‘Daddy, you’re snoring,’ Oksy says, her voice breaking into Red’s sleeping brain. ‘Daddy, can you hear the kookaburra?’
Red opens his eyes to a silhouette of curtains. Shit! His neck hurts, it’s been resting on the arm of his chair. If he straightens it too fast, it’ll cramp up. He must have been asleep for hours. Can’t even get guard duty right. They could have all been killed.
Keeping his head still, Red feels around for the Kriss. It’s fallen down between him and the chair, the magazine pressing against his hip. Tensing his neck muscles a little, he lifts it out.
A red LED clock on the dresser says 8.58 am. According to the weather chart on his phone, sunrise was 5.40. A Fight Club proverb comes to mind: ‘Today is the sort of day where the sun only comes up to humiliate you.’ A kookaburra laughs, the noise slamming into his head.
‘They’re happy,’ Oksy pipes up, crawling out of bed and turning on the TV.
‘They are,’ he says, lifting his head a notch.