Mr. And Mrs. Jeong

Syanja groaned as the sunlight hit her face. She shifted her position and opened her eyes half as she was sleepy. Syanja saw Jung-Hoon was caressing her hair and staring at her lovingly. She smiled and closed her eyes. She frowned and opened her eyes widened. She sat on the bed and slapped her face a few times. Jung-Hoon chuckled at her behaviour. She glanced at him, confusedly. "What are you doing here?" She questioned, and he smiled.

He sat on the bed and pulled her close to him. She frowned, and he hugged her, making her heart pound across her chest.

"W-what happened, Jung-Hoon." She said nervously. Jung-Hoon tightened his grip before breaking the hug. He smiled and patted her head. "Get up and freshen up. We are going somewhere." He said and left the room, making her more confused.

She came out of the room after getting fresh. Everyone was waiting for her at the dining table. Syanja went near them and greeted them.

"Good Morning everyone." She sat with Nina and started eating. After having breakfast, Syanja was about to leave, but Jung-Hoon held her hand. She took a glance at him and smiled. "What's wrong?"

She asked, but he didn't answer her. She tried to get out of his grip but it wasn’t used as Jung-Hoon was stronger than her.

"Jung-Hoon L-leave M-me" Syanja Stuttered as the tears welled up in her eyes. She didn't know why she was getting weak in his touch. She gave up and tears started falling. Jung-Hoon pulled her closer and hugged her. She tightened her grip and buried her face in his chest, making his heart clench. "I-I tried to be strong, but y-you make me weak," Syanja said between her sobs.

Jung-Hoon Patted her back continuously to calm her. “I am here. Everything's gonna be okay,” Jung-Hoon said sweet words in her ears to make her feel better. Meanwhile, Lara, Seo-Jin, and U-Ram were standing inside the kitchen staring at them. “I told you, bro, Jung-Hoon has feelings for her,” Seo-Jin said out of the blue. U-Ram hit him with an elbow, making him hissed in pain, and Lara was admiring her best friend with Aww expressions. “My best friend and Jung-Hoon are looking so good together. Evil eyes off.” She said and started punching in the air as she was hitting the devil.

“What are you doing?” Seo-Jin asked her with a weird face. “I am hitting the evil.” She answered while pouty. “Oh, GOD saves me from these childish people,” U-Ram said and left the kitchen. Lara and Seo-Jin shared a glance and rolled their eyes.

“Shh, you are crying too much, Syanja,” Jung-Hoon said worriedly. He tried to break the hug, but Syanja tightened her grip. “Stay like this please,” Syanja asked him to stay, Jung-Hoon smiled and rubbed her back. After a few minutes, Syanja broke the hug and looked at him with puffy red eyes. Jung-Hoon smiled and wiped her tears. “Why are you looking at me like that, Syanja?” Jung-Hoon asked her while fixing her hair. “You made me cry.” Syanja sad while pouty. Jung-Hoon laughed and pinched her cheeks. “You are looking so cute, just like a baby,” Jung-Hoon stated, making Syanja’s heart pound. Lara and Soe-Jin entered the living room, catching Syanja and Jung-Hoon’s attention. “Love birds, Are you done?” Soe-Jin said teasingly. Syanja looked around and excused herself. “You are so stupid,” Lara said to Seo-Jin and shifted her gaze to Jung-Hoon. “Thank you Jung-Hoon for coming here. She asked no one to help her.” Lara said with a sad smile and Jung-Hoon nodded at her.

Hyun-Tae woke up as the alarm started. He glanced at the alarm clock and tapped on it. He switched his position and was about to get up. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his head, making him groan. Hyun-Tae’s eyes widened as he saw a girl lying on his bed. He held his head and tried to remember last night. He knew he was with Ho-Jim last night when they were talking, but what happened after that was all blurry in his mind. “Shit,” Hyun-Tae whispered.

Syanja was sitting with Jung-Hoon in his car. She was confused about where Jung-Hoon was taking her with him and the curiosity was all over her face. Jung-Hoon smiled as he noticed her. “Don’t worry Syanja, I am not kidnapping you,” Jung-Hoon said out of the blue, sending shivers down her spine. “W-what?” She stuttered, making him smile widely.

After a few moments, Jung-Hoon stopped the car in front of the immense building, which was big as Vim cooperation Company. He got out of the car and opened the door for Syanja as a gentleman. Syanja smiled and got out of the car. “Let’s go Syanja, you are having an interview with my parents,” Jung-Hoon told her. Syanja’s eyes widened before she could say something. He took her inside the building. Everyone bowed at Jung-Hoon and gazed at Syanja weirdly. They were judging her, or maybe curious about her. The way Jung-Hoon was holding her hand, making sure she was all fine. This made them more curious about Syanja. “Who is that girl?” This question was on their minds. The bodyguard opened the door to let them go in as they reached the door of Mr. Jeong’s Office.

“May I come in?” Syanja asked for permission. Mr. Jeong nodded and smiled. Mrs. Jeong was sitting on the couch, checking some emails. She got up, as she heard Syanja's voice, she smiled and went to her. “You are here Syanja.” Mr. Jeong said and hugged her. Meanwhile, Syanja was all shocked. She froze in her tracks and didn’t know what to do.

Syanja immediately bowed to them as she came back to her senses. “Don’t be formal, Syanja.” Mr. Jeong said and signed them to sit. They nodded and sat on the chairs. Syanja shared a glance with Jung-Hoon and Mrs. Jeong was smiling at their cuteness.

“So Syanja, you had worked with The Vim Cooperation Company.” Mr. Jeong asked. “Yes, Mr. Jeong,” Syanja replied. “So, why did you leave the job?” Mr. Jeong asked another question. Syanja heaved a deep sigh and continued. “Because I made a mistake.” What mistake Miss. Syanja?” “Honey Yo–” Mr. Jeong signed Mr. Jeong as she was about to stop him. Syanja smiled. “I punched a lady, and that's why they asked me to leave my job for their goods.” “Why did you punch the Lady?” Mr. Jeong asked her. “Because she was saying bad things about my family and I lost control over me. I never did this for myself.” “Why did you never do it for yourself? Why for others?” Syanja glanced at Mr. Jeong, who was waiting for a valid answer. “It is just because I never take myself first. I always care about my family, my friends, and my close ones. I never want them to be hurt. I love them unconditionally. If it happened to me, I would never have punched her. She hurt my close one, and I have done that without thinking twice.” Syanja said and gazed down at her lap.

“So, if that happens again in the future, will you do the same?” Mr. Jeong asked her. Syanja smiled and nodded. “If anyone hurts my family, friends, and close friends, I will do the same again whenever it is needed. I will not think twice.” Syanja cleared herself and Mr. Jeong smiled. “Welcome to our company.” Syanja’s eyes widened. She jumped out of her chair and hugged Jung-Hoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jeong giggled. Syanja came back to reality as she heard them giggling. She broke the hug and looked down. Mrs. Jeong came near to her and hugged her. “Welcome to our world, Syanja.” She smiled..