Dongfang Jenqyih was four years younger than Yihshyong. Apart from being the tallest person among them, his body weight was the heaviest. He also holds the other "most" titles in their group. Among them are the most cheerful nature, darkest skin tone, the least hair on his head, had the most things, and liked to exercise the most.
Jenqyih met Shannchyuan twelve years ago. At that time, there was a student of Shannchyuan who was writing a book. He contacted many people to become sources in the book he wrote. Shannchyuan and Jenqyih were two of the interviewees who were consulted on the book's writing. Shannchyuan was consulted in his capacity as a historian, while Jenqyih was an expert in ancient languages and scripts. They met at the book launch event. The author of the book invited all speakers to attend the event. On that occasion, Jenqyih and Shannchyuan engaged in an exciting conversation. Apart from the fact that both of them share an interest in ancient history, it is also because their ancestors happened to be aboard the same colony ship during the great migration from the old world to the new world.
Jenqyih and Shannchyuan didn't live in the same city, so they rarely saw each other after that. Communication between them occurs through letters. More letters from Jenqyih to Shannchyuan than Shannchyuan letters to Jenqyih because Shannchyuan was an indolent person to write letters. So Jenqyih was surprised when Shannchyuan wrote him a very long letter two years ago. In the letter, Shannchyuan told of his intention to travel the world.
At that moment, Jenqyih thought it was a crazy idea. Maybe this was the so-called midlife crisis. But after it turned out that Shannchyuan was not joking and actually carried out his intentions, Jenqyih then evaluated his own life. He agreed that the search for identity was not only for teenagers. Adults like him have the right to do that too. So he decided to try the same thing.
Eighteen months ago, Jenqyih started his journey. Then four months later he met Shannchyuan in a small beautiful town located on a mountainside. Then, thirteen months ago, together, Shannchyuan arrived in this city. After that, together with some other Shannchyuan friends, Jenqyih and Shannchyuan settled in this city.
After that, they prepared some of the things they would take to the station this afternoon. Jenqyih and Shinnshiow put these items into their backpacks which were quite large. They immediately went to the subway station after finished packing the things. When they arrived at the highway, which was passed by many public transportation routes, Jenqyih suddenly stopped at a bus stop there. Then he sat looking to his right as if he was waiting for a bus to arrive.
"What are you doing?" Shinnshiow raised his eyebrows. "Aren't we going to walk to the subway station?"
Jenqyih immediately pulled Shinnshiow to sit beside him. "Just do as I did. Now we're sitting here waiting for the bus."
Although looking confused, Shinnshiow obeyed Jenqyih's words.
"And don't act like a confused person," Jenqyih added after seeing the look on Shinnshiow's face.
Soon a bus arrived. Jenqyih immediately got up and prepared to get on the bus. Shinnshiow followed behind him.
The bus wasn't full at all. The existing seats were only about a quarter filled. Apart from Jenqyih and Shinnshiow, five other people also got on from the stop. Jenqyih immediately moved to the back of the bus. He sat in the back seat. Shinnshiow at once sat down to his right.
After the bus left, Jenqyih was still silent. The bus then arrived at the next stop, only about three hundred meters from the stop where they had boarded. There was no sign that Jenqyih would get off at the bus stop. Several passengers got off, but none got on. For about a minute, the bus stopped there. Jenqyih remained silent. When the bus then started again, Jenqyih still didn't say anything.
Shinnshiow turned to Jenqyih. His brow furrowed.
"Keep looking ahead. Don't let people know we're talking," said Jenqyih. "You see those two people sitting on the right. Three rows ahead of us."
Just as Shinnshiow was about to look over at it, Jenqyih said again, "Don't be too flashy. Don't let people around us notice that we're watching them."
Shinnshiow paid no attention to them. He looked down at his own lap.
Jenqyih continued his speech. "They've been following us since we left the house."
Shinnshiow looked up. He looked straight ahead. Not looking at Jenqyih at all. Even though he only saw Shinnshiow's face from the left, Jenqyih could see that his best friend's face had changed drastically. Now Shinnshiow looked much paler. Jenqyih felt sorry for his friend. But at that time, he could not calm his best friend. There were far more important things he had to do.
"Keep looking ahead. Don't look at me," Jenqyih begged when there was a hint that Shinnshiow would turn his face towards him.
Shinnshiow's body seemed to be glued to the chair. It was a bit ridiculous sitting position. So awkward. But Jenqyih refrained from laughing. It could make Shinnshiow suffer even more.
"And people are sitting right in the chairs that are behind them," Jenqyih continued. "He is the one who followed the two of them!"
"How did you know?" Shinnshiow continued to stare ahead.
"I have my own way," said Jenqyih shortly.