Maya’s P.O.V

“Good afternoon class” I was already feeling tired.

‘It's afternoon for goodness sake. I have been teaching since morning, back to back classes. It's exhausting’

“Afternoon Miss” they sang in unison.

“Afternoon, again...” I responded in a more tired voice than I anticipated, they just laughed at me.

‘What can we do, what can we do that can help me avoid talking. I’m seriously not up for another class’ I thought browsing through their syllabus.

‘Lazy pants’ I looked up and was met with a smirking Andrea.

‘Shut up’ I decided to block her.

“Let’s open our books on page fifteen and do exercise one and two” I said suddenly finding something that could keep them working and me, well relaxing for a bit, until they start asking for help.

I sat down on my chair, stretching my arms as I tried to release my stress but only to be met by a snicker. I looked up and look who caught me lazing around, Macie!

‘Wait, why does she have an empty desk next to her, has it always been there’ I took out my yearbook and looked at who might be missing, and nothing. As I went on turning the pages a different paper printed appeared with an address on written ‘attend me today, no more no less, today!’

‘Well that’s demanding, and weird. Where did this paper come from?’ I thought trying to remember but it was no use, nothing was coming up.

‘If it’s that important then I have to check it out’ I thought giving in to the orders of the paper in front of me.

“Macie, who sits next to you?” I asked suddenly taken back by the empty sit next to Macie.

“Umm, no one?” she looked at me and back at the empty sit twice like she was thinking, she just answered in a questionable manner confusing me too.

“Mmhh” I just smiled confused and beckoned she continued her work.

‘Cree, cree, cree’ the bell rand signaling the end of classes for the day.

‘Thank you Jesus’

“Well since none of you asked for help I am guessing you will finish the exercises on your own” I said as I picked up my books, clearing my desk.

Everyone cleared out leaving me alone in the class.

‘Well that’s new, Andrea always waits for me. I guess I’ll be seeing less of her now that she has friends’ I was kind of feeling a bit lonely.

My sister was my only friend. Actually we preferred to keep it that way to avoid people knowing about us and where we came from.

I got out of the class, locked the door behind me and left through the corridors. It was quiet, too quiet for my liking. I could hear a clicking sound of heels but there was no one there. I sniffed the air and listened for a heartbeat but I heard none that was inside.

‘I guess I must be exaggerating from my exhaustion’ I shook my head, laughing at myself.

Belinda’s P.O.V

“School’s out lets go” I exclaimed pushing Naya’s her legs off my table. I wasn’t taking chances. I wanted to make sure everything went as planned.

“Hey” she cried out like a baby.

‘I don’t want to be death meat, well not meat but you get the idea!’

We had been sitting patiently waiting for school to be over so we could go on a scavenger hunt.

‘Well not literary but you understand right? The situation was dire’

Anyways, we could have just gone alone but that could have been suspicious. I mean I could have made an excuse to my secretary to leave with my sister but that would not address the big question as to why was Maya going there, and why were they not affected by our presence.

We made our way to the corridors. It was empty, no one was there, well except for her.

“Hide” I warned my sister as I saw Maya getting out of her class.

We waited as she made her way down the corridors. We had started following her when she halted and looked back.

“Hide” I dragged Naya with me to an empty restroom.

“Gross” she scrunched up her nose.

“She could have seen us” I ignored her upsurge.

“Whatever!” she rolled her eyes. I just left her in the rest room, she was busy looking at herself in the mirror.

‘Stuck up’ I thought as I peeped to make sure she was gone, and she was.

I left without telling Naya, and she followed making a click noise with her heels running after me.

“Shush” she was making noise with her shoes.

“Don’t shush me” She half yelled.

“I’m shushing your shoes” I rolled my eyes at her, she just rolled hers back to me ignoring me.

Maya’s P.O.V

“Macie you’re still here?” I asked surprised that my sister was still making ogle eyes at Macie, standing next to my car, and everyone had gone home.

“Oh I’m sorry Miss, I totally lost track of time” she smiled at Andrea, and she just smiled back like a Cheshire cat.

‘Ohhk!’ I thought shocked a bit.

“Oh, no problem, I’m sure it was all school?” I asked sarcastically knowing very well what they were talking about making her shy away a bit.

“Oh yeah it was” Andrea finished giving me the ‘what’ look, I just laughed at her sudden act of defense.

“I’ll see you around Andy, Miss Johnson!” Macie said as she bid her farewells.

