Day 60

So this is it. The last day at summer camp. The morning was more busy than usual. Everyone was packing their staff. I didn't bring much to summer camp, so I finished packing quickly. I went to the others to help them with their stuff. After we finished, we left our bags behind and went to the beach.

H: Suncream?

C: No, thanks.

H: Suit yourself.

The five of us spend the whole day together until nighttime. Every in camp grouped up around the campfire. The scoutmaster made a speech. They hoped to see us next summer camp again. As the night went on, everyone started singing and dancing around the fire.

K: Cornelia, join. Sing with us.

C: No. I don't feel like singing.

K: This is our last day in camp together. But this is not the last time we see each other. Don't worry.

C: I know. It's just that... the Earth needs me. It was okay for this summer to let loose. But I don't know what the future will bring.

K: The world can wait. And I'm pretty sure even a Goddess like you can have a few days off.

C: I'm not a Goddess. But you are right. I can have a few days off from time to time.

K: Good. Now come and sing with us.

C: I'll come, but I won't sing. One day I will sing for you but not today.

K: I'll keep that in mind. Before I forget, there will be a party in New York. A new Karaoke bar will open. Fancy joining us, my lady?

C: Always a charmer. I'll try to make it there. But when will it be?

K: In 10 days. We will be there around 7 PM.

C: Ok. I will be at your house around 6 PM. But what should I wear?

H: Something that screams, I OWN THIS PLACE!

C: Hey, no eavesdropping!

H: Ugh, fine...

K: She's right tho. You are hot, but you always wear moderate dresses that hides your beauty. Try something out of your comfort zone.

C: Well my mother was a Priestess... Fine. I'll try to pick something fancy, I guess.

K: Glad to hear. I can't wait to see it.

I just can't say no to him. He's cute, and I love him so much. I spent the rest of the night around the campfire. The camp was officially over so, I could do anything I wanted to. Keitaro was there with me holding my hand all night while he slept. I kept the fire going until morning. In the morning, I said goodbye to Hannah, Rayn, and Alex. Keitaro told me that her mother would come for him. I waited there with him until her mother arrived.

K. Mother: Keitaro, darling, it's good to see you again.

K: Mom!

They hugged each other. Keitaro was so happy that her mum wasn't sick anymore.

K Mother: Hi there. I remember you. You are Cornelia, right?

C: Yes, Missis Nagisa.

Ms. Nagisa: I'm so happy Keitaro made a new friend. Hannah, Alex, and Rayn were his only friends so far.

K: Mom!

Ms. Nagisa: Don't be like that. I'm happy that you made a new friend.

K: It's not that, Mom.

Keitaro walked up to me and held my hand tight.

K: She's my girlfriend.

Ms. Nagisa: Oh my goodness, finally. I waited for this moment for so long. My little boy's first girlfriend!

K: Mom! Don't embarrass me.

Ms. Nagisa: Now now. Cornelia, would you like to come with us?

C: Yes. Thank you, Missis Nagisa.

Ms. Nagisa: Just call me Julia or Mom.

I stepped inside the car with Keitaro. It was rare for me to drive somewhere. I always flew or walked everywhere. Missis Nagisa acted like Hannah but somehow worse. I was just happy to be with Keitaro, but I heard the wedding bells ringing in her head. After a 3-hour ride later, we arrived at Keitaro's house.

Ms. Nagisa: Do you want me to take you home?

C: No, thank you. I don't live that far away. It's only a 10-minute walk.

Ms. Nagisa: Ok dear, just be careful.

We waited for her to go inside.

K: Do you really, live nearby?

C: No, silly. But I can't let her drive me where I live.

K: Where do you live?

C: On the Moon...

K: Oh, Right, I keep forgetting who I am dating... She can't exactly drive you there, it's true.

C: ...

K: ... So this is it.

C: Yes... I will knock on your window If I will be free.

K: Come as much as you can.

C: I will come whenever I can, don't worry. And I will see you in 10 days no matter what, ok?

K: I know you can handle anything. But still...look after yourself, my Moonlight.

C: Moonlight, huh? I like it. Well, it's time for me to go. See you soon, darling.

K: See you soon.

As I walked away, I felt a sense of sadness, but I knew that this would not be the last time I would see Keitaro. Ten days is more than enough time to make a positive impact in this world. I am eagerly looking forward to the party where I will have the opportunity to see him again.