By the time Chaahat came out of the kitchen, Mithran had already opened the door.

Seeing the person who came in, all blood drained from her face, leaving her as pale as a ghost.

“Dhruv Khuranna..” the name escaped her lips, as she stared helplessly at the man who just came in.

Chaahat quickly slipped back into the kitchen, her face void of colour.

“Who is it at the door?” Amritha Yadav asked.

“Uh, I don’t know..” Chaahat lied, not knowing what else to do.

As she retreated to the safety of the kitchen, her heart raced erratically in her chest.

The mere sight of Dhruv had awakened a storm of emotions she had long buried deep within her heart. She leaned against the kitchen counter, her mind a whirlwind of conflicted thoughts.

Dhruv Khuranna – a name that carried memories she had fought to forget, a past she had sworn never to revisit. She clenched her trembling hands, trying to steady herself, but her thoughts were in chaos.