Chapter 047 : Duanmuh Shannchyuan

Iren raised his hand. "Dahge! Didn't you ever tell me that in the past, several times, you were unconscious when doing an activity? You once said to me about a thing that happened over twenty years ago. You said one day you stood on the side of a bustling major road. When you were about to cross, you looked to the right and to the left. Make sure things were safe. But there were so many vehicles passing by. Then suddenly you realized you were already on the other side of the road. You didn't remember at all when you crossed the road. "

Shannchyuan was dumbfounded. The incident had not faded from his memory at all.

Iren was still talking. "Later, you also experienced several events similar to that. For example, when sitting in a chair at the beginning of a meeting. Suddenly, the meeting was almost over. You have absolutely no memory of how the meeting went."

Shannchyuan also still remembered that incident very well. "Indeed, things like that did happen. But I don't think the cause was the same as sleepwalking. Besides, I wasn't unconscious. I just couldn't remember what happened during those few minutes. One thing is for sure, I do have a habit of daydreaming. So it might be just my usual daydream. It's just on that occasion, my daydreaming level was much severe than usual." Shannchyuan's defense didn't sound very convincing, but for now, that was all he could come up with.

"I have a theory." Yihshyong smiled. Shannchyuan could see he was ready to explain something. Then, with a solemn face, Yihshyong imitated a teacher who gave a lesson to the students. "Maybe it was not sleepwalking. But it could also be that when you daydreamed, your subconscious took over. So your body does things automatically, without you even thinking about it. Perhaps a specific internal mechanism inside you realized a potential danger or a doubt, then your subconscious took over. So you still did whatever you initially wanted to do without hesitation."

What Yihshyong had just said had started to make Shannchyuan doubt himself. But Shannchyuan didn't have the slightest intention of admitting it.

Yihshyong continued his explanation. "Now, let's discuss the crossing road incident first. It was a bustling road. The number of vehicles made you hesitate to cross. If this thing may continue, you could stand by the roadside for half an hour or maybe even more. It was very possible that your subconscious took over your body because you were hesitating."

Yihshyong straightened his sitting position, then continued his words. "Regarding The 'suddenly the meeting is over' incident that happened after that. I offered this interpretation. Attending the meeting was your obligation. It was something you absolutely must do. There was no reason to ignore it. But in your heart, you were actually reluctant and lazy to be there. Maybe you felt the meeting was boring, perhaps you thought it was unnecessary, or maybe you just didn't like it. So if you had a choice, then you would choose not to attend it. But you didn't have a choice, so you had to attend it. In order to overcome that, your subconscious took over, so you did not suffer the torment of attending that meeting."

Shannchyuan looked at the faces of his friends one by one. Now Yihshyong's theory didn't sound too bad. "How did my subconscious know that something was going to happen at the mall?" Shannchyuan again discussed the incident at the mall yesterday.

Although Shannchyuan's question seemed to be aimed more at himself than anyone else, Yihshyong didn't seem to hesitate to try to answer it. In style imitating Shannchyuan, Yihshyong resumed his theory. "Maybe when you looked around looking for something or someone in the mall, you saw something suspicious. It was just that because your focus was on the person or thing you were looking for, you ignored those suspicious things. But even though your conscious mind ignored it, your subconscious continued to process the information. Then your subconscious concluded that there was a potential danger inside the place. Therefore, immediately, your subconscious took over and got you out of that place."