Mayas P.O.V

"Miss Johnson I presume?"

"Umm yes and you're?" I asked a little agitated by the sudden halt.

"The name is Pierre Hudson mam" he formally extended his hand.

'Such formality, it reminds me of my home days, I hate it!' I looked at his hand and decided to shake it, although I hated shaking people's hands. I mean who knows where they had been.

"Hi! How can I help you?" I tried to get rid of him. I hated small talks, especially old small talks; it made me sound like an old loner with thousand cats.

"Forgive me but I just wanted to introduce myself, I couldn't help but realize how good looking you’re" he showed confidence and hope.

'Did he just stop me because I’m beautiful? Seriously it’s my first day and this happens! Such an idiotic idea of a first impression.'

"Pardon me I'm late for my first class, although I will say thank you for the complement, you’re very kind and it's even my first day" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes a bit at him.

"Oh! Forgive me, it is late indeed. I hope to see you around, or maybe have lunch after school today?" he ignored my sarcasm hoping and raising an eyebrow flashing a little smile.

Truthfully if I wasn't agitated by the way he halted me or rather disturbed me from my talks with my sister I would have given him the time.

'Such a charming down to earth man'. He was handsome I would say, tall I'd say like 1, 9 and slim. He had a properly built body, a trainer’s body and brown eyes that shone with curiosity and courage. I didn't waste any time reading his mind though, I saw the way he looked at me, he wanted me in every way. 'Probably in another time or world.' I thought rolling my eyes at myself.

"Yeah it is. Anyways I'll sure see you around and again thank you for the complement. Bye!" I reassured trying not to make him feel like a fool. He smiled at me again ignoring the fact that I ignore his lunch proposal, and bid his farewells back. I left not giving him the benefit of the doubt, ready to do what I came for.

'Ok! So what’s next?...... Yeah! Classes. First History with the juniors for two periods and after recess English with the seniors and history again with the seniors. Damn! Am I going to get rest? Well at least my day is short and I teach four classes a day, which means more alone time, yay! Good that it's a half day today, just introductory classes and that's it'.

Going down the corridors I made it to my homeroom, room 12. I got inside and found a bunch of kids making noise.

'At least they aren't that many to be giving me trouble' I thought looking at their number which was probably around twenty.

"Good morning everyone" I cleared my throat. Everyone turned around, well most of them had started turning around when I got in and had been gawking at me and mumbling 'she’s gorgeous, she’s beautiful, I want to be her, I want to fuck her' they just kept going on and on until I chose to block their words and thoughts. 'Kids right!'

"Good morning mam" they sang unison except some crew that just kept to themselves and started mumbling things I didn't want to know about.

"Good morning sexy" a boy from the crew voiced out which I assume was what they were discussing and it had me pissed off.

'I mean I don’t care if they think it or mumble to themselves but that was totally unprofessional'. Choosing to ignore him I decided to take charge.

"I'm Miss Johnson for those that don't know me, well everyone doesn't know me but yeah!"

"I know you" the boy said choosing to disturb me 'seriously! This is what I have to deal with! Damn my life'

"Where do you know me from?" I asked fake entertaining him and plastering a fake smile although, I knew he was going to say something probably a lie or a joke.

"From my dreams" he said cockily.

'Seriously! This is exhausting! Ok! Maya don’t overreact these are just kids, think of them like they are your annoying sister'.

Turning to them snorting I chose to change the subject. "What is your name young man?" I asked making him squint a bit.

"The name is Jade Ford mam" he tried to gain his composure.

I thought of a way to deal with him once and for all.

"Now that we know each other Jade Ford! Would you love to come help me get to know the whole class. For now, they will introduce themselves and after that they will ask me questions just so they know me too and you will point a student to ask me a question, got it?" I lamented enjoying what I’m about to do a little too much.

