a stepping stone?

1 week later after lin fan punched the mountain breaking it we can see him eating breakfast with his mom and ming xia who seems more mature after he finished he waved goodbye as he was ready to go to the xiao empire "lin fan be sure to visit often and be ok do you understand"said his mother worried about him as lin fan nodded and looked at ming xia "make sure to come back lin fan or hmph"said ming xia as lin fan smiled and kissed her"of course" he said to the blushing ming xia then he started flying and left.

after caltuvating for 7 days lin fan managed to achieve the next level of caltuvitation and it's called the dragon transformation realm lin fan is in the 3 level that means his flying speed is unbelievably fast lin fan flyer as fast as he can looking around as the secens he saw before quickly dissapeared before new ones came he watched in awe all around as he never went out of his town.

2 hours later lin fan stopped before town thats called lian town it's a town that is located between the xiao kingdom and many towns making it an important place of trading he flyed before the gate where guards where searching an old man cart he looked at them as the guards quickly stopped and stood before him"may I know the identity of your excellency" said the guard as lin fan analyzed him "8 level of qi gathering realm"thought lin fan "I want to enter the town" "the guards nodded quickly and nervously as lin fan was able to fly that means he must have a very high cultivation level "the fee to enter the city will be 5 spiritual stones your excellency and to get a permanent pass your excellency need to have 100 spiritual stones"said the guards calmly lin fan nodded his head and waved his hand giving the guards 100 spiritual stones from his ring"s-spirtual ring this man must have a very good background I should report it to the lord"thought the guard as he quickly took them and gave lin fan a permanent pass lin fan took it and went inside as the guard quickly spoke with a spiritual talesman everything he knows about lin fan to someone unknown for the time being

lin fan looked around the huge town where many things were on sell like spiritual animals and beasts many different kind of food he never saw and the surprising thing that the most of the town are cultivators while he was walking in the busy streets he looked at a sign saying about a fighting contest for younger people under 21 and the winner for the 3 and second place are generous but for the first place is a spiritual egg that can be shaped on the intent of the host this egg came from a very magical beast called the wisardagot and this creature have a very high strength it can rise to the 9 sky walker realm but if bound with a spiritual contract the spiritual beast will start to advance the more the host do.

lin fan smiled happily at this reward as he walked to the direction and signed in a simple office after paying 50 spiritual stones he went to the preperation lodge where many people where there some of them where cultivating some of them where practicing their skills and some of them where watching the others in interest after he entered everyone looked at him briefly then continued to do everything they were doing as lin fan used the [absolute concealment technique] to make his cultivation equal to 9 level qi condensing realm that's why no one was paying special attention to him lin fam found an empty place to sit and closed his eyes waiting for his name to be called.

after 10 minutes someone came to him for his first match lin fan went out as he looked at all the people watching the match suddenly his opponent came as he stood smugly before him making all the people cheer as lin fan can see he may be a local celebrity "you better give up you know having teeth in your mouth is an important thing dont try to purposely lose them"said lin fan making the man look angrily at him "courting death who will lose his teeth is you not me I will let you beg for mercy"said the man as he attacked him lin fan sighed as he raised his hand and slapped him making him crash into a wall passed out the outcome surprised everyone as the man had a cultivation of the first sky walker rank how could a 9 level qi condensing realm slap him to death

lin fan kept slapping mob b,c,d,e, making him the black sheep in the tournament they never heard about him but he kept winning by face slapping everyone all the big powers sent spies to collect information on him at the last match lin fan went making all the people scream his title that he acquired [the one slap man] a neat title lin fan looked at his opponent and he was a 4 level sky walker realm not good and not bad "do you have enough wisdom to keep your teeth or do you want to lose them" said lin fan making the man get angry"shut up you are but a mere stepping stone to my road of greatness now go and surrender and I may forgive you"said the man arrogantly making lin fan chuckle"I will break your skull not teeth this time"said lin fan appearing before him and slapped his head making him break the already broken wall all the people cheered "AND THE WINNER FOR THIS TORNEMENT IS LIN FAN THE ONE SLAP MANNN"said the commentor that appeard out of no where lin fan smiled as he got the egg he carried it and went away making all the big forces look at him in greed

"now that's how you win a tournament and the one slap man you remind me of a bald man with a Cape now I Akira your grandpa shall reward you for your win"said Akira to lin fan as he materialized a pill that can make the martial arts and martial techniques deal 10 times the damage lin fan smiled happily and ate it the moment he swallow it he felt like a bomb appearing in his head as lin fan someone who cultivated hundreds of martial techniques and martial arts to max rising their strength 10 times making him able to deafet everyone in the dragon transformation realm and able to deafet everyone of the next rank that's called the elemental realm lin fan smiled happily as he felt his strength skyrocket "THANK YOU GRANDPA AKIRA"said lin fan excitedly "no problem kiddo now open the egg"said Akira making lin fan carry the egg and hold it as the egg started transformation to the unconcious intent of the one who carries the egg the egg started transformation slowly after 10 minutes we can see a loli who have long pink hair red eyes and white skin like Jade she is a 1.40 m long and the obvious thing that lin fan noticed she was naked

"YOU STUPID DO YOU WANT THE UNIVERSAL FBI TO CATCH US"screamed Akira as lin fan looked at the sleeping girl in shock and quickly put a blanket on her body covering it"good even at my max power the universal FBI could put me in jail you were lucky that you were fast"said Akira sighing to the nervous lin fan"g-grandpa Akira what is the FBI" "it's a monstrous opponent to every one who wants to lewd a loli that all you are qualified to know"said Akira making lin fan nod and kept watching the girl sleeping