Akira adventure as a grandpa in a wuxia world

Akira smiled as he entered the omiversal teleporter and choosed a wuxia world.

in the eastern continent in a small town called heavenly town we can see a 15 years young man who have a fair skin long black hair and wears clothes that is plain he is walking around the town that is lively and filled with people some of them standing and looking at the people some of them screaming about the cost of spiritual carrots and some of them complaining about life as the young man walks and enters a small house.

"mom I'm back"

lin fan looked at his mom she is a 34 years old woman who have long black hair and fair face when one imagined her as a young girl one will find she was and still a beauty

"welcome back sweety how was your training in the heavenly sect"

Lin fan looked down trying to hide the painful wound on his body as he acted normal

"everything was ok mom I'm feeling that I'm close to breakthrough to the first human realm"

"that's good sweety when you breakthrough mommy is going to give you a surprise"

lin fan smiled gently at his mom feeling grateful for her

"mom where is linlin"

"she is in her friend house she will come soon"

"ok mom I will go to my room to cultivate"

lin fan went to his room it was a plain room with one bed a small window lin fan sat on the bed and thought about everything in the sect of how they keep bullying him because he is a commoner but he kept an optimistic look on life as he thought"i will show them one day that I can be a strong person too"lin fan closed his eyes as he started cultivating the cultivation technique of the heavenly sect [muscle and flesh refiment technique]this technique allow him to refine the flesh and muscle so that it became harder and stronger and the highest level for this skill is the 9 level of the human realm.

lin fan cultivated for 4 hours not much progress on the breaking through happend because lin fan have an ordinary talent until he fell a sleep.

next morning lin fan wake energized and washed his face as he went down and found his little sister linlin sitting on the small table linlin is a 13 years old girl that have long black hair black eyes skin like jade and very beautiful face and she is blessed with a strong talent that she is in the 3 level of the human realm lin fan smiled gently at her

"good morning linlin"

linlin looked at him her big black eyes.

"good morning big brother"

lin fan smiled as he sat beside her on the table and kept talking normal talks between siblings as their mother came with breakfast for them

"good morning mom" said linlin and lin fan in sync

"good morning" their mother smiled at them as she started giving them their breakfast to eat it was spiritual rice with spiritual carrots.

Lin fan ate happily because it is his favorite food as they finished eating lin fan stood up.

"mom I'm going to the heavenly sect" Lin fan said as his mother and sister wished him goodbye lin fan thought at his sister as she is in a cultivating academy in the xiao empire under the royal family but she came in a small weekend to them

Lin fan went and looked at the gigantic sect as he entered it he kept his head down trying to avoid the people in the sect as suddenly a sound came behind him

"look who we have here lin fan in the flesh and blood"

lin fan cursed his luck as he looked at the man behind him he was a 17 or 18 young man who have black hair and muscular build and handsome as he looked at lin fan with an amused expression

"lin fan shouldn't you bow in respect for your senior brother"Meng hao said as he looked at the lin fan

lin fan swallowed his bride as meng hao was the son of one of the elders in the sect and a cultivator in the 7th human realm

"Hello senior brother"said lin fan as he bowed down respectfully to him hiding his bad and angry feelings in his heart

"good next time you should bow before I tell you to or else"ming hao said as he walked away

lin fan looked down feeling angry as he knows that because the daughter of the grand elder and also the beauty of the sect talked with him one time asking for directions and from that time this mang hao kept bullying him and doing problems for him lin fan sighed feeling helpless.

"I can only cultivate and and hope for a better future"lin fan thought as he went to the cultivation lodge where disciples go there to cultivate lin fan went there but get blocked by 3 guys"did I curse my luck today? or should I curse it again" lin fan thought as he looked at the 3 guys one is a fat ugly gut the other is a muscular huge man and the last one is a skinny man as they looked at him with malice.

"lin fan what a coincidence we wanted to find you"said the fat guy

"that's true we wanted you to do something for us"said the skinny guy

"so lin fan will you agree you can refuse but you have to give up your spiritual stones"said the muscular guy

Lin fan cursed his luck again as ming hao gang came to bully him again but he acted respectfully as he cupped his hands because they are in the 3 4 and fifth human realm

"what does my senior brothers require from me"

"good lin fan we have a special mission for you" said the fat gut

"we want you to find us a specific spiritual plant"said the skinny guy

"and if you do that right we will allow you to enter the cultivation lodge"said the muscular guy as lin fan nodded

"if senior brothers require this spiritual plant then this junior have to find it for him"lin fan said feeling disgust at his weakness

"good we want a spiritual plant that is appeard inside the lauhi mountain it's called the spiritual rose"

lin fan nodded his head as he went and started walking in the direction of the lauhi mountain as lin fan left the 3 of them started laughing.

"look at this loser"said the fat guy

"he looks so funny as he acts respectfully to us"said the skinny gut

"we should report it to brother ming hao" they all agreed as they went away

inside the lauhi mountain we can see lin fan walking and trying to find the spiritual rose as he curse his weakness and ming hao and his gang every now and then as he searched he finally found it but what surprised him that an old copper ring was beside the rose he picked it up and examine it it was a normal copper ring as the looks go lin fan holded it and insert it inside his finger at the moment it entered his finger he started hearing someone voice

"hello there" said grandpa Akira in the ring

lin fan looked alerted as he started searching everywhere on where the sound came from but he found nothing as the voice spoke again

"I'm in the ring you dumbass"grandpa Akira said as lin fan looked at the ring in his hand

lin fan looked at the ring fearfully"a-are you a talking ring"in the ring we can see grandpa Akira having black lines on his forehead

"no you stupid dumbass my soul lives inside the ring I'm not the ring itself"said grandpa Akira as lin fan looked at the ring in shock "m-maybe he is the one who will change my destiny and make me stronger" lin fan thought as he looked at the ring

"what is the name of the estimated sir"said lin fan respectfully

"you can call me grandpa Akira and who am I it dosent matter because I'm not gonna answer you either way"said grandpa Akira

"is the sir a strong cultivator?"said lin fan hoping that he is

"I said call me grandpa Akira and yes I'm a strong cultivator"said grandpa Akira

"then grandpa Akira are you stronger than the human realm"

"stop asking questions you are annoying"said grandpa Akira as lin fan stopped asking him but holded the spiritual rose in his hands and brought it to the sect as he found his 3 senior brothers he gave it to them as they laughed"lin fan I'm short on money can you lend me a spiritual stone" said the fat guy

"me too lin fan" said the skinny man

"I want two spiritual stones lin fan"said the muscular guy as lin fan helplessly gave them the spiritual stones that his little sister gave it to him as they went away laughing and left lin fan who was looking down angrily cursing his own weakness as he heard a sound in his head

"why do you allow them to bully you?"said grandpa Akira

"because I'm weak"

"and by accepting the fact that you are weak you will get weaker"

"I-I dont have a choice I dont have the talent of my little sister I dont have the money as ming hao I dont have the strength as many in my age"

"well not anymore"said grandpa akira in the ring while smiling evilley

"h-huh?"said lin fan as his face brightened "grandpa Akira will you help me become stronger"

"of course because I'm a righteous soul and i cant allow you to get bullied"bullshitted grandpa Akira

"t-then when we will begin grandpa Akira"

"Now"said grandpa Akira while smiling deviously