'I am one person who loves kids, I like playing with them but if they get on my nerves I know how to put them on their lane'. Jade agreed and stood up shyly making his way next to me fidgeting with his shirt. 'Oh poor child, has respect but troublesome. I suppose I shouldn't let him walk over me'. The introductions began and finished too early for my liking. 'Ok! Time for questions'

"Are you single?" a boy called Simon asked, and I gave Jade a look that says seriously! You had to choose him. Well he was in his crew so obviously he was going to want a little bit of revenge.

"No, and none of your business. I’m married actually" fake laughing I showed them my marriage ring that my grandmother gave to me. The boys all looked disappointed, well with some other girls 'Wow!' and the rest just laughed at the boy who asked.

"How old are you?" this time it was a girl and I’m assuming she asked because she was troubled by the way I looked.

"27" I lied, well I couldn't tell them how old I was, I just used human years.

'Imagine the snickering and hysteria I could get if I were to tell the truth. Well this introductory is pointless, I mean I'm going to lie to them the whole time. Well at least I get to know them, it’s good for them'.

"Where were you born, because I would have noticed you, it’s a small town you know?" Jason a crew member of Jade asked.

I contemplated on what to tell them, 'it was a small town indeed'.

"I was born in Oklahoma" I lied again.

'I sure have this under reps' I smiled to myself.

The introductory went on and on with them asking me silly questions like why I got married early and more. Time flew by fast and before I knew it, it was recess. 'Phew, thank you Lord!'

"It was nice knowing you guys, really! You made me forget I had two whole hours with you" I smiled at them. They laughed and said their goodbyes as they left me alone. Well not really alone, but with Jade standing far from me like a lost kitten 'seriously kid!'

"So mam anything else you need?" he nervously asked breaking the tension. I turned around and studied him.

'She is so hot, so hot, and so hot' he kept singing in his mind. 'Ow! So cute but too much kid'. He really did like me. Although I didn't want him getting the wrong impression that I am that kind of a teacher.

"Jade, I like you, but son you're a minor and I’m a teacher and besides I am happily married. Me liking you means I like you as my own child but other than that there is nothing here for you or me. I would be happy if you respect that before it got us into trouble with other teachers" I assured soothingly as possibly. I saw how genuine he wanted to please me but he was a kid and I certainly wouldn’t date him even if he wasn't. Well I wasn't going to tell him that but I had to make sure we are in good terms.

He turned his eyes back at me as he had been looking down embarrassed. "I’m sorry miss, you’re just."

"......... beautiful, I know now go enjoy your day with your friends bud. Me and you are friends now, any help I need I will surely ask you" I cut him off before he rambled more and started crying.

Well he looked like he wanted to cry but the moment he heard I was going to need him he flashed a goofy smile and said "I knew you like me too, see you around mam" he said snickering.

I laughed back at his childishness ....."And stop calling me mam, you’re making me feel old" I said but he just said mam again and ran off. I shook my head at his playfulness.

'Kids!' I continued laughing. 'Well it seems teaching will be amazing as kindergarten after all'. I thought smiling to myself enjoying the feeling of connecting with students again. 'Oh had it been long since I dealt with kids.'

Maxine’s P.O.V

"Yo! What class you got?" Cie maneuvering with me through the students getting out of the showers after our P.E class.

We had our own showers.

'Ok! Not to sound weird but we never shared a shower, we just had two showers at the long end nobody used but us'.

"I’m not sure but lemme check. Why you asking anyways, we on the same classes?' I asked suddenly confused.

"Broh! You know I aren't gonna be in classes you aren't, its ride or die bitch" Cie exclaimed happily enjoying using me.

I looked at her dead in the eyes 'I swear I can never get rest from her, I mean I love her to death and she's probably the only thing I love in this world, well except for! no! I am not gone think about that person not now, not ever!'

Cie, realizing I had been lost in my own thoughts nudged me.

"Man you know you love me; you can't get enough of this" she said as matter of fact pointing at her whole body with a towel on her hand drying herself up.

"Gross!" I made faces laughing at her stupid ass.

I knew she was trying to distract me; she knew I loved being quiet and up in my heard.

