"I don't think Songfei's situation this time is the same," said Shannchyuan. He asked Mr. Linqhwu and me to keep his things. That means someone is after those things. Moreover, Songfei's belongings that he entrusted to Mr. Linqhwu were taken by someone. So now, let's just discuss matters related to the things that Songfei left with us.
"You have opened this bag, haven't you?" Yihshyong looked at Shannchyuan. He pointed to the large bag that Shannchyuan had brought home.
"Yes. But I only took the iron handcuffs. I have not examined the other items in there," replied Shannchyuan.
Then they started to open Songfei's bag. They took the items inside the bag out one by one and placed those stuff lined up on the floor. Apart from the iron handcuffs that Shannchyuan had used to bang on the side of the elevator, there were several pieces of clothes, a mustache razor, a toothbrush, a towel, a notebook, and a large brown envelope.
They watched the items for some time. Then Shannchyuan took the notebook and brown envelope and placed them on the table. He let Yihshyong put the pile of clothes, whiskers, and towels back into the bag. Shannchyuan opened the notebook. He paused, staring at the pages in the book. Iren sat right next to him so he could see plainly the contents of the sheets.
"What letters are these?" A confused look was clearly visible on Iren's face.
The sheets in the notebook contain writings they do not understand. They couldn't read the letters. Shannchyuan looked at Jenqyih while handing him the book.
"Look at this. Can you recognize it?"
Jenqyih was an expert in languages. He knew many ancient languages and characters. After observing the letters in the book, Jenqyih shook his head, saying, "I've never seen writing like this. It's like a cursive version of the Etruscan script. But it's not an Etruscan script. It's just that some parts look a bit alike."
Yihshyong laughed inwardly. But he still tried to put on a serious face.
"Why did Songfei write notes using letters like this?" Shinnshiow rubbed his forehead.
Shannchyuan sighed, then said, "First, we know Songfei likes mysterious things. Perhaps he used secret letters to record personal things. Although I have never seen Songfei write in foreign writings like this."
He paused his words. Looked at his friends' faces. He seemed to want to make sure that everyone listened to what he had to say.
"Second, we don't know exactly who owns this notebook. Songfei could have found this book and kept it."
"What if we ask Songfei's friends?" Shinnshiow looked at everyone.
"Do we know the addresses or telephone numbers of Songfei's friends?" Iren asked Shinnshiow back.
Yihshyong could only shake his head.
They all fell silent. Clearly, the question was rhetorical. It was true that so far, Songfei had often invited them to take part in his activities. There, they encountered people who had the same interests as Songfei. But outside of these activities, they never met Songfei's friends from the detective and mystery club. Even they also didn't know the identities of Songfei's comrades. For example, their full name and phone number.
"What if we go to Songfei's residence to ask the people there?" Shinnshiow didn't seem to give up on questioning the people who most likely had frequent contact with Songfei.
Iren looked at Shinnshiow. "Three months ago, Songfei has moved from there. He promised to take us to visit his new house. Until our last meeting with him two months ago, he had not told me his new address at all."