A Family Picnic

Everyone stepped out of the bus one by one. They sighed at the same time and smiled, Shared glances, and made their way near the beach. Syanja held Nina’s hand and took her near the sea. “Do you like it, Nina?’ Syanja asked Nina who was giggling in happiness. Jung-Hoon made his way to them and smiled. “ The weather is so pleasant today.” Syanja glanced at him and nodded. “Yeah. right.” She said sweetly, making his heart pound.

“Are you okay Hyun-Tae?” Ho-Jim asked his brother worriedly. Hyun-Tae smiled and nodded and took his gaze at them, who were busy giggling. Ho-Jim patted his back and went near Syanja and Jung-Hoon. “We have a whole day, you can continue it later.” Syanja smiled and left them as Ho-Jim stated. “Jung-Hoon, I want to tell you something really important,” Ho-Jim said with a blank face, Jung-Hoon understood it would be something serious. Jung-Hoon nodded but they were interrupted by Hyun-Tae who took Ho-Jim away. Jung-Hon looked at Ji-Ho who was also shocked. They shrugged their shoulders and went to the others.

‘WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU BRO, YOU WERE GOING TO TELL HIM.” Hyun-Tae yelled at Ho-Jim. “Ho-Jim, you know everything because you are my brother.” Hyun-Tae sighed and continued. “If you weren’t my brother then, I would never have let you know that,” Hyun-Tae said and about to leave but stopped as Ho-Jim held his wrist. “You think the way you stare at Syanja, the way you smile when you are with her, the way you care for her, the way you felt hard when she was with him it is unnoticeable?” Ho-Jim stated, making him close his eyes. “Yes, I love her but this will never change the fact that she loves Jung-Hoon,” Hyun-Tae asked and his eyes widened as he saw something, Ho-Jim frowned and looked back. Ha-Yoon and Hi-Ho were staring at them with shock. “W-we can explain,” Ho-Jim said and looked down. “You better explain this,” Ho-Yoon stated while glaring at them.

After a few minutes, they explained everything to them. “Hyun-Tae, we have no words to say right now. As you know Jung-Hoon and Syanja are getting closer. I think it is hard for you, but we can’t tell this to Jung-Hoon.” Ji-Ho said and everyone nodded at him. “If we did it then I am damn sure he will leave Syanja for you, and no one will be able to be happy again.” They nodded in order of agreement. “Who will not be happy?” They looked back at the owner of the voice and were shocked as they saw Jung-Hoon was standing in front of them. “What happened to you all, why are you so shocked as you saw a ghost?” They laughed awkwardly and joined him. “Let's go, I am starving,” Ji-Ho said and everyone left Jung-Hoon dumbfounded. “What's wrong with them? Hey, wait for me.” Jung-Hoon also followed them.

“You all are here, let’s eat and after that, we will go to the mountain which is near this near place,” Lara said and everyone joined her. “Where is Syanja?” Seo-Jin asked, catching everyone’s attention. “I don’t know,” Jung-Hoon said and was about to go to look at her but someone stopped him. “ Jung-Hoon you wait I’ll look at her,” Hyun-Tae said and Jung-Hoon nodded but Ha-Yoon, Ji-Ho, and Ho-Jim gasped and shared glances. “What’s wrong?” U-Ram and Seo-Jin questioned as they saw their weird reaction. They all shook their heads and smiled. U-Ram and Seo-Jin rolled their eyes and started eating.

Meanwhile, Syanja was staring at the sea, Hyun-Tae sighed as he found her all fine and went near her. “You know how to make everyone worry.” Syanja looked at him as he stated. “I never asked them to worry about me.” Syanja smiled as she said. “But, who loves you, they always worry about you Syanja,” Hyun-Tae said seriously, making her gulp. “Let’s go, everyone is waiting for you.” She nodded at him and made her way to everyone. “Syanja.” She stopped at her track as Hyun-Tae called her, She looked at him confusedly. "I Am sorry for last time, It wasn't for you. I wasn't in my right senses."

Syanja smiled and nodded and Hyun-Tae followed her.

Syanja sat with Jung-Hoon as she gave her space beside him and Hyun-Tae went towards Ho-Jim. "Don't think anything about it. I was just apologizing to her." Hyun-Tae made it clear to them and sat with them. After having lunch everyone grabbed their bags and Followed Lara and Mr. Lee. Nina was so excited and Syanja was holding her hand.

"I am so tired bro, my legs are gonna die soon. Mom, please forgive me for all my mistakes. Dad, I love you. GOD, please call me to heaven as you know I am the best child of my parents and a good human. I always love animals, I never hurt anyone." Seo-Jin said dramatically, making Ji-Ho and Ho-Jim giggle. "OH, MY LORD PLEASE SEND ME AN ANGEL. WHO GIVES ME A PIGGYBACK RIDE." Seo-Jin said after glancing at U-Ram. U-Ram rolled his eyes and bent down to carry him. Seo-Jim smiled and jumped on his back.

"Such a dramatic person you are Seo-Jin," Ha-Yoon Said and rolled his eyes. "Can you give me a piggyback ride?" Ho-Jim pleaded to Ho-Yoon. He smiled and bent down. "Maa, I want to go on a piggyback ride." Jung-Hoon smiled and bent to her. She got up and held him tightly. After a moment they all reached the mountain. There were chairlifts and people were riding them.

"I wanna ride Maa, I wanna ride." Nina giggled excitedly, and Syanja smiled. Mr. Lee and Lara went to buy tickets. Meanwhile, Syanja went to buy ice cream for everyone. Nina was standing near the entrance and a little girl about four years old came close to her. She was holding a teddy bear in her hands, Nina looked at her and smiled meanwhile the little girl's feet twisted and she fell. Nina quickly went to her and helped her but someone came and grabbed Nina's hand making her flinch. "How dare you, to touch my daughter," Lady said angrily. Nina looked down as the tears welled up in her eyes. "I-I was h-helping her." She said in her sobs. The girl started crying and it made the lady angrier, she glared at Nina and was about to slap her but found herself on the floor as Syanja pushed her away and glared at her with red eyes. "How dare you, HOW DARE YOU TO TOUCH MY DAUGHTER?" Syanja yelled at the lady. Lady got up and glared at Syanja while everyone came to them, Nina ran to Lara and hugged her. "Teach your daughter some manners." The lady said mockingly, making Syanja angrier. "Just Shut up," Syanja warned her but she smirked. "What will you do if I don't?" She challenged her. Syanja was about to go near her but stopped my U-Ram. "Syanja, Relax." He tried to make the situation calm as he knows it will affect Syanja's career.

Syanja stopped but the lady smirked widely. "You're scared, I can see mother like, as her daughter.." The lady said and Syanja went to her and punched her in the face making everyone gasp. "Don't you ever think about it to say anything about my family," Syanja said and left the place angrily.