
Damien couldn't sleep that night. He tossed and turned on his large bed, imagining Céline and how beautiful she would look in person.

Would she wear pants and a shirt?

Would it be a fitted corporate dress, the ones that had a little slit by the side?

He imagined her in every possible dress and outfit.

Ever since Lucas informed him that Céline had accepted the job offer, he was elated.

Morning didn't seem to be coming fast enough.

When it was five o'clock in the morning, he got tired of trying to fall asleep. He jumped off his bed and went to prepare for work. The earlier he got there, the sooner he would put his anxiety to an end.

Damien took a quick shower and rushed out of the bathroom to brush his teeth. He was among the school of thought that felt bathing should be done before brushing, it rhymed better that way.