I have an antivirus

""Whew, another day is over."

"Do you want me to wake you up again?"

"Yes, but do not electrocute me again. My hand still hurts. An alarm clock is perfectly fine."

"Eh, you are not funny at all."

[The next day.]

{Alarm clock rings}

"Five more minutes."

"Get up.

"In a minute."

"I am going to electrocute you if you do not get up."

"No, no, wait, I am already getting up."

After this unpleasant awakening, I got ready for school and left the house. It was a peaceful and sunny day. Until I arrived at the school.

"Ahh, it's too crowded here."

"You know, you need to become more extroverted."

"No way!"

When the bell rang, I made my way to my classroom. The hallway was noisier than usual. It seemed like something had happened. But I did not care enough to find out what it was. I just entered the classroom, sat down at my desk, and quietly waited for the lesson to begin. It had been a long time, but the teacher was not there yet. Eh, she was probably just late. "She'll be here in a minute," I said, suppressing that thought. But that was not the case. After a while, I saw four people wearing the clothes of the disciplinary committee approaching me.

"We need your help."

"Huh? Who are you?"

"My name is Hiosiro Miko and I am the chairman of the student council."

"And why do you need me?"

"Someone has planted a virus in the school's computer network and now has access to all the students' phones."

"And how do you know that?"

"Because it makes the phones explode. We have already had two incidents. Fortunately, no one has been hurt."

"Then why do you need me? Do not you have any experts?"

"None of them have been able to do it."

"And you think I can help you?"

"Someone in your class told us that you have exceptional skills in technology so you must help us."

"(Who tf told them that?)." *ahem*. I missed the part where that's my problem."

"What do you mean? Are not you afraid your phone might explode?"

"I have an anti-virus programme."

"Huh? So what if..."

"I am not afraid."

"All right, so you are not afraid, but what about the other students? Do you care if someone has to go to the hospital because of it, or worse?"

I was about to answer her, but then I heard Ruby whisper, "Shinji, Shinji."

"I'll think about it. Let me make a call."

I went to the back of the classroom and pretended to make a phone call.

"What do you want?"

"You should take it."


"It's a great opportunity for you to get some fame."

"But I do not want that. Everyone will start asking me to solve all the little problems they have with their equipment."

"What's so bad about that? You might make some new friends."

"What do you mean by 'new friends'? I do not have any friends at all."

"Okay, you can make friends. Better?"

"I am fine the way I am. I do not need any friends."

"Hmph. Then do it for me."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because I am your only friend."

"That does not mean... oh, forget it. You are not going to leave me alone. I'll just accept it."


I turn to the student council president.

"Okay, I will help you."

"Why did you change your mind?"

"Do I have to tell you?"

"Hm. Follow me."

I followed the four of them down the hall to the principal's office.

"This is Central PC, which has full access to the school network," she said, pointing to the principal's computer.

"Okay. Now, everybody out of here."

"Huh? Why would we do that?"

"Do not ask any questions. Just do what I say."

So I pushed the four of them outside and closed the door.

"All right, Ruby, you solve the problem with the phones and I'll figure out how someone got into the school's network."

"It will not take long."

"Well, the last person who logged into this PC did so at 12 noon yesterday. But I remember the principal was on a field trip with two classes at that time. So who else has access to this office?"

I opened the door to speak to Miko.

"Who else has access to this office besides the principal?"

"Only the janitor."

"And was there a new janitor this week?"

"Yes, we hired a new one. But why do you ask?"

"Did he come in today?"

"No, does it matter?"

"Okay, I got it."


"The person who did all this is the new janitor."

"Huh? Why would he do something like that?"

"I do not know yet, but I am going to find out."

"Hey, Shinji."

"What was that?"

"Nothing, nothing, I am going back."

I hurriedly closed the door.

"Have you fixed the problem?"

"Not yet. I also discovered that some files were transferred from the computer to another account, but I can not track it down."

"So the whole thing with the phones was just a cover? What was in those files?"

"Well, everything contained information about you."

"What, about me? This just gets weirder and weirder. Thank God I found out who was behind all this."

"Who is it?"

"Get access to the school's surveillance cameras and play back the footage from yesterday."

"All right."

"There he is. The janitor. Take a picture of his face and run the city's cameras for facial recognition. While you are doing that, I'll find out who he is from the police database."

"Okay, I am done. Do you want me to track down his hiding place?"

"Yes. So according to the police database, he is Hasuke Yahiko, a known black market dealer. But why would he be interested in me? Eh, anyway, I'll think about that later."

"Okay, I found his address."

"Good, let me write down the information for the student council president."

After I finished my job, I left the office.

"Did you succeed?"

"Yep, everything is solved. Here is the information about the culprit. You should call the police."

I said and handed over the note.

"Thank you very much."

"Don't mention it."

After their praise, I left and went back to my classroom. The rest of the school hours went smoothly. After six boring periods, I finally went home. My mum had cooked dinner, so ate right after I arrived. When I finished, I went to my room and started studying for my upcoming exam.

"Would you like me to help you tomorrow with your exam?"

"Nah, I'm fine. I'll do it on my own. Have a little faith in me."

"Eh, okay."

[The next day after the exam]

"How did it go?"



"Ah, sorry. What did you say?"

"I asked how it went."

"Well, you know, sometimes everything doesn't go as planned."

"Oh, ok I got it. You failed."

"It's not exactly that I failed."

"But you scored below 50%."

"Well yes, but…"


"I did it on my own."

"Oh, so you mean you failed on your own?"

"Ugh. I mean, I tried to do it alone without any help."

"And you failed."

"Ok, you know what? Forget about it. Let's discuss something else."                                            

But we weren't able to start a new conversation because Miko approached me.

"What are you doing?"


"So, I wanted to ask you if you would like to become a member of the student council."


"I. Want. You. To. Become. A. Member. Of. The. Student. Council."

"Wait, wait, how did this come up?"

"We all saw your skills and so we decided to make you a member."

"Don't want to."

"Why not?"

"I will have to supervise the students and I'm too lazy to do that."

"You won't need to supervise anyone. We will only need you if something like that happens again."

"And do I need to become a member of the student council for that? You can just come to me again if you want something. Is it something else you want?"

"Um, well, you see, there is something else."

"I knew it. What is it?"

"Well, we need you to handle all the technological problems that may occur."

"Nope, no way. I'm not doing that. If you want some help with something serious, ok, but I will not be forced to fix everything here. Goodbye." 


"I have to get to the classroom, the lesson is starting."

And I left her looking at me while I was getting further away.

"Why did you reject her? I'm sure that this is not the real reason."

"I have to make up my mind. I need to find why this guy was so interested in my personal information."

"True, that is strange. I mean, you are just a normal high schooler who is not good at anything."

"Thank you for your good words."

"If I didn't say kind words about you, who would? The friends that you don't have?"

"Ugh. Do you need to be so harsh to me? What did I do to you?"

"Do you need to do something to me?"

"… You know what? There is no point in talking with you. I'll just go to the lesson."