Lies of the heart...

Celine's heart was dancing with excitement as she made her way back home. Her aunt would still be at work so she would have the house to herself to scream and dance in celebration of her progress, to her heart's content.

She picked up something to eat at the 'Miel's place' before going home.

Once she got home. She dropped the pack of food on the kitchen counter and went to put on the stereo increasing the volume to the last level.

Dua Lipa's song titled 'Physical' came up and Céline started dancing to the beat as she pulled off her shoes.

'...who needs to go sleep, when I gat you next to me.. All night I am right here with you, I know you got my back and you know I gat'chu so c'mon, c'mon, let's get physical...' The song was saying.

She struggled with the zip of her dress as she danced her way to her room, rolling her hips to the beat and singing the lyrics as loud as her voice could carry.

This was definitely the best day of her life!