Conversation With The Dead

Kiera's POV(Continued)

"Not for lack of trying, I tell ya." What? I was tired, hurting and scared out of my wits. The only thing I had left was my sass.

She snorted but gestured to the chair opposite her. "Sit child. This discussion is long overdue."

Reluctantly, I did as she said. "Who are you?" I wondered. Where was I? That was the next question on my tongue, but I wanted to put a name to the face first. Why did it feel like I should know who she was?

"Why, I am Nana Brooke."

"You don’t look like a nana." I declared succinctly. Every time I hear the word nana, I always picture an old woman with a long gown, blue shower-cap and a large wooden spoon. Instead she wore a trim ice blue gown and comfy shoes. Her black hair was gleaming and in a short bob.

"The afterlife must be pretty neat." She laughed heartily. Even her laugh was familiar.

"We are not in the afterlife child."

Oh, thank goodness. I wasn't dead yet. "Then where are we?"