
"What have you done!" Mrs Culhane's screeched.

"Mom, it is not as bad as you think... We just wanted to spend sometime at home-" Damien tried to explain to his mother but she was not having it.

"Do not give me that Damien Culhane! Do not even try it! Why would you call off your honeymoon! Didn't you think of your innocent wife?"

"Look at her! She is sick and pale because of you!" She barked pacing the room.

"Poor girl would be worried sick!"

Somehow, Mrs Culhane had found out about Damien calling off his honeymoon and she got to the house when Céline had gone unconscious.

"Mom, she is sick because she refused to eat anything. It's not like-" Damien tried again, but she stopped him.

"Can you listen to yourself young man? Why would she eat when her husband refused to take her to their honeymoon?"

"What were you thinking?" She cried.

Damien knew his mother was dramatic but he didn't think she would take things this serious.