Chapter 23 — Talismans, and the shameless old beggar

Elemental Post District's Street.

After leaving the Imperial Record Hall, Jun strolled on the road, looking over the places. He took a look at the Imperial Invention Hall, Adventurer Guild, and so on.

Jun had obtained the ten thousand spirit stones which were on the spatial ring. He didn't immediately buy a transmission phone and instead wandered in the street.

The street was lively and bustling, vendors shouted in the corners. There was no lack of customers, and the goods were something essential to cultivators.

There were varieties of vendors in every District of Hong Shu City, and the one in the Elemental Post District's vendors are mainly cultivators, so their goods are either talismans, martial techniques, treasures, pills, scriptures, and so on.

It was rare for scriptures and techniques to be sold, for the majority of them are fake goods. That was why the business that are pills, talismans, and treasures are the mainstream in the Elemental Post District.

Jun came across a vendor and looked over his goods. This vendor mainly sells talismans, and he has few customers crowding his stall. On the table, speed type, attack type, defense type, concealment type talismans were up for sale.

"Sir, would you like to purchase?" The thin male vendor asked.

"What is the highest tier you sell?" Jun looked at him. Talismans were divided into tiers, and the low tiers talismans didn't have an effect on him, only those mid and upper-tier ones.

"There are few upper-tier talismans," said the vendor, "but it's expensive."

"What kind of talisman?"

Jun was slightly interested.

The vendor glanced at Jun, and seeing that he was a potential buyer, he introduced humbly, "There are only three upper-tier talismans in my store as of now. The first one is an attacking type, True Fire. If you have a fire element and are in the Martial Veteran, your strength will temporarily alleviate into the Quasi Martial Master for one minute. It has no effect on Quasi Martial Master, unfortunately, and using it'll only strengthen their fire elements for a short period. Thus, it is only good for Martial Veteran."

"The second is Ice Cage, it'll create a field of ice, thus boosting the control over ice element."

"The third one is Darkness Descent. However, it can only be activated with a darkness element and crashing it, darkness will encompass the surrounding area of hundred meters in total darkness."

"Oh, interesting. And the price?" Jun's eyes shone. He had ten thousand spirit stones and was rich, he could afford some of these talismans. Perhaps, he can save it as a life-saving card.

"As I said, it's expensive. True Fire talisman cost twenty spirit stones, Ice Cage is thirty-five spirit stones, and the Darkness Descent is a rare talisman, so it cost fifty spirit stones. You can also purchase them using gold currency."

"So expensive!"

A young customer beside Jun was stunned, "Are you trying to scam someone, no? I can understand that darkness and ice type, upper-tier talismans are expensive, however, a fire type upper-tier talismans only cost around 10 spirit stones, but you actually price it twofold or even threefold?!"

"No one's forcing you to buy." The vendor sneered.


The customer was angry and was about to start a fight, but his companion at the side whispered in his ears. He halted, shocked, and apologized. He then hurriedly walked away with his companions.

Jun who was beside heard their conversation. Originally, he had the same thought as that person and the talismans were just too expensive. After hearing the conversation, he changed his mind. According to them, this stall was backed by a three-star talisman maker and so the effect of these talismans was much stronger than the two-star talisman maker's upper-tier talisman.

The difference between a two-star talisman maker and a three-star talisman maker was like heaven and earth, so the talismans of three-star talisman makers were naturally more potent.

"Pack the True Fire and Darkness Descent talisman," said Jun, "and also, I want to purchase a mid-tier concealment talisman and illusion talisman if you have one."

The vendor's eyes brightened and immediately stored the talismans. He handed four talismans to Jun efficiently, "True Fire, Darkness Descent, Concealment, and Illusion Talisman. That would be 80 spirit stones, sir."

Jun nodded and took out his cultivator license. "How much discount can I get?"

The vendor looked at the shining, silver cultivator license and his pupils shrunk, the former calm pupils instantly filled with respect and admiration. With his experience and knowledge, he could see that this silver cultivator license wasn't a normal one, but instead the VIP silver cultivator license!

"A Supreme Martial Veteran!"

The customers in this stall were also shocked, and they hurriedly give Jun a space. They backed away, looking at him with admiration.

Supreme Martial Veterans were a rarity even in the entire seventeen states and all of them are freaks, have a powerful backing, and are heavenly genius. It was also as rare as phoenix feather and unicorn horn seeing one of them, so seeing that Jun was a Supreme Martial Veteran, their respect and admiration were through the roof.

"Young Supreme," The vendor hurriedly bowed and said, "according to the law of the Imperial Dynasty, all who have VIP silver license are given twenty percent discount on all goods. Thus, Lord Supreme only needs to pay 64 spirit stones."

