The man in the dark green coat didn't answer. He even ate voraciously. The way he ate reminded Chioujen of his beaushu, Shannchyuan. Upon closer inspection, of course, with stealth, Chioujen realized this person did indeed look a little like Shannchyuan. That person was thinner than Shannchyuan. But as Chioujen recalled, Shannchyuan was also very skinny many years ago. Although the frequency and amount of food that entered Shannchyuan's stomach was very high, his body's fast metabolism made him difficult to gain weight. Shannchyuan didn't gain weight until he was close to forty. When Chioujen last saw him about six months ago, Shannchyuan weighed sixty kilograms. Chioujen still remembered when Shannchyuan was in her twenties. He never weighed over forty-five kilograms. According to Chioujen's estimation, this person in the dark green coat weighed only about fifty-two to fifty-five kilograms.
"After this project is finished, I will move at once," said the man in the dark green coat.
"How much longer will this project you're working on be over?"
"I can't say for sure yet. Maybe between two weeks and a month. But it depends on other things too. Maybe there will be new developments that will require me to stay here longer."
"Oh, I see! Then where do you want to go next? Are you going to tackle the new project right away?"
"Still don't know. But I don't think so. In fact, this project is just about to enter the next stage."
"Then the case of Huangmuh and the others who had disappeared would likely not interest you."
"I still don't know. There's so much I still need to do on this project."
"What stage have you reached?"
"This observation stage is only the initial stage. There are still many stages to go through. Of course, with the help of several assistants and people who are willing to help me."
"In this early stage, is there no one else to help you?"
"Of course there are. But they're not always around. Only at certain times."
"Don't your assistants always report to you? As far as I know, you ordered them to observe also?"
"Yes, in past projects, sometimes they also observe. In this project, they also observe several times. Even though I usually order them to observe from a distance. Don't interact with the object we are observing. I want their report to feel more natural," said the man in the dark green coat.
"Then how did it turn out? In this project, do you feel their reports are more natural?"
"It was the same."
The man in the brown jacket laughed. "Isn't that just how you feel?"
"It's also possible that I've been less sensitive lately, so I can't judge reports well. Even so, their reports are quite detailed. They do add some unnecessary things sometimes."
"I don't understand. Please explain further."
"I have two assistants who have extraordinary powers of imagination. When I read their reports, I feel like reading a novel. They love to embellish what they observe with their imagination. This is, of course, not what I want. Clearly, it is not their job to mix facts with fictitious things. I warned them. But still, such a habit is hard to change. Luckily I've been doing this since time immemorial, so I can predict which part of their report is fact and which part is just fantasy only."