Céline found herself so much immersed in her work. She forgot about seducing Damien. All the resolutions she made on her way to work, had gone down the drain the second she started sorting the files.
She had denied herself the thrill of working in an office, surrounded by papers and the strong scent of coffee for too long.
She really missed this.
She missed having to clear out so many files in such a little time.
She bit her lips as she pulled stray red strands of hair out of her face as she concentrated on her work. She was trying to finish up all the files today, so she could help Tiana search for the other files Damien had dumbed on her table.
Damien was a couple of feet away from her but thoughts of seducing him was long gone from her head. She was lost inside her work.
A short hesitant knock sounded on the office door breaking Céline from the world of papers to the real world. She reluctantly raised her head from the notes she had been taking to glare at the door.