The five of them were standing in the back corner of the wall in the backyard. In front of them was a hole covered by a circular iron plate. Shannchyuan looked one by one at the friends who were standing there. Shinnshiow, who was still sleepy, also stood there.
"Is everything ready?" The words slid out of Shannchyuan's mouth. Even though the words were spoken in a half-whisper, Shinnshiow could hear clearly.
The four friends of Shannchyuan, including Shinnshiow, nodded firmly. Together, they lifted the iron plate in the shape of a circle. Once the hole was fully opened, Shannchyuan was ready to go down there. He carried a bag on his back. The contents of the bag vary. Among them was an iron hammer. Shannchyuan carefully stomped his foot on the iron stuck in the hole's wall. The object served as a rung. From above the hole, Yihshyong shone on Shannchyuan with a large flashlight. Previously, they had warned Shannchyuan to come down slowly and carefully.
About ten minutes later, those above could clearly hear the sound of an iron rod being hit three times. Shinnshow was relieved to listen to that voice. According to their plan, when Shannchyuan got to the bottom, he had to give a signal by hitting the iron rod he had used as a foothold with a hammer. The voice was a notification that he was fine. Shannchyuan didn't want to shout because, in the middle of the night like that, shouting could be heard from far away. It would certainly raise the suspicion of people watching their house. Shinnshiow looked at the faces of the other three friends. Their faces looked tense, but they conveyed relief. Just like Shinnshiow, they must have been grateful that Shannchyuan had reached the bottom of the roughly thirty-meter bottomless pit.
Hearing that signal, Iren nodded towards Yihshyong, Jenqyih, and Shinnshiow. He prepared to descend into the dungeon to catch up with Shannchyuan. Like Shannchyuan, He also carried a bag on his back. This time, they didn't have to wait too long. It took them about three minutes to hear the sound of an iron rod being hit three times. Iren went down much faster than Shannchyuan. Maybe because he was sure that the situation below was quite safe. After that, Yihshyong hit the iron rod at the top of the inner side of the hole. He hit five times. The sound that was made was a sign that Shannchyuan and Iren had to get away from the iron ladder because they were going to lower the two oxygen cylinders that they had previously prepared.
They had tied the oxygen cylinders tightly with ropes. To be more secure, they use three ropes at once. Each person holds a rope. Slowly, they lowered the oxygen cylinders. They lowered the tubes one by one. They successfully lowered the first tube in about twelve minutes. While the second tube only took about five minutes.
In accordance with Shannchyuan's instructions, Yihshyong and Jenqyih then guarded the backyard. Yihshyong sat on the hole's edge, while Jenqyih sat in front of the kitchen door. Shinnshiow went to the living room to keep watch there. According to the plan, after a few minutes, Shannchyuan would ask one of them to come down if he saw it necessary. However, if it turned out that Shannchyuan had given absolutely no further news, and within forty minutes, Shannchyuan and Iren had not returned, then Yihshyong would have to go down to catch up with them.