Day 202

It was late. Almost dusk when Ryan showed up at my castle.

Guard: My, Lady. One of your friends wishes to speak with you.

C: I'll be right there. Who can it be this late...


C: Ryan? What brings you here?

Ryan didn't say a word. He just handed me a letter.

"If you want to see your dad alive, bring 1.000.000 dollars in cash to the Stamford Nightmarket at 7 PM tomorrow. If you call the cops, your dad is dead. Singed. The Red Dragons."

C: Why did the TRD capture your dad?

R: My family owns a small company. I guess that they just want money but, this much would ruin everything they built.

C: And you want me to pay?

R: I would never ask that. I want you to accompany me if something goes wrong. Please.


R: I know you don't want your identity revealed but, I can't...

C: Just stop. No need to beg. There is no way I would refuse.

R: Thanks.

C: I will accompany you, and I shall be your money bag.

R: Thank you...

C: No need to thank me. I know how hard it is to lose a parent. I won't let you down.

C: But if anything goes wrong, stay behind me. The Red Dragon has a pretty nasty reputation.

R: Got it. I will just be your silent sidekick.

C: Let's go now and wait for them. I can scan the area ahead.

R: I owe you one.

C: You owe me nothing. Glad I could help.

We immediately went to the Stamford Nightmarket. After one and a half hours later a black car arrived with 3 men in suits.

???: I see you brought your girlfriend.

R: I see you, brought friends. What, you can't handle 2 teenagers?

???: Just hand over the money.

R: Where is my father?

???: Still in our base. We get our money, and we take you there. Then you can have your daddy.

Ryan looked at me. I know what they are up to but, I see no other way. We just have to play nice. I started walking up to the man with a suitcase.

C: See for yourself.

???: Looks good. Get the kid and take the money.

C: I'm the money bag. I'm coming too.

???: You got guts kid, but this isn't your business.

C: My money, my business.

???: This-

C: What, a big guy like you can't handle a 22-year-old girl?

???: Fine then. Take them both.

After a long car ride, we arrived at an abandoned factory.

???: Get moving.

We went to the heart of the building, where they led us to a large room. In the room, there was a single man on a chair tied up.


Ryan rushed to him, and as I was looking around, someone else came.

???: Don.

All the others deeply bowed.

Don: Did we get the money?

???: Yes.

The Don looked around the room. His gaze stopped at me.

Don: What is this girl doing here?

???: She insisted on coming. She said she was, the money bag.

Don: The fewer people know about it, the better anyway. Throw it in there. Set it to five. Give them some time. After all, they played along.

The man threw in a small box and closed the door.

R: What is that?

C: As I suspected. They want to get rid of the evidence.

R: You mean us.

C: Yes. The bomb timer is set to 5 minutes, so we can say goodbye.

R: What now?

C: Is your father ok?

R: He's high. But I can manage him.

C: Good. Just always stand behind me. We will bust our way out, then I will blow this place sky-high.

R: Ok. I'm right behind you.

After a transformation, I crushed the bomb under my feet. Humans and their weapons. I wonder if they ever make strong enough to hurt me.

C: Utayiwajla Talubnuqla.

A strong gust of wind blasted the door open.

???: What the.

C: Idilajla Ayazahs.

Shards of ice came from my hand pricing through the guards. They are heavily wounded.


7 armed men started shooting at us with guns.

C: Inardijla 'wad lisay.

A wall of light appeared. The bullets all bounced off.

C: Luna!

The hairpin from my hair turned into a bow. I started firing at them. The bulletproof vests on the men didn't stand a chance.

C: Ok, let's move.

At the exit, more of them came.

C: Stay behind the barrier.

R: Understood.

C: Lawahat.

The bow in my hand transformed into a scythe. At lightning speed, I ran at them cutting their head off.

C: Clear. Let's get out of this place.

We ran for it before more guards came.

R: Get rid of this place before they come after us again.

C: Niyahs iluk rimad.Imihajla qiyarah.Aadwafla rhab.

A red-black beam flew to the building from my hands like a rocket. Upon landing, the place blew up. The explosion looked like a small nuke from afar.

R: Holly shit.

C: It's done. I doubt anyone would survive this.

R: Are you ok?

C: Yes. This was nothing. What about you and your father?

R: We are fine. Thanks for helping.

C: No problem. Need a hand getting home?

R: That would be nice. Take us to Hannah's home. Only she is there. And I doubt my dad would remember anything.

R's Father: Butterfly.

C: I have been called a lot of things, but not a butterfly. Original. Anyway, let's go. Hold my hand.

R: Ok.

C: Aalii' anhduhk Hannah.

R: It's 11 PM. Hannah should be here any minute.

H: Ryan! I'm home.

R: Speak of the devil.

H: Ryan! Corni?

C: Sorry to drop by so suddenly.

H: No problem... Why is your father here looking drunk?

C: Why don't we just sit down and have a nice long talk...

After an hour of explaining, yelling, and drama, Hannah finally understood what happened.

H: Kidnapping. Mafia. More Kidnapping. And you killed how many?

C: I didn't count, but I would say at least thirty or so...

H: Jesus. What if they come after us? What if they...

C: I doubt it.

I turned on the TV for the news.

News: This is Kate live, from local news.

News: A huge nuke-like explosion destroyed the old factory near Stamford. Nothing but fire and ash remains from the factory and the surrounding area. The origin of this explosion is still unknown.

H: Wait... That was you?!

C: Yeah... I may have overdone it a little.

H: I knew you were strong, but this-... This is... WOW.

C: Well. I need to go. I need to put out the fire I caused before it spreads.

R: Before you go. Thanks for everything again.

C: Don't mention it. Just call me when you need me again.

H: And now. Ryan. We are going to have a nice long chat...

R: Umh...

C: Don't look at me. I would rather face another Mafia mob rather than her wrath.

H: Good girl.

C: Bye!

R: I'm dead...

I left quickly, trying to fix the problem I made... What kind of mess did I get myself into this time...