Mia sits on a swag roll in the Love Bubble, her back propped up against the wall of the cave, her eyes closed. She recites her Christmas prayer, emphasising ‘total destruction of the evil’. She prays for Red, who’s just left for Caradoka. Things seem to be falling into place—after last night even their marriage is looking good. She laughs, thanks God for orgasms and closes with a prayer borrowed from Janie, who found it in an ancient prayer book.
‘“Have mercy on my lover,’” she says, opening her eyes, ‘“as I would do if I were you, and you my lover. Amen.’”
Still thinking about the prayer, especially the words ‘as I would do’, she takes a tube of Grannymix out of her pocket and squeezes a dob onto her hand, rubbing it into her neck, her face and her lips. This will have serve as moisturiser for now. If only she had some real lip balm.