‘So we are in nickname bases huh?’ I observed my sister. She looked like she was really into her.

‘Shut up’ Andrea responded smirking.

‘Just don’t play with the girl’s heart’ I expressed in a concerned tone.

‘She’s too cute for that’ she observed Macie dreamily.

‘That’s new’ I thought after blocking her. She looked like she actually really liked her.

‘About damn time!’ I emphasized after unblocking her.

‘I guess’ she started pouting and blushing.

‘Someone’s smitten’ I laughed at her as I closed my car door.

“Are you coming in?” I asked realizing she had been staring after her all this while, and I had been busy looking at the paper that had an address on in front of me.

“What’s that, one of your play things?” Andrea enquired sarcastically as she snatched the paper away from me after getting into the car.

“Ah, nop!” I snatched the paper back.

“Actually we are both going to find out what that’s about” I gave her a look of worry starting the car.

“Wait! Where did you get it from then?” suddenly confused she asked, confusing me more.

“I’ve been asking myself the same question” I gave her a baffled look.

She took the paper and just turned it back and forth over and over again like it was going to talk, or show up any new light.

“You know, nothing is going to appear no matter how much you turn it” I said suddenly wishing something could though.

‘What if mother sent that address?’ I thought.

‘Don’t’ Andrea hissed.

“Can we give her a lift, she’s going the same way, last time I remember. Actually, almost the same house we are going to. She stays at twenty one” Andrea changed the subject, and I was thankful for that. I didn’t want to keep on wondering where we were going to. I was starting to panic.

“Yeah sure. But this once!” I said making her squeal.

“Don’t sound too happy. No weird lovey dovey talks in here. I’m still your teacher” I assured smiling at her childishness. And of course she ignored me.

“Let’s go” she said through the window as we stopped for Macie.

“Are you sure, it’s far from your place” she asked looking at me for assurance.

‘How does she know where we stay?’ I asked Andrea through our mind link as I gave Macie a nod and a smile.

‘Umm…..’ Andrea trailed off.

‘You know how dangerous it is for her to know where we stay right’ I finished.

‘I’m sorry…’ she said is a soft guilty voice.

‘It’s fine. Just next time just make sure you think about what you say to her. Our people can grill or worse kill her if they knew she knew us’ I said looking at her sadly.

‘I know’ she huffed.

I decided to close the conversation.

“Macie! Can you be our guide? We are going somewhere around your place, we just need you to show us the way” I asked Macie who just smiled and nodded.

‘Lucky we have her, we could have been lost or worse seen roaming around there God knows until when’ I said trying to distract Andrea who was now zoning with worry.

‘You’ll thank me later’ she said smiling at me.

“So Cie….”Andrea trailed of.

‘And she’s back’ I said smiling at her.

Belinda’s P.O.V

“Hurry up” I said to my sister who was busy walking like a model in a runway.

“I’m coming, I’m coming” she wined.

“Do you even know where we are going?” I turned to her confused as to why she was delaying hence we could have just followed them.

“Yes! Now drive, I can still see them” She said making me roll my eyes.

“There they are, there…” she kept on repeating.

“I….can….see…them” I dragged the words making her scoff.

We drove off following them in a distance. We made sure they couldn’t see that we were following them. We saw them stop next to a white house.

‘I guess they reached their destination’

“They are parked in a white house, there next to a black car. Who are those?” I asked suddenly seeing two men in suits inside the house.

“Did they come with back up, I guess we are on the right path then” my sister said about to get out of the car.

“Don’t” I warned.

“Why not?” she asked crossing her hands.

“Because they are not out yet. We are here to see what is going on first remember? But if I any ask how will we know what they are doing here for if they don't have any memories of him anymore?” I asked her, showing her that Maya was still in the car.

“Well it will save us the trouble if they are sent by our brother” she ignored my question.

“Yeah, fine!” she only huffed in return .

‘She’s so stubborn sometimes, actually always’

Max’s P.O.V

People barely ever knocked at our door. It didn’t faze me though.

‘I mean you understand why right? Our home is a wreck for visitors’ anyways back to it.

My mother went and opened the door revealing two guys on the front porch wearing suits looking like lawyers.

‘Who are those?’

“Mam, we heard there was a disturbance in your home we would like to come in and check what’s the commotion about” one of the man said.

“Who are you asking to get inside my house, and who said there was disturbance?” my mother asked in a confused manner still on the door not allowing them to enter.

