The awakening

"Oi, Ruby, can you hear me?"

I saw her pop up on the tablet screen next to the steering wheel and look at me with a bleary-eyed expression.

"Yeah, what's up? I do not have much time."

"What do you mean you do not have much time? What else do you have to do?"

"Quite a lot."

"Like what?"

"That's none of your business. Just tell me what you want."

"I want you to track the location of Miko's phone."

"And why would I do that?"

"It's none of your business," I said with a smile.

"Humph... She's in an abandoned factory near the Nhala River? What is she doing there?"

"Ho? Are you interested in finding out now?"

"You'd like that, huh?" She said, raising her middle finger and disappearing from the screen.

Aah, what am I going to do with her? Was it really worth changing her algorithm? She would be a lot calmer if I had not done it.

Well, in the near future, that will be Yuuki's worry.

The factory was not too far away. I managed to get there within fifteen minutes.

I parked the car right in front of the railing and got out.

Hmm, a typical abandoned factory. It looks like those ghost train stations from the movies. Maybe there's a chance I'll find a ghost here?

Anyway, let us move on.

I approached the door and pushed it open hard. It opened with a hissing sound. I am sure this door needs a little grease.

As soon as I opened it, I saw the gleam of a metallic object coming towards me.

I just managed to avoid turning my body to the left.

I saw a person wearing a police uniform coming out of the door.

What is a police officer doing here?

"Put your hands up," he said, pointing his baton at me.

And as it was normal, I did what he told me.

Then five more policemen came out. And behind them was also the person who had kidnapped Miko.

"Hoho, I can not believe you really fell into our trap. He was actually right." He said and clapped his hands.

"What are you talking about? Why are those policemen with you and where is Miko?"

"Woah, woah, calm down a little. Do not be so impulsive."

"Tell me where Miko is now."

"And what are you going to do if I do not? You are surrounded." He said with a laugh.

"Who's behind all this? And why are you doing this?"

"Hmm, you are going to die soon, so I guess it does not matter if you know the truth or not. So I am going to tell you. I can not tell you who this person is, but I can tell you that at first he just wanted the chip in your brain..."

"How do you know about the chip? That was something only my father knew about."

"Oh wait, so you still believe your father is alive? Haha, what a joke."

"W-what do you mean? EXPLAIN."

"Ha, you see, your father is still in that coffin. He actually died. The one you saw in the game was just an agent who had put on a skin to look like your father. We were just trying to get you to use the brain field, cool name, right? I just thought about it, anyway,because if you didn't do it, even if we killed you to take it, it would explode. So we planned all that out. Haha, it was like watching a TV drama when I saw you meeting with that agent."

Hearing all this, I was so angry that I could not control my emotions. My bloodlust returned. But this time I did not wanted to hold it back. Quite the opposite. I wanted to kill those bastards. I do not care if they are cops or anything else, I am going to kill them all.

I lowered my hands.

"Hey, what are you doing? Put your hands up."

I looked at him with a mischievous smile and lunged at him. Before he could even react, I spun his head around and he slumped to the ground.

I picked up his baton and slowly walked over to the others.

They all rushed at me. But they did not know what I was capable of.

I dodged the first one and poked the baton full force into the eye of the second.

The other two started hitting me like crazy, so I had to protect my head with my hands.

I looked around and saw what looked like a saw? Anyway, it was a sharp object.

I fled from them and picked it up.

When they tried to attack me, I decapitated both of them.

And as for the first one, who was the only one left, when he tried to attack me, I threw him to the ground and thrust the object I was holding into his stomach.

"Well done, well done. Everything is going as planned." the man said and clapped.

"I do not give a shit about your plan."

"Oh, you really do not? Then who's going to save your cousin?"

I looked at him angrily.

"What did you say?"

"You do not want to save your cousin? She's waiting for you at the club." He said and smiled.

"Hmm, I see, thanks for the information." I said, pulling the sharp object out of the policeman's body and decapitating the man with one swift blow.

I dropped the object on the floor and walked into the factory.

I saw Miko tied on a chair, asleep? Ah, I guess she was too drunk to stay awake.