'She always has a way to make me laugh and forget my worries, that’s why I love her. Well not gay love, like gross! I mean I love a nigga like a sister'.

Cie pushed me a bit startling me from my thoughts. Again!

"What class man, can't wait to see...wait! What’s her name again? Oh yeah beautiful Andrea. Damn! That girl’s fine!"

'Seriously, seriously Cie' I thought rolling my eyes hating the effect that girl had on my best friend. 'Bitch better not fuck my friend over, she be too lit for her'.

"Dude you better stop wasting your time on this. Anyways she looks like she's a senior so she's probably gone be in some of our classes, and don't get your hopes up man!" I warned realizing this is the first time she talked about a girl this much.

Normally, we just forget them after we know them, it’s how we were, no strings attached or anything that comes with baggage. I searched through my bag after I rinsed my head. We had been from the showers after our P.E and it seemed we were gonna be late in our second class.

'Who cares anyway? We are smart so no pressure. And besides who puts P.E as a first class in the morning! We should have just gone to class smelling like fish'. I rolled my eyes hating the day ahead.

"Dude you in your head game again, can you just be snappy so we go" Cie wined like a toddler.

I rummaged through my bag and got out the timetable. 'Introductory classes for English and history. What the fuck’s this? Where the fuck our teacher gone to?'

"Yoh! We got introductory class for English and history" I huffed hating the changes already.

'Damn! Mother fucker better be lively and nice, aren't got time to waste with some bitch ass old hog. This are my, well me and Cie's favorite subjects since she practically follows and enjoys everything I do and everywhere I go. Ok! Allow me to introduce you to our schools schedule for every opening year. So apparently every year when we get new teachers we have introductory classes. Which are classes where we meet the teacher, get to know each other and all that weird useless shit I'd skip in a heartbeat for a meal'.

"What the fuck! You kidding me right?" she jerked the paper away from me confirming my statement making me roll my eyes.


"Dude it better not be some old hog who's go bore us to death and make us hate the subjects. Well not the subjects but them!" she stated as a matter of fact whining a bit.

'Yeah! yeah! Cie, like you read my mind' I ignored her outburst and started dressing up and packing.

"Wait this aren't the subjects we popping to right now. Dude what the fuck you been looking for?"

"Sorry but that was important to me" I shrugged my shoulders ignoring her outburst.

"Yeah! yeah! I know man. We have mmhhh! Where is it? Ohhh! Physics! Somebody kill me already" she groaned.

"Damn!" I swore hating the day already.

'Yeah! Call us weirdoes but who likes physics, shit is hard and exhaust the shit out of you'.

Cie laughed realizing my actions.

"I know man; I know!" she stated soothingly packing her bag like a loving mother which gained her a weird look and a smile from me.

'Dude has a way of making me smile'.

"Hey what you think, should I leave the shorts on or not?"

"Seriously Cie. Just pray she sees you in whatever you chose to wear" I ignored Cie who was busy acting like a girl obsessing over a girl crush.

She just ignored me and finished up packing. Well I was finished and had been waiting for her.

"Hurry up" I rolled my eyes agitated but she was busy looking at herself up and down.

I huffed "We are gon be really late" I continued in monotone.

"Chill your tits man. What's with you today? You in a funk!" Cie looked at me up and down.

"Nothing! Just hurry up" I disregarded her question.

Truthfully, I was in a funk. I hadn't told Cie I had the dream again after so long. It confused and angered me. I wanted to know why now all of a sudden, after all these years she disappeared. At the same time, I didn't want to. I mean I wanted the meaning for the dream but I wanted meanings for a lot of things, it was exhausting. I chose to dismiss all.

‘But I did wanna know, like why the fuck did my father abandoned me. No no! I am not going down that gloomy lane today. I'm just gonna dread this day until it's over' I shook my head and saw Cie looking at me with concern in her eyes.

"Are you.........." I didn't let her finish her sentence. I didn't want to be pitied nor did I want to explain my emotions.