“Ok! I have no time for this” the other guy said taking out what looked like a spray. He sprayed my mother on the face and she fell down making a thud sound.

Confused I stood there like a frozen statue, I didn’t know what was happening, my mind was still zooning over the fact that this men got inside my house uninvited and sprayed my mother probably to death.

Ok! I didn’t care much about the woman but I had always thought I was gonna be the one who’ll knock her down.

They entered the house, the other one was carrying a file, he skipped my mother and placed his papers on the kitchen counter. He then went back to the door to get my mother’s limb body.

“Where is your father?” the man who sprayed my mother asked making his way to me. I couldn’t utter any words. I just stood there until I heard Michael speak.

“I’m here!” he shouted in a cocky voice causing the man in front of me to abruptly stop at his tracks.

I was still frozen, the other man looked at me as he dragged my mother’s limp body to the living room, placing her on the sofa, the other one making his way to a confused shocked Michael.

‘Thud’ I turned around from looking at my mother’s body and I saw that Michael had fallen down too.

‘What’s happening?’ I didn’t know what to do, my mind was on a freeze mode, I wanted to do something.

‘...but what?’

Realization kidded in. I was left alone. My mind started running wild, I wasn’t thinking of anything though, anything other than the fact that there were two men in my house looking for my so called father, and probably there to kill me. My heart started pounding faster. I wanted to move but I couldn’t, it was like I was a tree on the banks of the river, just shaking but never moving. I looked at both men as one went straight to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out a bottle of milk.

“Sebastian, focus!” the other called out to him.

They were torturing me. They saw I was frozen and unmoving. They just ignored me and went on doing their God knows what.

“Do not use my real name.” the man called Sebastian hissed turning back to the other with milk on his hand.

‘Sebastian, his name is Sebastian! Now move’ I tried thinking but that’s all I could do, thinking. I couldn’t move. I was shocked and scared. The way they moved, it was like they were not worried about anything, it was kind of psychotic and mantic.

“ does not matter. She will be dead soon, so knowing my name isn’t relevant” the other stated in a matter of fact getting close to me sizing me up and down.

“Now now child….” he started looking at me like Michael used to when he was about to assault me.

‘Dead, dead, dead’ those words just kept replaying themselves in my head. I couldn’t think but replay those words.

‘I can’t be dead...’ I was suddenly panicking.

‘I haven’t done anything productive in life. God knows; we both know I am not yet ready to die. I know I have a lot to do in this world. He cannot give me the thoughts of living and impacting in the world massively and just chose to take me now. And certainly not by this hands…..’

‘Whack’ I felt a sting on my left chick as I realized the man who was carrying a file had been standing next to me and had hit me so hard it felt like I had been electrified with thousand volts.

‘Maybe it was because I hadn’t braced for the impact’

“Where is your brother” Sebastian asked confusing me.

“Answer him” the one next to me smacked my head hard.

‘What are they talking about?’ I looked at them both wondering if their psychotic behavior had gotten the best of them.

‘What if they are really psychotic, like crazy? I mean I can’t deal with two crazes, but the suits though! Nah! No mad man can wear a suit like that, that suit’s just expensive…….’

‘Whack. Again! Come on. I’m trying to think here. I’m trying to comprehend words here. This is hard. Why can’t I speak, speak you dump fool’

“Where is your brother?” the one next to me asked as he raised his hands to hit me again, but I didn’t guess I wasn't going to let him.

‘Well action than words, I get it’ it was like i was electrified.

I caught his hand midair and pushed him so hard he made a yelping sound as he fell down on the floors.

“Who the fuck are you?” I asked suddenly back to my senses.

‘Ok! Maybe a little too much’

“Let's kill her, we will find him on our own. I don’t have time for this” the man called Sebastian ordered as he made his way to the kitchen grabbing the file causing my heart to jump.

Maya’s P.O.V

“We are here. I guess” I looked at the house and the paper in front of me.

‘The number matches, so I’m guessing we are on the right house’

“Stay here” I ordered as I got out of the car. They didn’t argue, I guess they were so engrossed in their own conversation they practically didn’t hear me leave the car.

“Nice car” I thought as I looked at a black Mercedes parked outside the house.

‘I guess they have money, but the house though. The outside looks dead. Anyways who cares?’ I made my way to the door and knocked.

“Well here goes nothing, show yourself to me, who are you?”

Max’s P.O.V

‘Ding dong’ I heard the doorbell.

