After the waiter came, Jenqyih right away ordered food. He then got up from the chair to borrow the telephone in the restaurant. The phone can only be used to make calls within the city. It was not unusual in the city where he lived. The telephone in that place was apparently connected to a device that can automatically calculate the length of the conversation and convert it directly into the costs he had to pay. The cost was far greater than the fee he would have to pay if he made a call using a public telephone. Jenqyih instantly called his house to briefly tell them what had happened.
The one who picked up the phone was Shannchyuan. During the conversation, Shannchyuan just listened, knowing that Jenqyih couldn't call too long. Jenqyih narrated in detail but in short sentences, similar to the sentences in a telegram message. Shannchyuan asked him to come home soon. An idea flashed through his mind. He knew where he would go from there. Jenqyih said he had other things to do first. Therefore, perhaps he would arrive home late at night.
Jenqyih ate quickly because he didn't want to be in the restaurant too long. The train, which stopped at the subway station he was currently going to, did not head straight to the subway station near their house. Jenqyih had to change trains several times. Besides, as he had already told Shannchyuan, he did have other plans. Jenqyih had to go somewhere first before going home.
There were two reasons he did this. The first was that it made little sense to his stalker if Jenqyih just went straight home after arriving at the station, which was far from home. It was impossible for people to go to a station that was far away just to leave things. Something else had to be done to make his actions seem reasonable. The second was that Jenqyih wanted to meet someone.
Just like what he had said to Shinnshiow, Jenqyih also left his backpack at the station locker. After leaving the backpack, his steps felt so light that he could move swiftly and freely. This station turned out to differ from he had previously thought. It was reasonably large. Five train lines passed through this station.
While at the station, Jenqyih did not turn his head right and left to avoid suspicion from those who followed him. After buying a ticket, he speedily walked to the platform to get on the train.
About six months ago, Jenqyih coincidentally met a friend. Even though they haven't seen each other for a long time, the friend quickly recognized Jenqyih when he was sitting in the train carriage. The friend turned out to have lived in this city for almost five years. At that time, the friend gave his address and invited Jenqyih to come visit him. So far, Jenqyih had not complied with this person's request. Now, Jenqyih felt that there was no harm in stopping by his friend's place.
It took fifteen minutes to get to the station where Jenqyih had to get off. Jenqyih had never walked around this area, so he was a little nervous. Especially now that it was dark. According to his friend's instructions, the distance from where he lived to the station was not that far. Only about five hundred meters. Jenqyih took about twenty minutes to circle the area before finding the apartment building where his friend lived.
The apartment building was an ordinary apartment building. Not the luxury apartments that were usually strictly guarded. In the lobby, there were no guard at all. Jenqyih easily got in and went straight up to the sixth floor. The elevator was so slow that Jenqyih felt a little irritated. The sixth floor of the apartment building was quiet. There are about twenty apartment units on that floor. Jenqyih directly headed to the apartment unit numbered 606.
There was a bell on the wall near the apartment door. Jenqyih pressed the bell, but there was no response. After pressing many times, still no response.
After that, Jenqyih rested for a while. He squatted in front of the apartment unit door. After two minutes of squatting, he was already bored. Jenqyih got up again, stood facing the apartment door, and pressed the bell again.
Despite thinking like that, Jenqyih still pressed the bell.
"You haven't changed at all. Still messing with other people's doorbells!" Suddenly, a deep voice came from behind Jenqyih's back.
Hearing the voice, Jenqyih turned and smiled. "I thought you passed out inside!"
That person, who turned out to be a resident of the apartment, immediately opened the door and invited Jenqyih to come in.
Although the apartment building was an ordinary apartment, it turned out that the inside was quite spacious. According to Jenqyih's estimation, the area was over one hundred square meters.
"Ten meters by twelve meters. So the total is one hundred and twenty square meters," the person said, as if he could read what Jenqyih was thinking.
"Not bad," said Jenqyih.
Then they sat down on chairs in the living room.
"So it took six months for you to finally decide to visit me," the man said.
Before Jenqyih had time to answer, the person had spoken again. "Don't tell me you're busy. Because I have a hunch that you haven't really been busy lately!"
An unmistakable guess. Jenqyih just smirked at hearing that person's words.
"What do you want to drink?" the man asked.
"Anything is fine."