"Let’s go" I ignored her confusion. She knew not to push it.

We went to our first period and yeah we were late, like super late, with Cie rambling on and on about Andrea this and that.

'Gosh she’s aren’t gon give it rest, aren't she, well at least she’s distracted and won't bother me no more'.

"Miss Marshal and Miss Johns, so good for you to join us this early" Mr. Pringly sarcastically joked.

He was friends with the coach so we were in luck.

"Please sit down. Do you want anything, a cushion and snacks while you at it?" he continued gaining a laugh from the whole class and some 'ohhs'.

'Nice shade gran-pa' he always made fun of us when we came in. I don't know why but he always picked on us. Truly I never hated the guy I just found him amusing and annoying like Cie. It was funny how they were alike, it was like they were family.

‘I should ask Cie though’

"Yo! Aren't he your gran-pa or some fam shit like that?"

"Fuck you Mitch!" Cie spat with a little bit of annoyance confusing the shit out of me as we sat down in front of Mr. P. We always called him that, well he said we should during our first year as juniors, so we were.

"Heard that! Miss Marshal see me after class" Mr. P gave Cie a look, she in turn just rolled her eyes and gawked at me angrily.

"You’re dead to me" she cried through greeted teeth.

'What the fuck did I do?' I jokingly raised my eyebrows at her acting like an innocent kid.

"Dude I was just asking. Man now who's got a bunch in her knickers?" I ignored her outburst. Well I have never asked her such a question and she sure knew I was playing but damn she took it too serious.

'Wait, what if it’s true? Shiiiiit!' I gave her a convinced look and she returned it with a middle figure.

'I stand correct' damn that must hurt like a bitch.

"I'm sorry son" I mumbled realizing the little damage done.

'I'm sure you're wondering why Cie is acting up if Mr. P is family. Well let me just say the guy is weird like he tries too much, he has a fucked up car and doesn't dress clean. One time one student stated in a matter of fact he was dirty he just got ashamed and ran off to his homeroom. Truthfully, I feel for the guy, he is constantly silently teased by students about his untidiness and he knows it well, I guess it's just too hard to be someone you are not. Other than that the guy is a good teacher and I'm sure a good parent too. He is loving and caring, always trying to win a student's heart. Well he has my respect so I'm sure that counts. Right?'

We sat in class and listened to Mr. P ramble about what we were going to be learning for the whole year, well they listened but I drifted off to my thoughts.

'How is it possible that one can think and remember a dream this much like it was reality. I mean don't they say the moment you wake up you had already forgotten half your dream. Damn! This is torture. Why do I dream of her though? She looks and sounds like Miss Johnson from my kindergarten school but an old version of her. Her eyes are exactly as hers but crescent black. Does anyone have eyes like that? Shiiit! That’s some stupid child fantasy, sounds even stupid to say it in my mind. Why is it that I could only see the outline of her whole body but have never seen her, like the whole of her? This is some stupid sick dream my mind made up to have some shoulder to cry on, like a defense mechanism. Yeah! It’s it'.

'Creeeeeee' bell ringing.

"Fuck" I yelled as I heard the bell ring.

'Was I gone that long?'

"Miss Johns see me after class" Mr. P yelled. 'Shit'.

"I heard that too. You know what, you too are not going out for recess, instead you will stay here and write apology letters for the whole class, apologizing for cursing in front of them" he continued agitating me more and gaining a groan from Cie.

'Wait! I did not curse in front of them though, they were leaving already'. Choosing to ignore my thoughts I sat down next to Cie who on the other hand was seated quietly giving Mr. P death glares. 'Damn girl! That should split him apart'

“Your death glares aren’t doing nothing to me, now write. Chop chop!” Mr. P fazed me of how calm he was about Cie’s immaturity.

Choosing to ignore their weird comebacks I started writing my letters, well we both did as instructed.

'Dear class.....

.....Sorry I cursed'. Well it continued liked that until recess was finished. We looked at him waiting for him to release us but he just shrugged us off and continued reading something on his laptop.