‘More crazes I guess. Maybe they head this one yelling in pain they came rushing, but they could have just brought the door down, I mean they obviously know who's in here, they wouldn’t knock’

I looked at the Sebastian guy and saw he had a surprised face. I guess that isn’t one of them.

‘Maybe it’s the police. Finally! The neighbors know how to use the phone...’

‘Wait! This guy’s said they will kill me. Police or not. This men look like cleaners. Like the ones you see in movies that clean bodies so they don’t get noticed they were killed; and this is a black neighborhood, no police can come here, especially at this time of day. They are probably stuffing themselves with dinner and ready to see their girlfriends, or wives or whatever, but definitely not coming here’

I didn’t wait to see who it was as I saw both of them startled by the door. I ran into my room, locked it behind me and got what I could and left out of the window, but not before I could hear the most heartbreaking angelic voice.

“Sebastian, what are you doing here?”

‘What is she doing here?’ I wanted to take a peek but I remembered, Sebastian wanted me dead. And her knowing him, I guess she knew their MO and was part of them.

‘I have to run, knowing my teacher won't help me’

Without thinking twice, I jumped out of the window and ran into the woods.

‘She knew them! How? What's happening, who’s she, who are they, what do they want?’ my mind ran wild as I ran as fast as I could further into the woods not knowing where I was going.

‘Why her?...’

‘Wait! What just happened?’ I thought looking back troubled.

‘M……my family is gone and people are hunting my father and my brother. Wait! I have a brother?’

Maya’s P.O.V

Suddenly the door opened on its own, clearly it wasn’t closed or locked. I got in and the door closed behind me. I looked up and was shocked at whom I saw.

“Sebastian, what are you doing here?” I asked in a sad scared voice.

‘Is he here for us, what is he doing in this house, when did he arrive, who sent him. When did they know we lived here? I mean this parts of town are out of the grid and definitely not noticeable’ all thoughts troubled my mind as I looked at him. I looked around and I didn’t recognize the house.

‘I guess he sent me the address. He found us.’

‘Wait! Who is he?’ I thought suddenly taken back by a boy who ran out of the back rooms like he saw a ghosts.

I couldn’t see his face but I could tell he was running away from them. He kept glancing back.

‘Sebastian, what have you done? What’s going on here?’ sesrched as my et's landed on someone plopped down crying in pain.

“Get her” Sebastian yelled at the other man startling me.

‘They are here for me, for us’ I was a about to run.

“Maya, I can explain” I didn’t wait for him to finish as I ran out of the house and into the car. I drove away. Fast. I kept looking back not explaining what had happened to both Andrea and Macie, who looked frightened and shocked.

“Sebastian. Was. There... in that house” I said suddenly finding words to speak.

“What?” Andrea yelled in a scared tone.

“Who was he with?” she looked at me scared.

“Who’s Sebastian?” realization kicked in. Macie was still in the car and she was asking questions.

Belinda’s P.O.V

“I can’t take this anymore, she ran. I mean she practically ran and we did not see what happened. I need to see what is happening in that house.” my sister burst as she got out of the car, two men go out of a van that had been at the far end of the gate. I got out of the car and approached the front porch with her. She just put them to sleep in an instant the moment they reached the door.

‘Agh! Could she have just asked first, but no! Questions later. That’s all she does this days. Her eagerness for going home is annoying and risky, and I don’t want to go home...’ I whined

She telekinetically waved the door opened making it fall to the ground.

‘I’m sure whoever is inside the house ran at that sound’

I studied the man on the door and I didn’t know who they were. I got in the house and immediately got a dejavu.

“Where is he? Where is Luca’s son?” she demanded fuming. I just stood next to her, silent.

‘I guess she wants to go home really bad, but I don’t! Like seriously, I’d rather stay here and run for eons than to go back home to him’

“Who are….” The guy didn’t get to finish his sentence as she strangled him up with her telekinesis causing him to dangle trying to grasp for air.

“Where. Is. He?” she asked getting closer to him.

“Chief, she’s gone!” we heard a cry coming from upstairs.

Looking up I saw a buff man looking at us in anger about to pounce.

My sister let go of the so called chief and went flying to the buff guy.

“Who?” she asked.

The other man was clutching his neck coughing blood.

‘My sister was deadly when she needed to, it was scary sometimes, even for me’

Turning around I looked at the house as it registered to me little by little.

“I know this house...” I suddenly blurted causing my sister to stop at her tracks looking at me baffled.

“Who’s?” she asked looking cross.

