When Jenqyih arrived in the living room, Shannchyuan instead got up from the couch. He prepared to leave the room. "Have you eaten yet? If you haven't eaten, you should eat first."
Jenqyih had already eaten. But now he was hungry again. He followed Shannchyuan into the kitchen to get the food there without much thought. After leaving the kitchen, Jenqyih saw the other three friends sitting neatly in the dining room. Apparently, they had caught up with Jenqyih and Shannchyuan. They moved in silence so that Jenqyih didn't hear their voices. Even then, when Jenqyih caught up with them sitting in the dining room, all his friends didn't say a word. They were all patiently waiting for Jenqyih to finish eating.
After everything was settled, Jenqyih looked at his friends one by one. "You want me to talk here or we go back to the living room?"
Yihshyong raised his right hand. "We'd better go back to the living room. Miss Liuchiou is asleep. This place is too close to the room she is sleeping in. I'm afraid our voices will wake her up."
Jenqyih looked at Shannchyuan. The man nodded. They all then moved back into the living room. Before starting his story, Jenqyih looked back at the surrounding faces. This time, he told them the whole story.
Jenqyih told the things he had experienced since he left the house this afternoon. Before arriving at the part where Jenqyih will tell his meeting with his old friend, Jenqyih stopped his narration. He asked Shinnshiow to tell him what happened to him after they got separated. Shinnshiow said that he had already told everything to the other friends. Jenqyih insisted on asking Shinnshiow to tell them one more time. He said it was crucial. As the others simultaneously stared at Shinnshiow, the youngest of the five sitting in the living room finally agreed to repeat the story.
Shinnshiow did not repeat all the stories he had told earlier, only the part after he separated from Jenqyih. Jenqyih was very surprised to learn that the people who followed Shinnshiow experienced a tragic event. After Shinnshiow finished telling the story, Jenqyih continued his story, starting from the part after he got separated from Shinnshiow.
Jenqyih did not explain clearly the background and full identity of the old friend he visited. He only said that the person was a friend he had known since over twenty years ago. Jenqyih's four friends did not inquire further about the person's background. They didn't seem too bothered about such things. Jenqyih also did not go into detail about how he managed to escape the person who was stalking him. He simply said that he came out the back door of his friend's apartment building. And then, his friend took him to the station by motorbike. The stalker might not have recognized him because, in addition to wearing a helmet, Jenqyih was also wearing a leather jacket lent by that friend. Jenqyih's friends all agree that the jacket made Jenqyih's posture look much bigger.
It was late at night. According to the original plan, they would negotiate what they should do next. But apparently, Shinnshiow was already so sleepy that they canceled the plan. Shannchyuan then stood up and asked Jenqyih to follow him. It turned out that Shannchyuan was walking towards Jenqyih's bedroom. Even though he didn't understand what Shannchyuan meant, Jenqyih still followed him. Jenqyih shared a bedroom with Yihshyong, while Shinnshiow and Iren occupied another bedroom. Previously, Chioujen had also occupied the bedroom occupied by Iren and Shinnshiow. Shannchyuan then went into Jenqyih's bedroom and headed straight for the bed. On the bed was the leather jacket that Jenqyih had previously worn. He had taken it off before he showered earlier. Shannchyuan took the leather jacket. He promptly took it out of the room.
Followed by Jenqyih, Shannchyuan continued walking with the leather jacket in his hand. He walked towards the shed, which was near the kitchen. Shannchyuan then opened the shed door. After turning on the light, he entered the shed room. There were lots of items in the shed. Among the things was a box one meter by one meter, about one meter high. Shannchyuan opened the box. The box contained several costumes, which were drama properties. Several months ago, in a game he designed, Songfei asked the participants to wear special costumes usually used in dramas. Since the five of them didn't have any special outfits, Songfei lent them the costumes. After the game was over, it turned out that Songfei had forgotten to ask for the costumes back, so they were still in their house. Shannchyuan put the costumes in a box that he put in the shed. Incidentally, whenever they met with Songfei, they forgot to mention it.