Chapter 25

“Okay, Drishti. I get it. Yes yes, I am coming now” Shravan rolled his eyes as he spoke to his wife through the phone.

Isha chuckled, making Mithran look at her.

“What?” Mithran asked, raising an eyebrow in the query.

“He is such a joru ka ghulam. A year ago, if someone told me Shravan would go home just to have an evening coffee and snacks, leaving his precious laptop and work, I would have laughed at their face and called them delusional” Isha said as they watched Shravan shrugging his jacket on.

“Guess, you two will have to go for coffee without me,” Shravan said with a helpless shrug.

“Ah don’t worry about us. We will manage. Don’t keep Drishti waiting” Mithran said teasingly and was yet again fascinated seeing the flustered look on Shravan.

A mention of Drishti and he goes all love sick, Mithran thought with wonder.

How does it feel to be so in love with their wife?