Talk with prince Hares

I chose to leave the commander-in-chief, I don't want to say too much for now. I really just wanted to find some time to talk to Prince Hares. Not talking to the Commander.

I wanted to ask him about many things, things I never knew or things I never remember at all.

My footsteps took me to a place, where it was the royal room. I mean, the hall of the GoldenDrak Kingdom. I know that maybe Prince Hares and King Dhirgam are there.

The two Guards in front of me bowed respectfully, I did tell him that I wanted to meet Prince Hares. But I'm too shy, what's next? When he's not busy anymore.

Yes.. Later, I turned the other way. Choose to just walk around until found by Rere. My servant really likes to disappear when he is busy with his business. I don't really want to interfere and ask all kinds of questions, just let him do whatever he wants.