Josie's POV

A brilliant golden hue lit up the sky, transforming it from the black orb it was to this utterly bewitching sight. I stood, transfixed as I watched the sun make its glorious ascent higher in to the sky, the worries that plagued my soul forgotten for the time being. Whenever I watched the sun rise, the rest of the world ceased to exist. I went from this confused, bitter being to an insignificant atom in the presence of greatness. No other other time filled me with as much awe as when I was able to witness the sun rise.

A pensive air behind me threatened to distract me from concentrating on the ascent of the beautiful ball of fiery orange. I paid it no mind. Now, more than ever, I needed to ponder nothing. Not my life, or the muddy future ahead of me. When the world threw curve balls, people meditated or took walks to regain their equilibrium. I watched the sun rise.