The birth of a super soldier

"I know it will be difficult for you at first, but after the first attempt it will be much easier to complete the rest."

"Wait, what do you mean complete the rest? And when did I agree to do this?"

"Do you want to save your mother or not?"

"Of course I want to, but..."

"Then shut up and listen to me. When the process begins, you will be transported to another virtual world, the real one.

"What do you mean by that? It's not just the knowledge on the chip that's being transferred?"

"I wish it could work that way. When you spend time in a virtual world, everything you learn and experience there is implanted in your mind. The scenery is proportional to the training you choose. So be prepared for a lot of difficulties. Also, the pain receptors are set to maximum, so you'll feel the same pain in the virtual world as in the real world."

"This is too much for me."

"You'll be fine, believe me. So when you start the process, you need to choose a specific workout. There are many different ones, so choose the one that works best for the situation."

"But that's going to take a lot of time. I will not be able to do it in time."

"Do not worry, time flows differently there. One minute in the real world is equivalent to 5 years there."

"I understand."

"The truth is that I would never force you to go through something like that, because in this world, many years must pass before you complete your education. That could cause you to lose yourself. But right now, there is no other way."

"I understand, but... Will I make it?" said I, lowering my head.

"Do not worry, you will definitely make it. I believe in you." my father said, patting my head.

"Alright, how do I start?"

"That's easy. Just open the command prompt for the dive gear and type [XXXXXXXXX], then you'll be taken to an area like the one in this game where you created your account, and you'll select the training."

"Alright, I got it."

"I wish you good luck, son."

"Thanks dad. I will go to the others and explain what happened."

"I'll be waiting for you at the Adventurer's Guild tomorrow at the same time."

"Alright, see you then." said I and ran towards the square to find the others.

I looked behind me for a moment and saw my father waving at me. It felt like the day he had left. But now I know I will see him again.

I reached the square in no time and was out of breath.

I saw Ruby pointing at me and the two siblings turned to me.

"Hey Shinji, how was the reunion with your father? The girls here could not stop talking about it." said Yuuki, smiling.

"It was one of the best moments in my life. Anyway, there's something urgent to do."

"What's going on?" asked Miko and Ruby together.

"I can not explain everything to you now, but someone attacked me and my father and is now targeting my mother."

"Why did he attack you?" said Miko.

"He wanted to kill us."

"Huh? But you can not kill anyone here." said Yuuki.

"He's a mercenary and he had some weapons he could kill you with in real life."

"I see, I see." Ruby said.

""How can you be so calm now?"" Yuuki and Miko said.

"And Shinji, are you hurt anywhere?" said Miko as she looked at me, trying to find a wound.

"If I was injured, I would be dead now. Anyway, I am going to go through special training to be able to fight this man."

"How are you going to do that?" said Yuuki.

"We do not have time to explain now. Ruby, see how long it will take him to arrive at my house."

"Hmm, according to the camera recording I have access to, you have about 6 minutes."

"That's too little." said Miko.

"So that means I have 30 years to complete my training."


"Do not worry, everything will be fine. I am going to start my training now."

"Well then, good luck." Said they all together.

"So, I'll see you in 6 minutes." said I and opened the prompt. I entered the code and everything went exactly as my father had explained.

There was no more Falconia. The whole city had been replaced by a wide open space with grass, trees and rivers. There were some floating chunks of earth from which water flowed and splashed on the ground, creating various small rivers.

In front of me was a large white building. It had been torn down in some places, but the cut-off pieces continued to float in the air. This building was surrounded by an abyss. It seemed as if the whole building was floating in the air.

For some reason, this scenery had an incomparable beauty. It gave me a feeling of peace and warmth.

I approached the door that was in front of me. There was something there that looked like a scanner.

I placed my right palm on it and heard a voice.

"The scanning sequence has been completed. The person's name is Shinji Tokihiro. Access granted."

The door opened and blinding light hit me in the eyes.

"Damn, what's that light? Why is it so bright?" I said as I covered my eyes to go inside.

As I entered the building, the door suddenly closed and the light went out.

"Are you kidding me? What's with the lighting in this place?"

Then suddenly the lights in the whole building opened. But this time the light wasn't dazzling. It was like there were no lights at all, like it was the sun's light.

And indeed it was. When I walked more inside I raised my head to see what was in the ceiling. But there was no ceiling. Instead it was wide open and the sun's light flooded the whole place.

I kept moving till I saw a big terminal in front of me. There was a huge screen and beneath it a keyboard.

When I approached it the screen opened and showed a list of different activities.

Damn there are so many. Assassin training, special forces training, sniper training, medic training, pilot training etc.

"Hmm, which one should I choose? All of them look pretty interesting."

"According to your case I would recommend you to go through the special forces training."

"Huh? Who's there?"

I turned my head to the left and saw a woman standing at a distance from me. She had white hair and red eyes and was wearing a black and white uniform.

