Chapter 8 - Future plans

He groaned in pain while I stood there like a puppet. I am too scared and shocked to do something.

"How in this hell can you be so powerful?" he asked with gritted teeth.

"I don't know, I was just angry," I told him, and he glared at me, but his expression changed in seconds, and he sniffed the air. He closed his eyes and started taking deep breaths.

"I can smell you," he said in a hoarse voice... {now I want him to get out of my room}

"You should go to the infirmary," I told him and opened the door for him, I looked at his wrist, which was swollen, but I knew that his werewolf genes would repair his wrist in a few hours or max to max till tomorrow... but he has to bear the pain till then "I can come with you if you need help" I added guiltily.