Case #2

Ryu and I left the club.

We had learned all we could there.

But we can not do anything for now, it's already midnight.

Aah my mother will scold me for sure. I do not think I'll have as much luck as last time.

"So what now?" said Ryu as we left the building.

"I do not think there's anything we can do now. All we can do is wait for the next 'clue'."

"You mean the..."

"Yeah, that's what I mean."

Ryu just sighed without saying anything. I guess he knows when to back off. I dropped him off at his house and headed towards mine.

When I arrived, I opened the door and saw that my mother was waiting for me. After scolding me for fifteen minutes and me continuing to apologize to her, she let me off the hook.

I think we woke Hoyo up because when I went to my room I saw her looking at me half asleep, half awake.

"What happened?" She said in a sleepy voice.

"Nothing, nothing, you can go back to sleep".

"Okay," she said and yawned.

After making the necessary preparations, I turned off the light and leaned against the bed.

[The next day.]

After the usual morning routine, Hoyo and I headed off to school. I was a little nervous about our current situation.

I hoped that the next victim would not be one of my friends. Of course, I generally did not want anyone to die, but I cared more about my friends' lives than anyone else's.

I arrived at the school, but this time I did not see a crowd in the schoolyard. I guess nothing happened. That's a good thing, too. But let us wait and see what will happen next.

Just before I went inside, Miko came up to me and told me what happened at the meeting. As far as I understood, they did not manage to find a solution because they could not monitor every single student.

I could see that she was a little upset about that, so I tried to calm her down and said that she did her best. And to be honest, that's the truth. There is nothing more to do now.

The first hour passed successfully. No victim showed up.

Miko, I and the rest of the student council searched all over the school to find something. Be it a dead body or some other clue.

The second hour passed. Nothing

Third hour. Nothing

Fourth hour. Nothing

I was already hoping that there would not be another victim today because something had happened to the guy. But that was not the case.

1:34 p.m., the second longest break. While I was roaming the corridor, I heard a scream coming from the end of the corridor.

I quickly rushed in that direction.

I turned my head to the left. That was where the school restrooms were located.

I went into the first room, which was for the boys. But I found nothing.

Then I heard a person crying from the room next door.

I hurriedly left the room and went to the other room.

In one of the toilets, the door was open and a girl was on her knees, trembling and with tears in her eyes.

I quickly walked up to her and asked her what had happened.

She shakily raised her right hand and pointed in front of her without saying a word.

I looked in that direction and what I saw was really frightening.

A girl with blond hair was standing in the middle of the room, hanging by her hands, which were tied to the wall with a rope on the left and right sides. Her eyes were looking up and there was blood under them. Her neck was completely crushed, so I think the cause of death is pretty obvious.

When I moved my head a little, I saw a message behind her... Written in blood. 'Your time will come soon'.

Is this referring to another person? But to whom?

I left the restroom and immediately went to inform the others.

When they saw the scene, they had the same reaction as I did. Disgust and fear.

I told Yagami to stand and prevent anyone from going in. We will send the girl who was here to the infirmary for medical? Psychological treatment? I do not know what to do in cases like this.

Hmm, this message. 'your time will come soon'. Certainly refers to another person. But wait, maybe everyone who was killed is involved in the same thing? Then that means...

When I realized that, I rushed to find Ryu. I wanted to have something confirmed. If my suspicions were correct, then everyone who was killed must have something in common.

He was in class, so I had to get him out of the classroom. I gave a random excuse that the student council wanted to ask him something, and together we headed to the restroom.

I think at this point my face was a bit... Because Ryu asked me, "What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

"No, it is not. It happened." I replied.

"Who is the victim this time?"

"I am not sure, but my instinct is that you will recognize her."

We went inside and I showed him the body.

And I guess my instinct was right, because as soon as he saw her, he took a step backward.

"S-she's Nico, M-my sister's friend. W-why is she dead?" He said and fell to the ground.

This reaction was more than enough for me.

It meant that each victim had something to do with a particular case.

Nico was the only lead we had for the previous case, and now she's dead. Oh, for crying out loud. Can not something go smoothly for once?

I realized I had said that out loud, because everyone was staring at me. I smiled sheepishly and began to search the body for any clue.

I searched it completely. From her head to her toes.

As I searched under her skirt, I felt something like a paper.

That's when Miko gave me a good slap and I rolled until I bumped into the door.

"What the hell are you doing?" I shouted.

"Shinji, you pervert! What are you doing with a dead girl? I did not think you were that kind of person!" retorted Miko.

"What are you talking about? Have you lost your mind? I was looking for clues." I replied a little irritated.

"It's impossible that anything could be in this place."

"Are you sure about that?" said I, shaking the note in the air.

"Aaah sorry. I am sorry, Shinji, I misjudged you. Please forgive me." She said, bowing.

"Do not worry, it does not matter. Just forget about it. I forgive you. Stop bowing."

Hmm, let us see what this piece of paper says.

'Come to Code X at 3am'.

Code X? What's that?

"Oh, I know this place. It's a club where the rich guys go and usually hook up with random girls. said Natsumi.

"Mmm, I see. Wait, wait, wait. How and why do you know about it?"

"My brother works there as a waiter."

"Hmm, I see."

I'd like to go see who the person is she was going to meet, but I am sure my mother will not let me stay until this hour.

Well, time for plan B, an overnight party.