Kaiou Retsu

"Kaiou Retsu"after Akira heard that name he became shocked but suddenly calmed down with the ability of [gamer mind] a million thought came in his mind but he doesn't know why Kaiou retsu standing infront of his door so he opened the door and started acting as he smiled happily

"hello Kaiou-san" and after he looked at him he studied how he looked he was a 176 cm man with 106 kg thanks to the [mathematic] and [biology] skill calculating these things can be just used when Akira looked at something so Akira quickly called observe on him.

Name:Eishuu Retsu





due to the low level of the host and the [observation] skill no additional information are added.

Akira looked at the stat coldly as he started to think how he can get out of this without dying so he kept acting and smiling at him "Hello Akira how was your day" "so he knows me how interesting I wonder how he knows me"Akira thought as he invited him to enter and Akira made tea to him and he got two skills called [cooking] and [Acting].

[cooking](passive) LVL 5/100

the host has an understanding on how most recipes work.

+25% on how the food taste like

+1% that the host will get a random stat by eating what the host cook

[acting](passive] LVL 8/100

the host start having an understanding on how acting worked

+40% that people will believe you if you act

Akira dismissed the notification as he heard kaiou speak"wont you really consider becoming my disciple your dad was one of the best students in the Bailin temple and he was one of my only friends so I hope that you change your mind and train in the art of Chinese kenpo"Kaiou said as I kept acting surprised "how interesting well I dont have any to lose and in the manga he was a nice guy so why not"a notification quickly appeard before akira.

[the beginning of a martial arts legend]

Kaiou came to you in hope that you can learn the Chinese kenpo from him.

mission:learn the Chinese kenop

optional mission:deafet kaiou by using the Chinese kenpo

Reward:20 stat points, [martial artist] title, 100 Exp

optional mission reward:50 stat points, 10000$, 1000 Exp

failure condition:not learning the Chinese kenpo

penalty:-20 relationship with kaiou

time limit:1 week

"so mission exists how interesting and what is the relationship thing can I find it" Akira thought as he called relationships in his mind

"welcome to the relationships here host can see the relationship between yourself and another person the relationships are"

-100:life and death enemy

-50:an enemy

-20:someone that hates you



+40:best friend



+100:love until death and beyond it

"how interesting I wonder if I can break the rules and make someone love me more than a 100 well that's for later not now"

Kaiou:+24 (a normal acquaintance)

"kaiou-San i accept being your students please take care of me"Akira said as he bowed down respectfully to him Kaiou holded Akira by his arms and raised him"dont worry Akira I will make sure you stay safe and dont ever bow to me do you understand" "Yes kaiou-san" "call me kaiou"

"yes kaiou" "now because it's too late I will give you this technique from the Chinese kenpo read it now and tomorrow we will train in it" Kaiou said as he gave Akira an old book "thank you kaiou" "no problem so take care and good night"

Kaiou said as he left and I holded the book in my hand as I smiled evilley by the notification.

[does the host wish to learn the book Chinese kenpo]

[Yes] [No]

Akira clicked yes as the book turned to speck of light that entered his mind and body making it stronger and he started having the experience of how to use the Chinese kenpo as he like trained in it for many years.

[chinese kenpo](passive) LVL[1/40]

allow to the host to have an understanding in Chinese kenpo.

+50% more damage when the host use the Chinese kenpo.


Akira smiled happily as he started training in it he felt like he did everything thousands of times by the time he stopped he checked the notifications

[due to the host training in the Chinese kenpo it has been risen by 10 levels]

[due to the host doing hard work +10 strength, dexterity and endurance]

[chinese kenpo](passive) LVL[11/40]

allow to the host to have most understanding in Chinese kenpo.

+550% more damage when the host use the Chinese kenpo.


Akira smiled happily as he called status.

Name:Akira, [killer]

Level - 1[0/100]

Class - The gamer [lvl Max]

Alignment - neutral evil

HP - 540 [54 regen per minute]

MP - 470 [47 regen per 10 seconds]

SP - 540 [54 regen per 10 seconds]

Strength [STR] - 54

endurance [END] - 54

dexterity [DEX] - 54

Intelligence [INT] - 47

Wisdom [WIS] - 47

Charisma [CHA] - 39

Luck [LCK] - 39

Points - 0

money - 0 credits

[due to the host breaking through the 50 points stats the host gets the perk [strong] ]

[due to the host breaking through the 50 points in endurance the host gets the perk [thick skin] ]

[due to the host breaking through the 50 points in dexterity the host gets the perk [agile] ]


the strength stat is double so effective.

