Quest of Innocence (3)

{We use you as a bridge between our plane and yours, you are our doorway,} explained the voice.

Great, now his body was being used as a doorway for anti-life demons. What started off as a quest for fun, was now becoming more and more complicated. Gray couldn’t help but feel that he was slowly becoming involved in things bigger than he could’ve ever imagined.

{So what do you want from me?} asked Gray as the wind rushed past his face. Though they were still in forest terrain, there was a path that cut through the trees, allowing the horses to gallop as fast as they wanted without the risk of bumping into anything.

{We want what you want. To soak in the blood of the livin-}

{Don’t give me that bullshit. Tell me the truth, I don’t need your help to soak in blood, I’ve done it well enough alone thus far,} interrupted Gray, not buying that the voice merely wanted the same things as him.