Chapter 12 - Memories

Eight-year-old me was sitting silently in the back seat of our car while Mumma was driving, and daddy was sitting in the passenger seat, looking a little stressed. "Mumma, daddy," I said, and she hummed while daddy looked at me. "Why are we going into the woods?" I asked them, and daddy smiled a little... {daddy never ignored my any question, no matter how annoying it was}

"We have to show you something," he told me and ruffled my hair.

"In the jungle?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes, sweetheart, a few more minutes, and we will reach there," he said, and I nodded. After a few minutes, Mumma parked the car on the side, and they exited the vehicle. Daddy opened the door and looked at me.

"How about a piggyback ride?" he said, and I giggled while nodding.

"You are spoiling her, Daniel," Mumma said to daddy, and he rolled his eyes.