Chaoter 26 — Auction (1)

The Auction of the Ling Clan was quite sudden and many weren't ready for it. Adventurers, the mercenary factions, clans, and independent cultivators temporarily halt their schedules and came to participate in the auction.

The Ling Clan, as one of the top four cultivation clans, is influential in Hong Shu City. Their prestige is higher than any mercenary faction and even the Sky Wind Mercenary would not dare to find trouble with them.

Furthermore, they have a rich heritage of four hundred years and were once a clan with a Martial Master. Unfortunately, fifty years ago, the Martial Master supporting them have fallen.

Although they declined, it was still a behemoth that none dared to offend. The Patriarch of the Ling Clan was an Upper Quasi Martial Master, fifth refinement of element refinement, and they have numerous Peak Martial Veterans, third refinement of the second realm.

Outside the Ling Clan Auction, Jun cupped his fists behind his back, saying, "Brother Wang, do you mind role-playing?"


Wang Tian turned his head, stunned.

"Yes, I'll act as the Young Master and you'll be my subordinate." Jun chuckled, "This Ling Clan has a terrible reputation and it's easy to take advantage of them. Even we offend them, they can't do anything against us."


Wang Tian hesitated. Then again, he was also a person with a history of the Ling Clan. Although he was unnamed and Ling Clan had no impression of him, he had feuds with them.

"Don't worry. This is Hong Shu City. The Hong Shu City Lord won't just allow killing in the street. Don't forget, I'm a Supreme Martial Veteran."

"That makes sense."

Wang Tian pondered and finally agreed with the matter. They both plan their actions, and after they talk, they headed to the main entrance of the Ling Clan Auction.

The main entrance was crowded with people and many were desperate to enter the venue. Martial Novices tried to get in, but the guards stop them. The auction is only for Martial Veteran or higher realm cultivators.

Those martial novices with backgrounds were allowed to enter, displeasing those who aren't permitted.

"This is so unfair! Why can these martial novices enter, but we can't?"

"They have rich dad and powerful backer. If you also have backing, you will naturally be treated the same!"

"Damn it. This world is unjust!"

The martial novices gnashed teeth and dejectedly departed.

Seeing this, Jun shook his head and strode to the sea of people.

Beside him, Wang Tian hurriedly shouted,

"Make Way! Make Way! Young Master Shan is here to participate in the auction!"

Everyone instantly looked at Wang Tian who was trying to please Jun as they headed to the main entrance.

"What the hell, who is this person?"

"Look at the way he walks, this person should be a young master and the one beside him is a lackey!"

"I know that young man! I met him in the street, and he owns a VIP silver license!"

"What? This young man is Young Supreme?!"

The crowd gasped, hurriedly giving space for Jun to walk.

Jun was indifferent and headed straight to the main entrance. The guards immediately welcomed him with open arms.

"Young Supreme, welcome to the Ling Clan Auction."

As soon as they entered, a middle-aged man greeted them with a smile.

"Who are you?"

Jun glanced at him.

"I'm the manager of the Ling Clan Auction House, sir."

"Oh, I see. I'm Shan Yanmo. A heavenly prodigy unmatched in the current era. Lead me to the Auction Venue. Quick, I'm in hurry."

When this middle-aged man heard Jun's name, his eyes shrunk. Wait a minute...isn't this Shan Yanmo? The one who forced our clan to auction our valuable items? What is he doing here?! Damn, is he looking for trouble again?

"Led this young man to the VIP area 20,"

The manager commanded a female attendant.

"Please follow me, Honored Guests."

The female attendant led Jun and Wang Tian to the auction venue.

After they departed, the manager quickly rushed to the administration area and relayed the appearance of Jun to the First Elder who was the supervisor of the auction.

"What? That punk is here?" Ling Chen who was also present jumped on his seat, startled.

"Yes, it seems he's going to participate in the auction," the manager said helplessly.

"How dare he purchase our stuff using our money? Is he humiliating us?!"

Ling Chen gnashed his teeth angrily.

"Don't worry too much. If he dared to cause trouble, then we'll kick him out," said the First Elder indifferently.

"Then should we proceed with the auction?"

The manager sighed in relief. The worries on his heart disappeared.


The first elder waved his hand and headed deeper into the administration area. After entering, there was an underground place, and the first elder continued walking down.

The deeper he walked, the more intense the death and evil elements, normal martial novices would be corrupted when they came into contact with it. Aside from that, the corners of the walls on both sides were engraved with strange texts.

The deeper the First Elder walked down, the more black mist started forming around his body. When he finally reached a wide area and his entire body was enveloped with the black mists, his skin and his eyes turned crimson with three horns on his head.

"Have you caught the traitor?"

The first elder's tone was cold as he spoke in the gloomy, empty surrounding.

"I'm incompetent, Sixth Ancestor."

A voice replied to him and a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in the area. Surprisingly, he was the Ling Clan's patriarch. "Ancestor, he's probably hiding in the Slum District. It would be a matter of time catching him."

"Hmph, it's all your fault, to begin with. If you didn't bet that ten thousand spirit stones, we wouldn't encounter such troublesome matter!"

"That was my mistake. I strictly told him to be careful. I never expected him to be so stupid to fell with that kid's trick."

The Ling Clan Patriarch lowered his head.

"That punk is in the auction. You better make sure nothing happens this time. I need to heal my injures as soon as possible!" The first elder snorted.

"What? He's here?!" The Ling Clan's patriarch couldn't remain calm and hurriedly reassured, "Don't worry, Ancestor, this time there won't be any mishap."

"Good. And also, you go find my stepson, Mo Xingchi. He has gone missing for weeks now, and I'm worried that he's been caught," said the First Elder.

"At your command, Ancestor."

With that said, the Ling Clan patriarch was enveloped with faint wind elements and disappeared like a gust of air.


The venue was already packed with people. There was no lack of personage in the auction venue and there were also many martial veterans in the normal seats.

As for Jun and Wang Tian, they were both sitting in the VIP seats. A female attendant stood beside them, waiting for a command.

The auction had yet to begin so Jun took this time to look at the other VIP seats. There are young masters of a big clan, leaders of influential mercenaries, and others.

Jun wasn't interested in them so he closed his eyes and used this time to cultivate. When Wang Tian awoke him, the auction finally started.

A beautiful female in a red dress walked into the stage.

When she appeared, the venue exploded in commotion.


I originally didn't want to write today because, as I said, I have a fever...however, after taking some hours of rest, I feel quite better. Thus, I used this time to write at least one chapter...I'll upload 3 chapters tommorow if I completely recovered!