I contemplated on telling her, but I knew very well if I didn’t it wouldn’t go well for me either.

“This is Max’s home” I finished ignoring the pit that was starting to rise in my stomach.

“And I know this Max how?” my sister asked in a bored tone dropping the buff man down. He was lifeless I think. I mean he didn’t move, after being chocked like that I’d be running for the hills or probably dead like him. Better death than facing my sister’s wrath.

“Ahh! She’s just a student at my school. Come to think of it she hasn’t been at school this whole week”

‘Bang’ I heard the back door close. I looked up and not to my surprise, the one called chief ran.

‘Good for you’ I thought feeling bad for him. He could have died.

“Where is this Max, maybe she can share some light into why this four ingrates are in this home? And your Maya?” she asked as she turned to the other guy who was starting to wake up.

‘My Maya?’

“My Maya?” I scoffed out loud.

She was suddenly halted by the moving guy she was hovering.

They guy saw her hovering and asking questions he went for his pocket and took out something and shoved it on his mouth in a swift moment. I guess he saw he had no chance. He started having fits, and he died. I guess he took a pill or something.

“I can smell the boy all over this house. And Luca too, but his is faint. We need to find this Max” my sister ignored me as she strolled down the staircase, making her way to Michael.

‘Michael, that little piece of trash’ I wad suddenly reeking rage.

Naya reached Michael and knelled next to him, she run her fingers on his right cheek.

“You do know what will happen to them if you take….” I didn’t get to finish my sentence.

“I don’t care about them, I'll make them to my image, and I just want to find this Max and probably get my last human kill, and find Luca’s son so we can go home” she finished as she scanned both parents. They both stood up like zombies. They shook their head and made their separate ways. The woman went to Max's room. Michael went to the bedroom.

“Ok!...but we find this Max and interrogate her and let her go. She did not do anything bad besides being born in this family, we get to kill Luca and get his son, deal?” she huffed.

“Yeah?...let's go!” she dragged.

She was back to her authorative scary figure. I swallowed the lump in my throat and thought of my next sentence, I had to choose it carefully.

“What about Max?” I asked scared of the words that will follow. I wanted to make sure she heard my terms.

“She’s a liability. Once we get what we want, we kill her. Well I’ll kill her. I don’t work to find an inoperable mortal. It’s degrading for my status” she finished hissing. Clearly outraged by the fact that she couldn’t get what she wanted.

‘Max, you better run wherever you are’ I prayed hoping for the best for her.

“His memories confirm she was here, that I am sure off. But it seems this guy doesn’t know much but to be a pedophile. Such a disgrace of a man. His memories are just too troubling. I feel bad for the Max child. Might as well put her out of her misery. Even her mother does not love nor care for her” she finished teading the parents getting up looking at the house one last time as we made our way out.

“There is something troubling though...”


‘Please, please’

“The mother doesn’t seem to have had a male child, which means Luca must have a son with someone else. Man are cheating dogs”

‘Phew. That was a close one. I guess the mother didn’t know Max that much’ I was scared she going to reveal things that could implicate me.

“I guess, but don’t be sexist, everyone cheats if they want to” I agreed averting her from asking about how and what I know about Max.

“Yeah right!” she, in turn rolled her eyes at me, and I ignored her of course.

Max was rather unique. She was damaged yes but there was a lot people didn’t know about her. She was strong, she survived Michael. I just hope she can survive running from my family, because that’s all she had been doing all her life. Running from herself and her family.

‘I’m sure she can survive this’

“Umm….don’t you think we should…” I was about to propose when my sister cut me off, probably reliving Max’s memories to understand her more. I wanted to distract her, to give Max a head start.

‘She could have just asked, and I could have lied, I need to distract her. I mean I practically knew her more than she did, but I am certain I couldn’t tell her where she might have gone to. I don’t know why but there is something about Max that’s makes me want to protect her. Like she is some sort of an important piece of a puzzle’

“We need to find her, four men we know nothing of were sent out for her by who I don’t know, and the Michael guy sent three men once after her sometime back and what I got is that they got beat up. This child is drown to danger. She must really have a role to play in this whole Luca issue. She’s too invested in their fate. Apparently she is strong and some kind of a supernatural. You know she changed and became something I have never seen nor heard of before. Her power illuminated, and her aura was red with a hint of gold.”

“Isn’t that like a bit of Marcus’s aura?”