But it's better that way. That way she will not catch the sight outside the factory.

I took her in my arms and put her in the car.

I'll kill that bastard who dares lay his hands on my family and friends.

With maximum speed, I arrived at Miko's house.

I saw Yuuki coming out of the house and ran towards us.

"What happened? Are you two okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. Miko is a little drunk. Take care of her. I need to do something." I said and let Miko into his arms.

"Oh, okay. Take care of yourself."

I reached the club as fast as I could and went inside.

I saw her sitting on a chair in front of the bar.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her as soon as I got near her.

"Oh, Shinji, you are finally here. The man said you wanted to see me, so what's going on?"

"Eh, what man? What are you talking about?"

While Hoyo and I were sitting at the bar, suddenly all the electronic devices started misbehaving. The music stopped playing, our electronic devices froze. I did not like that. I quickly grabbed Hoyo's hand and made my way to the door. But just before I could touch it, it closed.

Are you fucking kidding me right now? Everyone else just stood there, probably thinking that it was a technical problem that would soon be fixed. But I knew something was wrong.

I remembered that there was a door at the back of the building.

I now walked with more speed to the back of the bar. We walked through the corridor and reached a wide room. The door was in front of us and was not locked. I walked quickly toward the door while holding Hoyo's hand, but then someone pushed us into a room on the left. It happened so suddenly that I could not react. I did not even see the person's face. Because of the push, I had lost my balance and fell to the floor.

Then I heard a voice behind me.

"Well, well, Shinji. At last we meet. After all this time."

I turned in that direction and saw a huge screen showing a man wearing a devil-patterned mask.

"Who are you?"

"Who am I? You probably would not recognise me even if I told you. I am just a stranger to you."

"Then why did you do all this?"

"Hmm, I guess I want to see you suffer," the man said, beginning to laugh.

"If I do not know you, why would you want to do something like that?"

Then he immediately stopped laughing.

"Just because you do not know me does not mean I do not know you . YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME. NOW I'LL DO EXACTLY THE SAME. STARTING WITH YOUR LOVED ONE'S."

No sooner had he finished his sentence than a small bomb dropped from the ceiling.

5, 4...

The countdown for the bomb continued.

I kicked the bomb to the other side of the room and quickly covered Hoyo with my body.

2, 1, 0

The explosion sound of the bomb was so loud that I felt the blood flowing from my ears and the shock wave was so strong that I was thrown against the door, which then shattered and I fell into the hallway.

I could no longer see clearly. My eyesight was blurred.

Why can not I feel my left hand anymore?

With difficulty, I slowly turned my head to the left.

Thank God it's still there. But wait a minute, why can not I move it? Huh? Why is it pointing in the wrong direction? It should be pointing left, not right.

I tried to gather all my strength and focus on it. I moved my head down a little and then I saw it.

My hand had been severed from my body. The blood was flowing incessantly.

Then I heard the voice again.

"Oh, that's good, you survived that. Now you can see what I am going to do to your loved ones. Now it's time for some revenge."

I could not make out exactly what he was saying, but I suspect it was nothing good.

I saw Hoyo coming towards me and shouting something. I could not understand her at all.

My vision was getting blurrier and blurrier as time went on. I saw Hoyo suddenly fall to the ground.

What had happened? Why...

Then I smelled something strange. It was all over the air.

I began to feel something strange inside me. I felt like something inside me was starting to change.

It hurt like hell. When my arm was cut off, I did not feel anything because my body was producing adrenaline.

But now, even with the adrenaline in my body, it hurt like hell. But I could not speak or move.

Then I saw a man with a gas mask coming toward me. He kicked me in the face and I fainted.

After a while I woke up again. I do not know how much time passed since that incident. I tried to move, but my body did not move an inch. I tried to open my eyes, but I could not see anything.

Only with difficulty could I keep myself awake. I felt like my whole body was in pain. I was so sleepy.

But then, with the last bit of strength I had left, I heard a phrase: "Quick, he's losing too much blood."

What were they talking about?

I tried to speak, but no words came out of my mouth.

I did not manage to stay awake for long, and I fainted again.