What’s Going On In Hyun-Tae's Mind

“Argh, you are dumb Seo-Jin.” Syanja said in frustration while grabbing her hair. Jung-Hoon's eyes widened, and he hit Seo-Jin's head. “Yaaahh, what’s wrong? She told us Ji-Sui is pregnant, so I am happy for Hyun-Tae.” he said with a pouty face. “It’s not Hyun-Tae’s baby.” Syanja whispered yell at him. “She is right. Ji-Sui is three-months pregnant and Hyun-Tae met her two-months ago.” Ho-Jim said with a straight face, and Syanja nodded at him. Seo-Jin made an “O” with his lips and Syanja rolled her eyes, causing Seo-Jin to giggle. U-Ram shook his head as he read the report of Ji-Sui. “Why is she lying to us, and who is she? We need to find out before she harms anyone.” they nodded slightly at U-Ram. “Let’s go and sleep. We will talk about it later.” Ha-Yoon said, making everyone let out a sigh. They all left one by one as the conversation ended. Syanja took her laptop and was about to go, but Jung-Hoon stood in her way, causing her to flinch a little. “Move.” She said without looking at him. “No.” Jung-Hoon shook his head with a smirk on his face. He carried her in his arms and made his way to his room, leaving her in a shock by his action. “Yahhh, put me down right now. What if someone sees us?” She panicked and Jung-Hoon ignored her words while walking to his room.

After a few moments, as Jung-Hoon fell asleep, Syanja placed the laptop on her lap and turned it on. She had work left to do. Syanja glanced at Jung-Hoon, who was sleeping peacefully, shirtless. She smiled and leaned close to kiss his forehead. “Cute bunny.” She whispered and caressed his cheek. Syanja had been working for two hours now. She stretched her arms and yawned. ``Little more Syanja.” she said and shook her head as her eyes were closing because of tiredness. Syanja fell asleep while working in the wrong position. She didn’t when she fell asleep. Jung-Hoon woke up as he felt thirsty in his sleep. He moved and glanced at Syanja, who was sleeping while resting her head on the laptop. He shook his head and let out a sigh. “You are doing so much hard work again these days.” He mumbled as he placed her on the bed. “I will see you in the morning.” Jung-Hoon glared at her, but soon his eyes softened when Syanja mumbled something in sleep. “I love you, bunny.” He chuckled and kissed her on top of the head. Jung-Hoon drank a glass of water and lied on his side. He shifted position and wrapped his arms around Syanja’s waist and pulled her closer. Jung-Hoon snuggled his face into the crook of Syanja’s neck and slowly fell asleep in her arms.

Hyun-Tae threw himself on the bed and stared at the wall clock. His gaze landed on Ji-Sui. She was sleeping peacefully. It’d make Hyun-Tae disgusted. “You will pay for everything soon.” He said and let out a sigh before having a fresh, deep breath. He took a glance at the mobile and a smirk appeared on his lips. “Let’s play now.”

In the morning, everyone headed to the living room for breakfast. Syanja was still asleep while Jung-Hoon was ready to go downstairs. He shook his head and made his way to his sleeping head. Jung-Hoon sat on the edge of the bed and caressed her hair, causing her to move. Syanja pulled the duvet over her face, covering it because of the sunrays. “Wake up, sleeping head.” Jung-Hoon whispered into her ear, sending shivers through her body. Syanja’s eyes widened, and she gulped. Syanja immediately stood up and rushed to the restroom, making Jung-Hoon laugh harder. Jung-Hoon placed the same matching outfit as him on the bed with a red note and rose. He smiled and headed out of the room, as he knew Syanja didn’t take a towel in the restroom because she was in a hurry. She stepped out of the restroom and her gaze landed on the outfit with a note and rose. She smiled and shook her head. “He is so caring.” Syanja smiled slightly.

Everyone's eyes widened as they saw Jung-Hoon and Syanja were wearing matching outfits. Seo-Jin shared a glance with Ji-Ho, who was staring at them with an open mouth. Ha-Yoon's expressions changed into an impressive one. “Wow, are you both perhaps dating?” Ho-Jim asked while eating his breakfast. “No, yes.” Syanja denied and Jung-Hoon agreed, making everyone more confused. Jung-Hoon glanced at Syanja with disappointment. He felt hurt and didn’t say a word. Jung-Hoon walked over and sat in the seat and started having his breakfast. “Go, join him.” U-Ram said, and she nodded at him before taking a seat beside Jung-Hoon.

She was staring at Jung-Hoon with a guilty face to make him disappointed in front of everyone. Everyone noticed Syanja’s face and shared a glance before leaving them alone to sort out the matter on their own. Syanja heaved a deep breath as they all left them. Jung-Hoon stood up and was about to go. Syanja held his hand, stopping Jung-Hoon on his track. “I am sorry.” She sobbed. Jung-Hoon's eyes widened, and he sat back on the seat. “Hey, it's okay.” He held her hand and moved her close to him. “Stop crying.” Jung-Hoon said with a soft gaze to her. Syanja started crying even more, making him panicked. Jung-Hoon immediately made her sit on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her, Syanja snuggled her face into his neck while crying. Jung-Hoon was rubbing her back softly, making her calm down. After a few minutes, Syanja broke the hug and glanced at Jung-Hoon with big teary eyes, causing his heart to skip a beat. “You are such a crybaby.” Jung-Hoon chuckled, making her cry more. “Omo, I am sorry, am sorry.” He hugged her again. Syanja rested her head on Jung-Hoon’s shoulder as she felt tired because of crying. Jung-Hoon's eyes were closed, feeling warm inside. “I don’t understand why did you cry?” Jung-Hoon questioned, causing Syanja to break the hug. “You ignored me for a few minutes.” Her voice cracked between her words. She is so sensitive about Jung-Hoon. Jung-Hoon shook his head and pecked her lips softly, leaving her eyes widened in shock. “Yaahh, don’t do that.” She became shy and hid her face in Jung-Hoon's chest. He giggled and tightened his grip around her waist.

Meanwhile, everyone was admiring with a “Aww” while placing their hands on their chest. “Let’s go, we are late already.” They nodded at Ji-Ho and made their way to their car. Ha-Yoon bumped into Ji-Sui, who was in a hurry. They shared a confused glance and helped them to stand up. “YAAH, CAN’T YOU WALK WHILE LOOKING IN FRONT.” Ji-Sui yelled and walked out of the house. “What the—” Ha-Yoon stopped when U-Ram shook his head, making him stop to say further. He let out a sigh and nodded before heading out.