Chapter 078 : Beeihae Shinnshiow

Their three friends took turns rising to the surface. The first to emerge from the hole was Iren. Then followed by Jenqyih. Shannchyuan was the last to arrive at the top. They did not bring the things they had brought down. They left their oxygen cylinders and backpacks down there. It was a sign that later they would come down again.


Yihshyong looked thrilled to see his three friends. Shinnshiow, although somewhat disappointed, still rejoiced in welcoming them. Soon after, they all went inside the house. They headed straight for the living room. There, the five people gathered to discuss what they had just discovered in the dungeon.

Shannchyuan, Iren, and Jenqyih took turns telling the things they found in the dungeon. They found another way out of the dungeon. There were two doors in the room. The doors were on the walls on the west and east sides of the crypt. Back then, when they entered the crypt for the first time, they couldn't see the doors. The doors were hidden behind objects, such as cupboards, covering all four sides of the crypt. They had to slide objects such as cupboards to find the door behind the cupboard. However, it turned out that the doors were locked. They didn't know how to open the doors.

"It's a shame that we have to move out of here soon." Shinnshiow sighed.


"We should have checked the dungeon more carefully from a few months ago," Yihshyong replied.

"Yes, but we never expected something like this to happen," said Iren.

"If it weren't for this incident, maybe we would never have known about the door in the basement," said Shannchyuan. "At least there is something positive about what happened to us."

"Do you think the owner of this house knows about that room?" Iren looked at Shannchyuan.

"Are you talking about the new owner?" Shannchyuan asked.

Iren nodded.

Shannchyuan took a deep breath before answering. "It's possible that his uncle, the former owner, had already told him."

"What about the other door?" Shinnshiow was curious.

"The old owner had plenty of time to inspect his property thoroughly. Most likely, he already knew about the two doors on the west and east walls. It's possible that he even knows how to open it," said Shannchyuan.

"I think we should go down there again," Yihshyong said. "I mean, I want to get down there. Maybe after seeing that door with my own eyes, a useful idea will come to my mind."

Shannchyuan and Iren looked at Yihshyong. Instantly, Shannchyuan seemed to frown. But his face immediately changed. While touching both palms to his cheeks, he smiled. "Maybe you're right. But you shouldn't be alone down there." Shannchyuan turned to Shinnshiow. "Would you like to go down there?"

Shinnshiow was surprised at Shannchyuan's question. He felt a little doubtful.

"If you're still sleepy, let me take your place. I'm ready to go down there again." Jenqyih immediately opened his mouth before Shinnshiow could say anything.

"It is not like that." Shinnshiow straightened his body. He couldn't find the words that matched what he was thinking.

"Then what do you mean?" Jenqyih asked.


Shinnshiow took a deep breath. "Okay, I'll come down." Finally, Shinnshiow complied with Shannchyuan's request.