“It is, a bit indeed. That’s why it’s troubling me. We need to contact our brother. We need to know what is really going on, who the girl really is. I'm sure the oracle a has heard about her...But no need to seek guidance, it will seem we were under duress and failed our mission”

‘Well at least we agree on something and I can probably think of a way to save Max…although….’

“Why not find out ourselves the information, it can come in handy with our brother?” I was hopeful she would take the bait. I didn’t want to face our brother yet, I wasn’t ready, and neither will I ever be.

She looked at me thinking “I guess that isn’t a bad idea” she huffed.

“So apparently, she once beat up that Michael so back he cheated death, and the men he sent, well nothing good came out of them. There was one that wasn’t mentioned though, a boy who was sent first to start a conflict with Max. We find him maybe we can know more about this Max girl. With him it’s not clear what happened to him, but I got that he took off running. Was he scared or something? Anyways, they are normally found at the game park, where they scam people. I guess we have a lead, the Michael guy was useful after all. Sadly I cannot say the same about the mother. What a disgrace of a family. What kind of a mother who doesn’t know anything about her child. Even I have some morals to that, no matter how many people I kill” she finished rambling getting into the car, I followed suit and acted oblivious. I was just gonna stay there and act oblivious while I planned my next step.

‘Max is in big trouble with my sister. I mean she is an impatient immortal’

‘From now on I’m just going to follow her, no more no less, maybe this can drag longer for me to find out more and probably help Max run for life’

Max’s P.O.V

I had been running for a day ful. I could hear them yelling at each other to find me, dogs barking closing in trying to get to me.

“Why can’t we just use our speed meds to chase her?” one of them asked as I hid up on a tree inside a nest.

“There are traps in this woods, it seems the owner is a hunter of some sort” another one said.

I stayed still.

“She’s here, I can hear her heart beating” I heard the other one yelling.

“You cheating...”

“Shhhh” another one warned.

‘Wait, how?…..Ouch. Not now darn it’

Suddenly; it hit me again. That thing that always did when my heart stops beating, giving me a searing pain.

I tried to breath but I couldn’t. I wanted to do something, heck scream if I had to, but I just laid there on the tree trying to grasp for air although, I ended up blacking out. I don’t know what happened next.

I woke up with a massive headache. I opened my eyes only to realize it was getting dark.

“Shit! I slept...” she

‘I need to go home and get my things before I become the forest’s meal, fuck my head hurts. Where did those men end up? I mean I was sure they would find me. I guess they didn’t, I must leave before they back up again’ I stood up taking my bag and getting down the tree.

When I got down I treaded slowly sneaking not sure why but I was scared what if they were still around, or worse something was.

I got home like a shooting bullet. Yes I would sneak a run from time to time checking my surroundings making sure no one was following as I made my way home but mostly I just ran there.

‘Hello, I was scared, wouldn’t you?’

When I got close to home I saw a car waiting outside. It was black, I looked inside and saw those men, but this two were not the ones that came in before. They looked like they were playing music and cards.

‘They must be waiting for me to come home’ I thought.

Sadly for them I had a way of getting into the house, they were never going to ever know I was there.

‘I am not a prayer person, but Lord you know me more than I know myself. Please let them not be in the house too, I mean they killed my mother and Michael, nothing can stop them now. I trust in you.’ I thought saying a small silent prayer as I climbed into the window of my bedroom.

For me silent prayer was my daily meal, and I don’t know why but my yearning was more in silent, and if God listens deep he would know it is deeper than my outspoken words.

I made it in safely, making sure I made no noise. I collected all my clothes that I could need. I wasn’t staying. I didn’t want them coming back finding me here. I didn’t know where I was going but better than being there, than being captured and killed. Truthfully speaking I did not care about dying, but I did not want to die at someone’s terms. I wanted to die when I was ready, when it was time.

‘I don’t know when that time will come for my death but I’m sure I’ll know and I will embrace it. I will not regret the days I have spent on earth when it happens’

I was so engrossed in my own death worries I did not hear that someone was treaded my way. As I packed, that someone opened the door.

‘Oh thank God it is my mother. Wait, she is alive?’

“Mom!” I surprised her and myself.

“I’m sorry what now?” she asked with a seriously confused look.

“Ummm... It’s me” I don’t know why I had to say that, I’m sure she was just being immature and rude as always.

“Who are you and what are you doing in my son’s room?” she asked suddenly startling me.