'Fuck me! We are going to be late again on another class, and we got to deal with some old nut' I huffed.

"You can go, bring that to your next teacher. I want you to read it out loud for the next class"

'Is he fucking with us? I hate his punishments'. I was about to protest when Cie beat me to it.

"Yes siiiiiir" I heard Cie mumble dragging the sir through greeted teeth with a huff.

'What the fuck man'. I looked at her and realized I just lost, so we took our bags and went out of the classroom. When we got outside I could not let it go, I jolted her back violently.

"What the fuck man? You know I aren't go do this shit" she knew very well how much I hated standing in front of people, let alone talk to them.

"Sorry G you started this shit, so yah! We are doing it. What next class we got.........?" she continued like she didn’t just throw me under the bus.

'Fuck!' I followed her as she was reading her schedule.

But I couldn't let it go.

"Sorry! You sorry? Nigga this is some bullshit. I am not doing this" I abruptly grabbed the schedule from her although she continued ignoring me, walking away. I continued following her until we got inside a class room. I was so engrossed on her schedule I didn't realize she stopped, I ended up bumping onto her backpack with my face.

'Fuck. Fuck' I hissed. I started seeing stars like something was on my eyes.

"The fuck man" I cried but she ignored me, again! "Fuck you!".

"Good morning class. So we will be reading this letters. You shut the fuck up until we done then you go tell Mr. P we apologized got it?" Cie continued ignoring me as I was busy rubbing my eyes. Well I assumed there was no teacher that's why she continued to swear.

"English students..........." she started off but was interrupted by a melodic voice coming from behind us, I'm guessing she had been in the store room.

'At least we aren't getting no old hog'.

Maya’s P.O.V

Time flew by fast as I was drinking my coffee alone in my home room thinking about my teaching days at kindergarten and the new school I was in. I didn’t want to join the other teachers in the kitchen. 'I mean talk about what, the weather and how kids are, that’s just too boring'. I heard the bell ring so I decided to prepare for the next class. 'Seniors for English, oh so help me God I don’t get irritated and kill someone, this hormonal teenagers!' I thought thinking about how troublesome teenagers are. 'I mean they have this mentality of thinking they know it all when in truth they do not realize they are just getting to know life'. There was the junior book I had taken out to check up on what will be learnt so I decided to take it back to my classroom storeroom to get the senior one. Whilst in my storeroom I heard noises coming from my homeroom, like serious noise. 'Seniors!' I thought shaking my head disapprovingly. I continued looking for the senior’s book until I found it. I turned and went out only to find two students standing in front of the whole class. The two boys didn't realize I was behind them, well I was a little afar studying them but they didn't see me standing there. Even the whole class didn't seem to care I was there. So I took that as an opportunity to study them.

"Good morning class. So we will be reading this letters. You shut the fuck up until we done then you go tell Mr. P we apologized got it?" one of the boys stated with confidence

'Ok! Seems I have two troublemakers to deal with'.

The other one on the other hand was busy rubbing his eyes like something got into them. I shook my head and turned to the one who had been speaking, well speaking and swearing I'm sure he thought there was no teacher that's why he continued to swear. I huffed and realized I had so much to deal with.

"English students........." he started off but I interrupted him. I didn't want to deal with any drama. As I made my way to my table. They were standing like a meter and a half away from my table, next to the door.

"Well well! I see I have famous students. Introduce yourselves please" I invoked getting their attention, well one's attention because the other one was still rubbing his eyes not giving me even one glimpse.

Deciding to bang the books on the table because it seemed like no one noticed I was already there or neither cared.

‘That will get me their attention. The whole class I mean.’

‘Yes mam’ Andrea chipped, I just blocked her, not in the mood to deal with her.

Max P.O.V

I was busy rubbing my eyes as they still hurt to see who it was.

‘It must be the teacher’ I tried to sneak a peek but all was blurry. I faced down and continued rubbing my eyes.

