a measly amount. You're insulting this young master!"

"This..." The crimson-haired youth was taken aback. He gritted his teeth and thought of his uncle's words. " thousand?"

"Fine. Swore an oath then."

Jun waved his hand, grinning secretly. Everything going according to plan.

Ling Guang swore an oath, and Jun followed.

If one makes an oath to heaven, they have to fulfill the oath. Otherwise, they would be punished and their kins would be cursed with bad luck. Thus, oaths were secured and people who gamble used them frequently.

While the bet between Jun and Ling Guang was formed, the next person who was after Jun was also done with his assessment.

The guy passed the test, and the next person came on the stage.

Time passed, and the participants after Jun either passed or failed.

Then, it was finally Ling Guang's turn.