‘Son? What is this bullshit? Is she pulling a prank on me?’ Agh! Might as well entertain her, I mean I can’t leave without my clothes, and she certainly doesn’t look like she will be leaving anytime soon’

I don’t know what she was playing at but I wasn’t in the mood to question her behavior.

“Um, I’m your daughter!” I said trying to read her, to see why all of a sudden she was acting this way. Like she cared about someone but herself.

‘Maybe Michael put her up to this as a way to chase me out of her house. Don’t worry woman, I’m leaving and never looking back’

“I don’t have a daughter” she finished about to cry.

‘Is she fucking with me right now? Wait, is she seriously about to prank cry? Damn Michael, you’re good I’ll give you that’ I studied her further laughing and shaking my head, instead she wen and sat down on my sofa and started sobbing softly.

‘What the...heck…?’

“Um, yes you do!” I said as a matter of fact through greeted teeth. I was getting agitated by their dilemma.

‘If this is a way of her denying me as her child, well it’s working. I mean she was treaded there the whole damn years my father left anyways, might as well push the last button right!’

“Honey! Honey!” I heard her yell for someone as she stood up going to the door.

‘Honey? Am I tripping or she smoked a blunt. You’ve got to be kidding me? Who is honey, because last time I checked Michael was just………well Michael!’

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, she had glassy eyes. She looked at me like I was a stranger.

‘She never stops acting doesn’t she?’ I rolled my eyes giving her a glare but only to get a quizzical look from her.

‘Well this is knew’ I thought as the door opened revealing Michael dressed all smart. He looked different.

‘Did someone hit them both in the head? I mean he’s cleaned up well’ I looked at him up and down.

“My dear who is this?” he asked my mother is a soft caring manner.

“Wait, did Jesus suddenly come down and hit both of ya’ll’s heads or this is one of your charades?” I asked suddenly agitated rolling my eyes at both of them, they just gave each other quizzical looks and back at me.

‘I don’t have time for this bull’ deciding to ignore them I finished to pack, but not before my mother gave me a quizzical sad look.

“What are you doing with our son’s clothes?” she was sobbing more.

‘Why the fuck is she crying for. Geez woman! You should be happy I’m packing!’ I ignored her ranting.

“Stop” she cried some more.

“Woman! Do this look like your son’s clothes?” I raised my sport bras to her, she just gave me a blank crying look. I mean I was fine with them treating me like shit and all but denying my existence and saying they had a son they never had, that was a low blow.

“Maybe this is the girl they said will come claiming to be our daughter. We need to tell her that she is here. I am sure this is the girl she warned us about” Michael stated startling me.

“What did you say, what are you talking….” I didn’t get to finish my sentence as he screamed.

“She’s in here, she’s in here……” he went on and on ranting running downstairs.

‘Shit. I need to leave. I can’t let them find me here’ I took my bag and threw it outside the window.

I turned around to find my mother still standing in the middle of my room still sobbing hysterically.

‘What is this game she’s playing? Maybe I should ask about her son and she will quit her game of having one.

“What happened to your son?” I asked ignoring the hurt deciding to play her game. I don’t know why but she looked damn convincing for someone who had hated me for years. I swear you would think she really did, and with the way she was acting, it was like she never knew me at all.

“He died in a car accident last year. Please don’t take his things. Please. They are all I have left of him” she cried some more making me look at her weirdly. It was too damn convincing but I knew my mother. I’m sure the moment I leave the house they will break down dancing and celebrate that I’m gone.

As I was standing still studying my mother’s reaction I heard footsteps coming from downstairs.

‘I can’t let them find me here’ I panicked, and turned around looking at my mother. I went and got close to her, she shifted in a scary manner confusing me but choosing to ignore it I whispered in her ear.

“I hope it was worth it” I left her baffled as I ran with so much hatred, and jumped out of the window leaving her behind crying ‘please give my son’s clothes back.’

‘Is that what she’s worried about?’ I ran thinking hard as hatred and rage grew more on me.

‘Calm down. You need to focus. No one is here to save you’ my emotional voice soothed.

I always had that voice in me that I confided in. I once learned everyone had a part of God in them, a spirit to be precise. And if you listened to it more often you may find yourself having all the answers you need for your life’s focus.

Choosing to calm down I looked back at the house. I was hidden in the trees, I saw Michael hugging my mother just as my father did years ago when he left.

Anger boiled in me. I wanted to go back and shred him right there and there.

‘Who is he to claim my mother?’ I raged as resent boiled up.