‘Damn, Cie!’

She passed by me, well I think she did because I smelled the most intoxicating scent I have ever smelled in my entire life, my whole body shivered and my stomach churned.

'I must really be hungry' I thought realizing that the scent was getting me hungry and woozy.

I wanted a taste of it but I didn't like the dizziness it gave me. It was sweet and strong, alluring and majestic or should I say expensive.

'Expensive people and their expensive shit!' I rolled my eyes, hating the effect I got for my eyes were still blurry and hurting I just kept on rubbing them.

"The name is Macie, short is Cie Marshal but don't ever call me, I'm go call you.”

This gained her a snicker from the whole class.

“I’m 16 and totally go fuck you up if you fuck with me". Cie continued, as I regretted her words.

'She's gonna get us into serious trouble, please be cool Miss or Mrs, or whatever!' I silently prayed.

She ignored my friend's snickering and went on to focus on someone else.

Maya’s P.O.V

I turned back at the two studying the one who was talking, he had a feminine look but a built up body. He gave me a quizzical look and turned to me and then the students to introduce himself.

"The name is Macie short is Cie Marshal but don't ever call me, I’m go call you, I’m 16 and totally go fuck you up if you fuck with me".

'So it’s a girl, talk about real tomboys. Wow! This is fascinating' I was king of amused that I didn't think tomboys could be the top bullies of the school. She said her introduction with too much ego and venom.

'Ok! This is going to be harder than I thought. So I have a tomboy and a boy bully to deal with'.

I looked at the other one and realized he was still not looking at me. I was so drawn I didn't even realize I had moved closer to them. The moment I was a meter I away, I think! Well I must have moved in slow motion; I smelled the most intoxicating smell I have ever smelled. I wasn't sure who it was from but the other boy was still looking down rubbing his eyes I couldn't tell but I swear that was the same intoxicating smell that I got from the boy I met, or bumped into at the corridors. Troubled that he had been rubbing his eyes for too long and I’m sure it would get an infection.

Max’s P.O.V

"You.........are you....... damn! That smell........... Are you ok. Damn!........Do........You!........ Do I know you?" She finally said it, well whined.

I heard the angelic voice speak complaining about a certain smell and asking if she knows someone. I’m guessing it was Cie.

'I mean nobody knows me or want to know me, like I'd want to anyways! I’m good the way I am.and about the scent, dang that’s too much perfume for one person. It’s your scent!' I thought wondering if she took a dive on her perfume, ate it or what?

Maya’s P.O.V

"Are you....are you....Agh!" I couldn’t fathom any words, I was kind of troubled and exposed more to the scent. I felt dizzy. I looked up at the class only to be met by a smirking Andrea

'Fuck my life, why did you have to be in this class, now! To make matters worse?' I thought hating my sister's presence.

‘Now I will never hear the end of it. Agh!’ I was loving and hating the situation.

I turned, my eyes still flustered trying to breath but I couldn’t, it was a really intoxicating smell and it frustrated me that I did not know who it came from.

"You.......are you....... damn! That smell" It was frustrating how I couldn't utter any words as I tried to compose myself. I wanted to ask if he was ok, he was beginning to worry me and I didn't know why.

‘Atleast you can speak’ my inner-self decided to grace me with her presence.

‘Shut up’ I decided on blocking her.

" Are you…. Damn!......are... You...?" I never got to finish my sentence as I realized whom I was looking at. I knew that face all too well. He had looked up like he just got sight.

“Are you ok………Do I know you?" I finally uttered a full sentence.

Max’s P.O.V

Suddenly like my eyes got sight I looked up and saw her face.

‘Wow!’ was all that I would think of..................... it was like my mind went blank.

For the first time I couldn't think nor fathom any sound. She looked expensive, well majestic. Beautiful as hell, drop dead striking. Her eyes were invitingly sea blue with long eyelashes and eye brows perfectly done. Her lips full and plum lusciously red, a little watery from her licking them and she kept licking them studying me.

