Chapter 51 - Where is Gramma?

Ryan and Jack threw themselves on semi-naked Ben, and all three of them fell to the ground with a very heavy thud... {they will surely break his backbone}

"Oh dad, I missed you so much," Jack said and kissed Ben's cheek ... {why did he call him dad?}

"He is just blabbering shit, dad; he has not even shown his face from the last ten days" Ryan smacked Jack's head, and Ben laughed at their antics.

"Fine boys, fine, we will talk about everything later first; get up from me. I know I am still young, but you guys weigh a ton" he pushed both of them, and Jack pouted while Ryan gave his hand to Ben. "Oh, I was not expecting everyone here at this time" Ben looked at everyone.

"Well, we kind of got stuck into something. How are you, uncle ben?" Ellon went towards him while smiling, and Ben hugged him tightly.

"And here comes my most wise son" Ellon laughed at this, and Mia also went towards him.

"Don't forget about me, old man", she said to him, and he chuckled.