‘You have no right to your mother’s choices. She made hers, now it’s time you made yours too’ the voice said in my head.

‘...but I’m her daughter, her responsibility?’ I allowed tears to fall as I watched her and Michael play house.

‘...and you have your own destiny, your own path. Now follow it before they find you’ the voice continued annoying me more with it's truths.

‘Fine, I guess I am dead to her’ I finished as I turned around.

‘Maybe’ it finished.

‘What does that mean?’ I asked suddenly confused.

‘Life is not yours to solve, just follow the bread crumbs that are laid out for you. Now run!’ the voice warned leaving me hanging.

I heard men yelling ‘follow her, she couldn’t have gone too far’ and that’s when I ran shooting like a bullet. It seems the men in the car saw me leaving.

I ran and ran, until I couldn’t. When I couldn’t, the voice kept yelling, ‘run!’ and I would run faster, because I knew I couldn’t have survived this far without it. I ran until I found a place to hide. I saw a big nest on the tree as I looked up.

I climbed up and waited for them to pass or for anything to happen because truthfully, I did not know where I was supposed to go next if I survived.

I asked my spirit for what I should do next but I got nothing. I got frustrated. I wanted to take matters into my own hands. Do what, I don’t know, but I wanted to try to fight back, go to the police even, but my spirit told me no.

‘You need to see this through, you need to find out why they want to kill you. You have to survive it’

‘Agh! I hate not knowing’

‘What will knowing solve?’ I thought suddenly intrigued by my own question.

‘Atleast I will know what to do next’ I said in a confident voice.

‘Your choice, your consequence. Just don’t come asking me why I didn’t warn you’

‘Gosh, sometimes you are louder than my actual spoken words. Now what do you mean?’ I asked suddenly confused.

‘When you chose not to listen to me, I assure you it’s always a bad idea. I know what is best for you. I know what you need’

‘So what do I need right now?’ I asked suddenly confused and angry it was right. It did know what I needed. Every decision it has made so far for me I have never failed.

‘You need to sit down and let us wait’ it said like it was resting too.

‘Wait for what?’ I asked feeling trapped. I mean I wanted to run some more. I was scared what if they found me there.

‘Just be patient. Silence brings order into things’ it said like it was closing the subject. Choosing to listen I stayed and waited.

‘Who are they really? What do they want from me? I mean who would want anything from me?’ I turned and huffed. It was silence, too quiet I could hear the sound of the crickets. My inner voice was ignoring me.

‘...who is this Luca and his son they are looking for and why did they come to my house? Ain't no Luca and son there. Those men acted like they knew where they came to, like someone told them something about my house’ I pondered hardly not sure if I will find the answer.

‘Wait! There was my teacher there, maybe she’s the one that told them where I lived. Shit! But why would she? I'm a nobody. No cursing, no cursing, but damn her’ I couldn’t think straight. Everything was getting jumbled up. Something didn’t make sense.

‘….that doesn’t explain how they know the inside of my house so well’ I hit my face with my palms not sure what was really going on.

‘What was my teacher doing at my house anyways? I mean it can’t be a coincidence that they both show up at the same day’ I looked up at the sky wondering what had happened with my already fucked up life.

‘How does she know the man called Sebastian? Is she part of this?’ more questions kept playing in my head giving me a headache. I didn’t know what’s what and why me out of all people.

‘….but they are not here for me, yes they don’t want me, they want this Luca’s son so maybe they will be fed up and stop hunting me and go their merry way to finding who they really after.’ I huffed releasing my stress to the world. I was conflicted but I assured myself I was safe.

‘Who is this boy they are looking for anyway and what’s so important about him that they would kill to get him?’ I wondered now worried for him. I don’t know why but as I looked at the situation he wasn’t safe at all.

‘Where is my father when you need him? Agh’ I slouched back at the nest and rested my head.

‘Wait! Father said people will come if they knew.’ Suddenly I remembered father’s words. My worry was growing.

‘Knew what? Wait! My necklace! He said I shouldn’t take it out, for my protection and others. What did he mean by that?’ I looked at the bracelet running my fingers around it. It was shiny, it looked like a relic, an antique. I snatched it out.

‘Let’s see what happens if I take it out’ I took it out and waited. I remember the day I beat up Michael. He took out my bracelet by mistake, suddenly he cried about my eyes. I took out my phone ready to see what Michael saw.



‘I hate my life!’ I trailed of as I drifted off to sleep. I wasn’t one to sleep without being prepared, I guess I blacked out.