[thick skin]

the host gets a thick skin on his normal skin that take 20% from the damage inflected on the host.


Allow the host to do many agile things that is not defined normal.

Akira closed his eyes feeling himself becoming stronger as he opened his eyes there was a dangerous glint in it Akira decided on his plan now and what he should do now.

"I should go to the library and absorb all the books that exist there maybe I should go there and kill the librarian and delete the camera Photos that's a good plan.

Akira decided as he went to the library In his memory and it was closed he went infront of the door and punched it weakly but the door flow from the impact he quickly cheked everywhere but found no one and no cameras.

"well that will be easy" Akira thought as he started absorbing all the book in the library

[mathematic](passive) LVL 45/100

allow the host to understand all the mathematical problems.

+225%more calculated abilitys of the mind

allow the host to calculate almost everything he sees

[science](passive) LVL 56/100

allow the host to understand everything about science.

+280% more Exp on science related skills

[biology](passive) LVL 54/100

allow the host to understand everything about biology.

+270% more Exp on biology related skills

allow the host to know where is the weak points in someone just by looking.

allow the host to understand how the biology of creatures works just by looking

[chemistry](passive) LVL 49/100

allow the host to understand everything about chemistry

+245% more Exp on chemistry related skills

allow the host the ability to create almost all the chemicals.

Akira smiled happily as he became more and more stronger he opened his eyes as he was able to calculate huge numbers in a second he understood many things that was hard on him

"I wonder if the university students knew I became better than them in the matter of a day will they cough blood"Akira thought amused as he went out of the library and start walking around the place in peace as something suddenly hit him and he stopped he looked back and found someone who was huge and bald smiling creepily at me I quickly used observe on him.






due to the low level of the host and the low level of [observation] skill no additional information are added.

"well shit"Akira thought as he looked at the huge man coldly.

[you are but a mere stepping stone]

mission:defeat spec

optional mission:kill spec

reward:+40 stat points, +1000 Exp

optional reward:+60 stat points, +5000 Exp

losing condition:die to spec or lose against him


"well well i wonder what the gentleman needs from me"i smiled gently as I looked at spec with a cold look he smiled like a maniac "I can feel it you are strong i want to fight you" spec said as he runned to attack me Akira calculated where he will punch and which place will he stop so he dodged effortlessly Akira quickly used the the Chinese kenpo he hitted him on the face so hard the spec flew and hit a wall breaking it Akira smiled happily"holy shit I'm so strong I will make spec my training dummy*Akira thought as he started hitting spec as hard as he can spec did not have a chance from the start against Akira who had many high level skills and stats of almost 20 people so he defeated him and Akira killed him while looking coldly at spec corpse.

[you are but a mere stepping stone]

congratulations for the host for competing the quest

reward:100 stat points and 6000 exp

congratulations the host has leveled up 10 times

congratulations the host has leveled up Chinese kenpo 5 times

Name:Akira, [killer]

Level - 11[500/1100]

Class - The gamer [lvl Max]

Alignment - neutral evil

HP - 680 [68 regen per minute]

MP - 470 [59 regen per 10 seconds]

SP - 680 [68 regen per 10 seconds]

Strength [STR] - 68

endurance [END] - 68

dexterity [DEX] - 68

Intelligence [INT] - 59

Wisdom [WIS] - 59

Charisma [CHA] - 49

Luck [LCK] - 49

Points - 155

money - 0 credits

Akira smiled happily as he added all his points

Name:Akira, [killer]

Level -11[500/1100]

Class - The gamer [lvl Max]

Alignment - neutral evil

HP - 1000 [100 regen per minute]

MP - 1000 [75 regen per 10 seconds]

SP - 1000 [100 regen per 10 seconds]

Strength [STR] - 100

endurance [END] - 100

dexterity [DEX] - 100

Intelligence [INT] - 100

Wisdom [WIS] - 75

Charisma [CHA] - 50

Luck [LCK] - 50

Points - 0

money - 0 credits

[due to the host breaking through the 100 points in strength the host gets the perk [the strongest] ]

[due to the host breaking through the 100 points in endurance the host gets the perk [unstoppable] ]

[due to the host breaking through the 100 points in dexterity the host gets the berk [agility] ]

[due to the host breaking through the 50 points in intelligence the host gets the perk [smart] ]

[due to the host breaking through the 100 points in intelligence the host gets the perk [genius] ]

[due to the host breaking through the 50 points in wisdom the host gets the perk [wise] ]

