Ch.9 General Wu Zhe Yan

"Lady… This could affect the future of our country and you're only going to write that? Why don’t you reconsider?" It was the first time Xiao Liu has seen a secret letter in writing, but he was pretty sure that this… wasn’t it.

"He should know with this." Even with Luo Yue’s intelligence, she couldn’t find a single mistake with the letter she had written. Wasn't it summarised, simple, and straight to the point?

'Is Sir Xu not human...?' Xiao Liu thought to himself.

"How is he supposed to know? Lady, shouldn’t you at least add a few more words to explain the situation to Sir Xu?"

She considered his words because she remembered that 'that person; had said before, 'To become a good leader, taking others' opinions into account is the first step.'. Even if she had zero interest in being one, it didn't change the fact that she was the one leading here. So, although Xiao Liu might tend to worry too much, it wasn’t a bad thing to listen to him occasionally.

So, the magnanimous God of War added two words in front.

‘Too easy.’

"There, I properly explained. It was too easy of a battle thus there must be something wrong. Could be a scheme. Suspicious. Investigate."

"…" Shen Tian Ping watched the two people silently, having long been used to his Master’s personality.

Luo Yue walked out of the tent and placing two fingers to her mouth, gave a sharp whistle. Within seconds, a loud screech could be heard in the sky and with a huge flutter of wings, the majestic black eagle turned a few rounds in the air before landing on her arm.

The deadly-looking thing rubbed his beak against her nose affectionately.

"I get it already." It was rare to see that gentleness appear in Luo Yue’s eyes as she accepted his affections. "I'll prepare some meat for you when you return, alright?"

Delighted, the highly intelligent eagle gave another screech.

She put the letter into a small container and tied it to one of its talons. "Xiao Hei, it’s been 5 years, but you do remember the way to that annoying guy’s mansion, don’t you? Bring this to him."

*Xiao Hei = Little Black/Blackie

The Eagle knocked his head to her cheeks once and with a single flap of his wings, soared up into the sky.

"There, Shi Jing should get that letter safely."

"Lady, how do you usually write reports?" Xiao Liu was seriously curious before his eyes widened, "wait, the official report this time, you did actually write one, didn’t you?"

"Of course, he’s the Emperor. What do you take me for?" she sounded a little indignant. "I still have basic manners, you know."


The prisoners have been safely brought back to the Capital and both the report written by The God of War and the insignia proving that the five thousand people were indeed from the East were now brought in front of the Emperor.

Murmurs broke out in the Imperial Court.

"Has the issue in LanLing Village already been settled?"

"It hasn’t even been 2 days since the order was made. The God of War really lives up to his name."

"We should have sent the God of War to the frontlines from the start. That way, this many innocent lives would not have been lost..."

"If we could do that, we would already have done it a long time ago. Who would dare stop him if he wanted to go into seclusion?"

"Now that the great God of War has returned, the tables will finally turn in this war."

"This drawn-out war has long weakened both the North and South's vitality. Perhaps it will be wiser for us to take this chance to call for a truce. Lest the other countries take this opportunity to attack."

Across the room, the Fourth Prince leaned against a pillar, nonchalantly playing with the ends of his hair. As the current Emperor’s brother of different mothers, it was also his duty to partake in the morning court.

His eyes lazily swept across the room until they met with those of the Minister of Revenue, his Imperial mother’s brother. His uncle moved his lips silently and amidst the small commotion in the court, the Fourth Prince caught his words.

'The God of War has left seclusion. The plan has to be changed.'

He gave such a light nod that even those standing near him did not notice before turning his attention back to the front.

Of course, the plan must be changed. Although he had only come across Luo Yue a few times, he had heard enough about her in the Imperial Palace to be extra cautious of her. The paradoxes surrounding her were as baffling as they could be.

She was the youngest person to have entered the Imperial Court and made a name for herself and yet, the number of officials who had actually seen behind her mask could be counted with one hand. She should have been the most threatening existence to his late Imperial father with her popularity among the commoners and yet, his Imperial father had only granted her more power. She was a person with immense authority in her hands, someone who could have easily sat on the throne 5 years ago, and yet, the shocking news of her disappearance sent the country to mayhem that day.

Now that she had descended from the Forbidden Mountain, he needed to find a way to get her over to his side. And if that didn’t work, he must make sure that her existence is erased from this world. A person this shrouded in mysteries, could only be a ticking bomb.

He glanced up at the throne where his Imperial brother was sitting on and noticed that right after unfolding the report, his brother's face had blackened almost instantly. The report was thrown down across the room in a rage.

"Outrageous! This Luo Yue is getting bolder and bolder each day!"

Xu Shi Jing bent forward and picked up the report by his feet. He took a look at the word written strongly yet elegantly and resisted a chuckle.


"Your Majesty, please quell your anger." Xu Shi Jing returned the report to the Emperor. "The God of War has just come out of seclusion. It is inevitable that he has forgotten some customs."

"And when has he ever put the Imperial Court in his eyes?" The Emperor gave an angry snort, feeling a familiar headache coming just at the thought of having to deal with her again.