"Who are you and how did you come here?"

"I'm the administrator of this place and I'm here to guide you." She said with a robotic tone.

"I see. And how do you know about my situation?

"I can read your mind through the device you're wearing. I'm one with this place, I control everything here so it's logical for me to know what you're thinking."

"That's not necessarily good. Ah nevermind. You recommended the special forces training?"

"Exactly. There is a high possibility for you to manage to complete the training. But in case you're not able to, I'll get you out of there."

"Alright then, I'll choose special forces."

"Host has chosen the special forces training. Initiating rift in 3. 2. 1. 0."

I turned my head to the big screen on my right. The screen and the keyboard started moving to the right.

A mechanical arm appeared and placed a circular object on the floor.

The object separated in two pieces and the upper one started hovering above the other while spinning at an extremely high speed.

Then a portal started to form above the spinning object.

"I need to go through this portal?"

"Yes, In order to start the training."

I took a deep breath

"I'm going in. I don't have much time."

So I stepped inside the portal. And thus a new adventure started.

[After 5 minutes/25 years in training]

"Huh? Where am I?"

"I brought you back. You have completed your training."

"Who are you and what is this place? Answer me woman."

"Look at yourself." She said and a giant mirror appeared from the floor.

"Huh? Why am I so young? I'm sure I was 43 years old. What did you do to me?"

"It seems that you don't remember. Let me help you."

She came close to me and put her hand on my head.

I could feel my memories fade away and been replaced by new ones. But they weren't new. They were my real memories.

"*Fuuuu* T-thanks for reminding me."

"The host's vital signs seem normal. You can now leave this place."

"Wait why did I forget what had happened?"

"When you entered the training I took your memories in order for you to be completely devoted to your training. Now that you are back I gave you back your original memories and took away those from the training. Or else you would had gone insane because you wouldn't be able distinguish which of those are the real ones."

"Okay I got it. I'm gonna leave now. Wait, how do I leave?"

"The same way you entered."

"I see. Well then, goodbye."

She bowed to me, as a form of farewell.

I waved and typed the same code and exited the place.

I spawned at the same place where I left.

Miko, Yuuki and Ruby were standing on a bench in front of me and when they saw me they hurriedly approached me.

"Hey Shinji is everything ok? Did you succeed?" Miko said.

"Yea, everything worked out. I'm ready."

"Are you feeling alright?" Yuuki said.

"Yea I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"You came soon after you left and told us to take care of you when you return because you may have side effects from the training."

"Oh I see. But I'm fine. I don't feel anything abnormal."

"That's good. Thank god."

"Hey Shinji, we have a problem. They just invaded your home." Ruby said.

"What!? What is happening?"

"They just captured your mom and now they're searching for you."


"Exactly what I said. It's time to make your move."

"Alright everyone I'm going. Wish me good luck." I said and logged out.

I opened my eyes. I was still in my room. They didn't find me yet, but I could hear my door being opened. I quickly hid under my bed.

I saw a man coming inside and checking the room.

"There is no one here, but the dive gear is still open. He should be somewhere around the house. Keep searching."

I instantly recognized his voice. He was the same man that had attacked me and my dad in the game.

After a while he left the room but he told another one to keep an eye for me.

The new guard entered the room and the door closed behind him.

That's when I got the chance to strike.

I caught his right leg making him lose his balance and fall. I quickly put my arm around his neck and left him unconscious.

All the things that I went through in that training were for that moment.

I took my phone out.

"Ruby, how many more are there?"

"There are 2 others."

"Alright, I'm starting."

I left my room and went to the living room.

In front of me was another one. I sneaked behind him and hit him in the head with the back side of the handgun that I had previously taken from the first guy.

"Alright there is one more left."

I continued searching the whole house to find him or my mom.

I found my mom in her bedroom tied up.

I approached her and released her and then she shouted "Shinji, behind you!" I turned my head as fast as I could but other one was hiding behind the door and grabbed me.

"Hehe, we meet again Mr Tokihiro. But what a shame, here is the real world. You can't do anything to me now."

He tightened his grip even more and as a result I couldn't breathe.

I had mastered the special forces techniques but still his muscle mass was far superior than mine and I couldn't resist his grip.

With difficulty I managed to grab my handgun and shot him in the stomach.

He released me and took three steps behind. Then I shot him in the head and he fell to the floor, dead

"I-I just kill someone."

This was different from what I had experienced. That was a simulation. I didn't kill any real people there. But now although had no choice, I killed someone. I-I don't know what to do. I just took someone's life.

I fell to the floor shocked from what I had done.

I couldn't move an inch.

Then my mom approached me and hugged me.

"Shinji, I know this is a lot for you. But you didn't do something wrong. You saved me."

"Still, I killed someone. It wasn't supposed to be like that. It wasn't supposed to be like that!" I yelled and tears began to flow from my eyes.