[due to the host breaking through the 50 points in charisma the host gets the perk [handsome] ]

[due to the host breaking through the 50 points in Luck the host gets the perk [lucky] ]

[the strongest]

strength stat is 4 times more effective


health stamina and its regens will double

regen time will half


dexterity stat effects will double


+100% more Exp gain in every skill

double MP reserve


+1000% more Exp gain in every skill

quadruple MP reserve


host will start becoming wise

double the mana regen


relationship gain will be 2 times easier

women will find the host attractive


the chance the host will get an lucky encounter will be 2 times as much

Akira looked at the notification not moving ad he start laughing loudly"IM OPPPPP" what does hanma yujiro stand in his eyes now how can anyone touch him from now on he will now go on to home and wait until kaiou came again so he can finish the quest. Akira went to home and realized " I dont get tired at all or need to sleep i think that the work of gamers body" akira thought as he checked his status.

Name:Akira, [killer]

Level -11[500/1100]

Class - The gamer [lvl Max]

Alignment - neutral evil

HP - 2000 [200 regen per 30 seconds]

MP - 8000 [150 regen per 10 seconds]

SP - 2000 [200 regen per 5 seconds]

Strength [STR] - 100

endurance [END] - 100

dexterity [DEX] - 100

Intelligence [INT] - 100

Wisdom [WIS] - 75

Charisma [CHA] - 50

Luck [LCK] - 50

Points - 0

money - 0 credits

"hmmm system how much a 1 strength stat is"


1 strength stat is 10 kilogram with host perks 1 strength is now 80 kg"

"well shit so now I have the strength of 8000 kg that mean 8 tons well how about we try it"Akira thought as he went to the street and punches the ground as hard as he can the ground broke completely and a small earthquake happend around the area.

"IM A MORTAL GOD"akira chuckled as he went inside his home.

next morning kaiou went to akira home after he heard about an earthquake happened after he opened akira door everything became black for him and he died as Akira hand broke his head with a punch using his Chinese kenpo.

[the beginning of a martial arts legend]

congratulations for the host for completing the quest

Reward:70 stat points, 10000$, 1100 Exp, [martial artist] title

[martial artist]

martial artist skills will be 300% easier to learn and the damage of martial arts skill will be 100% more

congratulations for the host for leveling up 1 time

Akira smiled as he equipped the title and used his points as he called status.

Name:Akira, [martial artist]

Level -12[500/1200]

Class - The gamer [lvl Max]

Alignment - neutral evil

HP - 2000 [200 regen per 30 seconds]

MP - 8000 [200 regen per 10 seconds]

SP - 2000 [200 regen per 5 seconds]

Strength [STR] - 100

endurance [END] - 100

dexterity [DEX] - 100

Intelligence [INT] - 100

Wisdom [WIS] - 100

Charisma [CHA] - 100

Luck [LCK] - 50

Points - 0

money - 10000 credits

[due to the host breaking through the 100 points in wisdom the host gets the perk [sage] ]

[due to the host breaking through the 100 points in charisma the host gets the Perk [Hot] ]


the host is wise as a sage

quadruple the MP regen and half the time for it


the host becomes more hot and handsome

relationship gain is 4 times as easy

women will find the host so attractive

Akira smiled coldly as he went out of the house ignoring kaiou corpse on the ground he started walking in the city ignoring the way the people looked at him especially women's because of his [handsome] and [hot] perk he walked and thought "should I make a genocide In the name of Exp or not im not immortal and a nuke or poison or gas and many things can kill me so I should search for people to deafet like yujiro wait a second system can I get Exp by defeating people or only when I kill them"


the host can get Exp by killing them or forcing people to surrender

"well isn't that good" Akira thought as he found a place to sit down wrote on a big piece of paper to anyone who can defeat him will get get 10000$ and he takes out the 10000$ from his inventory and putted it on the ground as he screamed"TO ANYONE WHO CAN DEAFET ME NO MATTER HE WILL GET 10000$ FROM ME AND HERE IS THE MONEY SO IM NOT LAYING"Akira smiled as the effect happens immediately many people went to him to try to fight him people underestimated Akira because he look the same with a skinny build and akira abused this by challenging many people greedy for money and forcing them to surrender as he started having Exp and grinding his skills it is night now and no one managed to deafet him he screamed again"IM COMING TOMORROW AGAIN CALL WHOEVER'S YOU WANT TO CHALLENGE ME I WILL DEAFET THEM ALL"

Akira smiled as he talked the 10000$ and went to a hotel and broke inside a room to rest there Akira checked his gains.