"Your Majesty, please allow this subject to speak a few words.” The Minister of Work took a step forward. He was usually a serious man of few words.

Emperor Xuan Zong nodded.

"While the God of War indeed has an eccentric character, he has proven that his 5 years of seclusion have not incapacitated him in any way. On the contrary, in this mission, he has once again shown that he is still our country's last line of defense. This subject believes that we should send him to the frontline immediately."

Murmurs of discussions broke out in the court but Emperor Xuan was in no mood to listen to any of them. "The God of War has returned to the Forbidden Mountian. From now on, I do not want to hear any more talks of him. Anyone who spreads the news that he has left seclusion will be heavily punished. Court dismissed!"


That night, Xu Shi Jing was sitting by the window, brewing a jar of wine when he picked up the unmistakable flutter of wings. He set the jar aside, walked to his study table, and picked up the two pieces of dried fish he had prepared.

When he turned around, a familiar guest was already waiting by the window ledge.

"Xiao Hei, you’re here." He smiled as he gave the black eagle the dried fish in which it happily devoured.

"Oh? That’s rare." Xu Shi Jing took the letter from the container and his lips curled gently as the three-words-long letter appeared in front of his eyes. "This is the first time she has written such a long letter to me."


{3 days later}

The City of JiangNan has been secured and thus the tables have turned again. This time, the Southern Army was the one forced into having to protect the City of TianAn from the Northern Army currently camped a few lis away, waiting for a chance to attack.

* 1 li is about 400 meters.

In that silent, tensed night, 3 people arrived on horseback at the northern camp and were immediately stopped by the guards on duty.

"State your identity!"

Luo Yue’s right hand instinctively went for the token under the inner layers of her robe before she recalled the Emperor’s order and it changed direction. She took out the Imperial scroll instead and threw it over to the guards.

"Following his Majesty's decree, I am here to aid with the war. Strategist sent from the Imperial Court, She Li." She criticized Xu Shi Jing's naming sense in her head again. "And these are my personal guards."

"Strategist She Li?" the guards exchanged a few sceptical glances with each other. Not only have they not heard of the name She Li before, but they were also pretty sure their North did not have a female strategist. However, the Royal Seal was clearly imprinted there.

Luo Yue understood the looks she was getting immediately, and her eyebrows twitched. "I wish to meet General Wu."

The guards hesitated, exchanged a few more glances that caused Xiao Liu’s eyes to widen in horror when he noticed Luo Yue reaching for her fan, before one of them finally nodded. "Understood. I will inform the General of your arrival. Please wait here until I’ve received the General’s orders."

"My Lady!" Xiao Liu whispered a complaint, "what’s with their attitude?"

"…" Luo Yue stared past the gates as she mused, "it looks like this General Wu has finished gaining complete control in this place."

General Wu's arrival at the battlefield had been a crucial turning point for the Northern Army. Even the soldiers who had been stationed at the frontline and miraculously survived for so long, had heard about Wu Zhe Yan, the Leader of the Imperial Hounds Army. Has the Emperor, his majesty, finally decided to send his private troops to the frontline? They had straightened their necks, trying to vie for a look at the Capital's most infamous army. Yet, there was no one else behind the General except for his young subordinate.

“What? Am I alone not enough?” his voice had boomed across the land, striking with a hint of oppressiveness that had made them shudder.

Met with an army whose morale had already withered away, he did not bother giving an impressive speech or whatsoever to stir their hearts. Instead, he took up his giant sword, jumped onto his majestic black horse, and charged straight into the war.

He fought on the frontline, and even as blood splattered across his face, that crooked smile only grew larger. For the soldiers who have spent years on the battlefield fighting this losing war, what dragged them away from their despair and hopelessness was not a morale-boosting cheer but a burst of crackling laughter. Wu Zhe Yan swung his sword, striking down anything in his sight. His eyes shone with enjoyment, ecstasy even, as he alone attacked the enemy with the force of a thousand.

No wonder they called him the Mad Dog of the North!

Just seeing him fight was enough to shine a light on the soldiers who have already resigned to fate. True to his title, The Mad Dog had never heard of the word 'Mercy'. Perhaps, this battlefield might not be their grave. One by one, each took up their spear and attempt to change their fate once more. With a roar filled with desperation, they followed the General in his charge.

Although even 'insane' would not be able to describe the person leading them, somehow, he felt exceedingly reliable to the fallen soldiers. In the end, by some miraculous fold of event, the tables were turned and the City of JiangNan was successfully defended.

Now, there was no one in the camp who didn’t worship this Mad Dog and his words were the only command they would follow. So, towards this dubious new strategist She Li, whom the Capital had sent too late, they were extra wary.

If only they knew that the person they were guarding against was not just any strategist but the God of War herself, they would never have dared to show such disrespect.

As the last drop of wine dripped down along with her patience, Luo Yue threw the urn away and jumped onto her horse. Her sudden action brought Xiao Liu scrambling to his feet. "Where are you going, Lady?"

"Home." Came the simple reply as she turned her horse around.