For these stall vendors, stores, and chamber of commerce able to run their businesses, one has to own a work permit and abide by the laws and regulations. This is also one of the reasons why most cultivators own licenses nowadays.

Jun nodded and paid the amount. He stored the talismans on his spatial ring, walking away.

Divine Firmament Pavillion.

As the biggest commercial store in the entire seventeen states, it was famous, and many customers frequently purchased and sell goods to them. Although the Divine Firmament Pavillion in Hong Shu City was just a branch, many cultivators were entering the store.

Jun stared at the sea of people and knitted his brows. He didn't intend to wait under the scorching sun, so he directly cut the line.

Initially, everyone was furious that a rude young man had overtaken them and didn't line up. However, Jun showed his VIP silver license and everyone instantly shut up.

The effect of the license was simply too astonishing, and even the guards of Divine Firmament Pavillion who were indifferent and cold immediately welcomed Jun with opened arms and fawning faces.

Jun entered the pavilion smoothly, and as soon as he stepped inside, a female attendant greeted him.

"Young Supreme, welcome to the Divine Firmament Pavilion. How may we help you?"

The Imperial Dynasty had a decree that every Supreme Martial Veteran has to be addressed as Young Supreme and one is only allowed not to address such people if one's realm reach Quasi Martial Master. The female attendant was a martial novice, so she was respectful.

"I would like to buy a transmission phone. I have important matters, so please be quick."

Jun smiled at her.

"Yes, Young supreme."

The female attendant led Jun into the VIP lounge and Jun waited there. As for the female attendant, she went to get the transmission phone.

Not long after, she came back, holding two white boxes. On top of these boxes were either the words Version 1 or Version 2, Transmission Phone.

"Versions?" Jun looked at the box and asked, "What's the difference between Version 1 and 2?"

"Young supreme, the first vison only have the news function. The second version has the newly added functions which are the recording function, call function, and chat function."

"I see."

Jun guessed that Peng Che's phone was version two, no wonder it cost hundred spirit stones.

"I'm okay with this. How much is it?"

"With 20% discount, eighty spirit stones or eighty thousand gold coins."

"I'll pay with spirit stones."

After paying, Jun immediately stood up and left the pavilion.


Red Light District.

Pedestrians were whispering amongst themselves as their faces were filled with disgust.

"What's a beggar doing here?"

"This old beggar has no shame. Asking money as if we owe him!"

"This beggar should be confined!"

"Looked at his ugly face! So disgusting."

An old beggar dressed in ripped dirty, brown clothes was leaning against a solar light in the park. There were dirty signs in front of him that said [Don't be shy, and donate] and the other one was [I also accept spirit stones]. His begging skill was top-notch, shocking everyone passing by.

At this moment, a young couple was walking on the road. This old beggar immediately stood up and intercepted them. He said with a laugh, "What a perfect couple. A handsome man, and a beautiful woman."

The young couple was stunned. They looked at the person in front of them and asked, "Uh—"

However, the old man suddenly clapped, "I predicted you both will have a child soon!"

This sentence immediately brightened the eyes of the couple. "Really, old sir?"

"Actually, I'm a hidden prophet, and I can predict the future."

The old man raised his head as if reminiscing of his glorious past.

"So it's venerable lord Prophet, we have blind eyes." The young woman apologized and said excitedly, "Old sir, is it a girl or a boy?"

"Sigh, the secret of heavens can't easily be divulged. I will suffer from heavenly tribulation if I did so."

"Is there no way?" The husband was disappointed.

"But fear not, if there are ten spirit stones, I can minimize the power of heavenly tribulation and can divulge the heavenly secret to you." The old man announced righteously.

"Really sir? Just ten spirit stones?"

The young couple was excited.

However, the crowd watching the old man was in an uproar.

"What? Ten spirit stones?"

"A blatant scam! This beggar has no shame!"

"Damn, where are the city guards? He should be confined!"

"Don't trust this old man both of you! He's scamming you!"

Everyone was shouting and the young couple was startled. Then they pondered and realized a loophole. Why would ten spirit stones be enough to block a heavenly tribulation?

A swindler!

The young couple screamed inwardly and ran away.

The old man watched them sighing. He then looked at the crowd.

"Everyone, don't be shy, and donate!"

He exclaimed loudly, and the people watching him were angry, throwing stones and banana peels in his direction.

At this moment, in the crowd, Peng Che was looking at the old beggar. He was carrying a bag with him, and with one last glance at the old man, he departed.

Seeing this, the old man's eyes shone and hurriedly left the scene.

The crowd behind were shouting, saying that the old beggar was fleeing.

However, it wasn't the case. This old man was naturally Jun who was using the illusion talisman and concealment talisman. He aimed to pretend like those mysterious old men in the novels...