The Gift

Kiera's POV(Continued)

Joey’s was a tavern, for lack of a better word. Stepping into the establishment was the same thing as stepping back in time. There were long wooden tables and barrels for seats. Lighting came from clear glass bowls that had candles in them. It was cozy in a medieval sort of way.

It’s existence was known only to the locals, so when mum and I walked in through the doors, we stuck out like sore thumbs.

“Never seen the likes of you round these parts before.” Joey, owner of aptly named pub, declared the second we took a sit on one of the benches.

He was a scrawny man with wisps of wheat colored hair, several missing teeth, and those that did survive were black. He was also tall, but I couldn’t begin to guess at his height. I don’t have to be a soothsayer to know that this man must have spent his entire life on a ship. He was like the culmination of every pirate book I ever read come to life.