'Damn! OK! I’m losing more words than in a normal day, I mean I never stop thinking but this right here, I don’t wanna think but study'.

I looked at her up and down; she was wearing shiny red stiletto heels with a white short-sleeved blouse shirt that showed a little of cleavage, well it was kind of a see through and damn was she showing off her red Victorian secret bra that clung on her boobs giving her a little too much cleavage, every bit of her cleavage was calling out my name

‘Max, Max. Ok! Maybe I was exaggerating a bit there but her boobs, her booooobs. Wait! Her hips. Her hips though!’ I gawked moving my eyes down a bit ‘Her hips’……. I continued probably studying them a little too much.

I sucked on my lips and continued studying her. She was wearing a black pencil skirt that reached to her knees and hugged her bosom lower part giving her curves in all the right places.

'Fuck me right now, this is perfection' I thought loving all her curves and edges.

It was like she was all about first impression counts and damn was she determined to look sexy in every way. She looked like the kind who wanted to always be ready, for what or who I don't know but right now I’m loving how she's ready for a little lick.

I returned my gaze on her face and something strike out.

'Wait. Where do I know her from?................mmmmmmhhhhh.......Ohhhhhhh! Nooooo! ........this is not her……… is it? Well they look alike, too much alike but I can never be sure, I have never seen her face.........this aren’t real. This isn’t real!'

I continued to study her. It was like we were in sync. We both looked at each other like we saw a ghost. We just kept staring and staring until…..

Maya’s P.O.V

"Umm.............. Do I know you?" I was confused and not believing my sight.

She was there or he was, I was confused. I didn’t know what to believe anymore.

'Where do I know you from?' I tried reading him and reminiscing but I just got this wierd feeling.

'NO! NO! You cannot be. This is a boy right! Like the boy I met at the halls! I mean how can he look like her though? This is so confusing. Maybe it’s his sister. But how am I seeing him like he's one person though. No! This is an illusion. I mean I saw her yesterday in my dreams but this is a boy, a boy with so much tallness and perfection that resembled her all too much. It cannot be her. They are twins. Are they now? Does she even exist?' Realization kicked in, I panicked frustrated that my inner-self had been quiet on me as I rambled.

As I was busy thinking I saw he had been sizing me up and down.

Max’s P.O.V

'Wait! Am I still dreaming? I must be dreaming still. Yeah! I’m in my bed right now and I’m gonna wake up any second now..…3…..2……1'

'She’s marvelous, she’s the one. We want her'

'What the….! Who said that?' the voice said again like in class.

Maya’s P.O.V

Fuck! Do I look perfect? Do I look Ok! No not Ok but good. Do I look good!? How do I look? Who am I asking? Wait! Why do I care? What was I wearing when I left home?' all this questions pondered on me until I saw him leave the classroom without any words.

Max’s P.O.V

There was no one there. I was in the corridors alone. I don’t know why I left but I just dashed out.

‘I should have stayed’

‘Stayed and do what though?’ I asked myself.

‘Just…but it’s too late now. You just gonna look weird coming back in’

Maya’s P.O.V

I was so confused I followed hastily but only to be met by the door hitting my face.

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Ok! I deserve that, I mean if you bump onto someone and don't say sorry you’re bound to get the door slammed on your face. But why is he leaving. I should stop him. It's a he right, not her, so why do I care? I am sure of that, it’s a he, no girl can look that handsome, masculine and tall. Ohh! I’m thinking about useless things. But his friend looked so much like a boy. I mean he’s got a girly face. Agh!'

I shook my head frustrated realizing I was still standing on the door thinking about him. I rushed outside only to be met by an empty hallway with small drafts and his scent in the air.

'Where did he go? Shit!'

I looked around and sniffed the air only to be met by his devouring aroma, it just made me forget the class was watching. I was drowning on it. It was a scent I could get lost in.

‘Wait what?’

'Am I still dreaming?'

'I want him'

‘Now you decided to be back’ I groaned at my inner-self.