"congratulations for the host for leveling up 8 times due to the host becoming level 20 the host can now choose a class and the host can gain 10 stat points per level up"

"congratulations for the host the Chinese kenpo is now max leveled"

[chinese kenpo](passive) LVL Max

allow to the host to have a complete understanding in Chinese kenpo

+2000% more damage when the host use the Chinese kenpo.


Akira smiled so widely and happily that he felt like he is flying in happiness he called status directly as he used his points too.

Name:Akira, [killer]

Level -20[0/2000]

Class - The gamer [lvl Max]

Alignment - neutral evil

HP - 4900 [490 regen per 30 seconds]

MP - 19600 [1960 regen per 5 seconds]

SP - 4900 [490 regen per 5 seconds]

Strength [STR] - 245

endurance [END] - 245

dexterity [DEX] - 245

Intelligence [INT] - 245

Wisdom [WIS] - 245

Charisma [CHA] - 245

Luck [LCK] - 221

Points - 0

money - 10000 credits

[due to the host breaking through the 200 points in strength the host gets the perk [one punch] ]

[due to the host breaking through the 200 points in endurance the host gets the perk [the undying] ]

[due to the host breaking through the 200 points in dexterity the host gets the perk [I'm speed] ]

[due to the host breaking through the 200 points in intelligence the host gets the perk [a man of many talents] ]

[due to host breaking through the 200 points in wisdom the host gets the perk [leadership]

[due to the host breaking through the 200 points in charisma the host gets the perk [the hottest man] ]

[due to the host breaking through the 100 points in luck the host gets the perk [who is the lucky one you not me] ]

[due to the host breaking through the 200 points in luck the host gets the perk [minor plot armor] ]

[one punch]

host damage will double and strength effect will become 8 times as normal

[the undying]

host health stamina and its regens will quadruple and the time for regens will half

host will gain poison immunity gas immunity disease immunity

[I'm speed]

host dexterity will be quadruple times as normal and host will gain unnatural agility to do impossible things

[a man of many talents]

host will have the talent to do everything 10 times easier in half the time

MP reserves will be 8 times as normal


people will always listen to the host even if the host is in wrong

half the time of MP gain

double the mb regen

[the hottest man]

relationship gain will be 8 times easier

host can change even the lesbian to a straight one

[who is the lucky one you not me]

host will have an immunity against minor accidents and luck will always be in your help

[minor plot armor]

host will have a weak plot armor that will protect him against most problems not all of them

Akira looked at the stats with a maniac grin"i guess even a nuke cant do anything to me now"Akira thought as he called status

Name:Akira, [killer]

Level -20[0/2000]

Class - The gamer [lvl Max]

Alignment - neutral evil

HP - 19600 [1960 regen per 15 seconds]

MP - 39200 [3920 regen per 2.5 seconds]

SP - 19600 [1960 regen per 2.5 seconds]

Strength [STR] - 245

endurance [END] - 245

dexterity [DEX] - 245

Intelligence [INT] - 245

Wisdom [WIS] - 245

Charisma [CHA] - 245

Luck [LCK] - 221

Points - 0

money - 10000 credits

Akira smiled happily as he checked the classes

"welcome to the classes host host can add a new class every 20 level"




Akira smiled happily and picked the mage class directly.

"is host sure that he wants to pick the mage class"

[Yes] [No]

Akira clicked yes as a new notification came

congratulation for the host for becoming a mage

host will gain 5 intelligence and 5 wisdom every level

new skills acquired.

[mana manipulation](passive)lvl 1/100

allow the host to manipulate the mana

-1% mana cost for spells

+1% spell strength

[elemental manipulation](active) lvl1/100

allow the host to cast and manipulate all the elements

Akira smiled as he thought about a fireball in his hand suddenly a fireball came and he laughed widely as he started playing with it and throwing it around the room he quickly called stats.

Name:Akira, [martial artist]

Level -20[0/2000]

Class - The gamer [lvl Max]

secondary class - mage lvl (1/100)

Alignment - neutral evil

HP - 19600 [1960 regen per 15 seconds]

MP - 39200 [3920 regen per 2.5 seconds]

SP - 19600 [1960 regen per 2.5 seconds]

Strength [STR] - 245

endurance [END] - 245

dexterity [DEX] - 245

Intelligence [INT] - 245

Wisdom [WIS] - 245

Charisma [CHA] - 245

Luck [LCK] - 221

Points - 0

money - 10000 credits